Using Rasch Measurement To Visualize How Clerkship and Extracurricular Experiences Impact Preparedness for Residency in an Undergraduate Medical Program
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National survey data provided to institutions are often only used for reporting purposes and not typically used for secondary data analysis to provide actionable changes. We describe the use of Rasch analysis on data from the AAMC GQMedical School Graduation Questionnaire (GQ) from one allopathic undergraduate medical school to determine the impact of the clinical clerkship experience and participation in extracurricular activities on perception of preparedness for residency. We show how to use Rasch analysis to elucidate the types of activities that could be beneficial to students given their clerkship experience and how other institutions can do the same to help inform curricular changes.
Repository Citation
Romine, W. L.,
& Todd, A.
(2023). Using Rasch Measurement To Visualize How Clerkship and Extracurricular Experiences Impact Preparedness for Residency in an Undergraduate Medical Program. Advances in Applications of Rasch Measurement in Science Education, 291-314.