Creation Date
Boonshoft School of Medicine Oral History Project
This is the second in a series of interviews with Ms. Susan Williams, Assistant to the Dean of the Wright State University School of Medicine. In this interview, Ms. Williams continues her discussion of her career with the School of Medicine begun in the first interview. This second interview covers the period from the arrival of the second Dean, Dr. William D. Sawyer, to the present.
Ms. Williams discusses her appointment to the position of Assistant to the Dean, her responsibilities and activities, and her interaction with the faculty and staff of the School. Ms. Williams also compares and contrasts the leadership and management styles of Dean Beljan and Dean Sawyer. She goes on to describe the tenure and administration of Dean William D. Sawyer.
In the third and last part of the interview, Ms. Williams reflects back on her involvement with the School and discusses some of the highlights of her career with the School.
Susan Williams
James St. Peter
Digital Publisher
Digital Services Department; Wright State University Libraries
Document Type
Oral Recording
Digitization Specifications
PlusDeck 2c PC Cassette Deck
Included in
History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Commons, Medicine and Health Sciences Commons