Document Type

Master's Culminating Experience

Publication Date



Objective: The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the execution of emergency preparedness procedures of the west central Ohio region during a radiological event. Preparedness plans were generated by the Dayton Metropolitan Medical Response System and Public Health – Dayton and Montgomery County, which would later be disseminated to eight counties in west central Ohio.

Methods: Two live scenarios, a region-wide functional exercise and a Medical Reserve Corps training exercise, were used to test different procedures and protocols for a radiological event relevant to various first response agencies (public health, law enforcement, emergency medical systems, hospitals, etc.). Exercise evaluation guidelines were used as metrics to determine exercise effectiveness for public health, emergency management agencies, and hospitals.

Results: Establishment of partnerships and resources among first responders was established and recognized as major strengths. Areas for improvement from each exercise includes providing assistance and emergency information to populations with special needs and updating of guideline materials. Establishment of a community reception center response was also recognized for population monitoring purposes.

Conclusions: Overall, both exercise opportunities yielded strengths and areas for improvement to better prepare for a radiological event. Further review of other local, state, and federal best-practice guidelines will improve overall preparedness planning for future scenarios. Improving communication, knowledge of resources and establishing connections among sister agencies and other first response agencies will be needed in the future to ensure a meaningful understanding of the regional radiological response preparedness plan.

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