Blood Pressure Outcomes in NICU-Admitted Infants with Neonatal Hypertension: A Pediatric Nephrology Research Consortium Study

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To describe the blood pressure outcomes of NICU-admitted infants with idiopathic (non-secondary) hypertension (HTN) who were discharged on antihypertensive therapy.

Study Design

Retrospective ,multicenter study of 14 centers within the Pediatric Nephrology Research Consortium (PNRC). We included all infants with a diagnosis of idiopathic HTN discharged from neonatal intensive care units (NICU) on antihypertensive treatment. The primary outcome was time to discontinuation of antihypertensive therapy, grouped into ≤6 months, >6 months – 1 year, and > 1 year). Comparisons between groups were made with chi-squared tests, Fisher’s exact tests, and analysis of variance.


Data from 118 infants (66% male) were included. Calcium channel blockers were the most prescribed class of antihypertensives (56%) in the cohort. The percentages remaining on antihypertensives after NICU discharge were 60% at 6 months, 26% at 1 year, and 7% at 2 years. Antenatal steroid treatment was associated with decreased likelihood of antihypertensive therapy >1 year after discharge.


This multicenter study reports that most NICU-admitted infants diagnosed with idiopathic HTN will discontinue antihypertensive treatment by 2 years after NICU discharge. These data provide important insights into the outcome of neonatal HTN but should be confirmed prospectively.



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