
Creation Date
The exhibition "With a View Toward the Public: Dayton's Alternative Spaces Residency Program, 1977-1983" was held at the Robert and Elaine Stein Galleries at Wright State University from April 7 through May 5, 2002.
Robert and Elaine Stein Galleries, Wright State University
Digital Publisher
Digital Services Department, Wright State University Libraries
Repository Citation
"View Toward Public 008" (2002). With a View Toward the Public: Dayton's Alternative Spaces Residency Program, 1977-1983. 8.
Art, Art--Exhibition techniques, Photography, Art--Grant, Art museums, Ohio Arts Council, Colonel White High School for the Arts, Gallery, Dayton, Ohio, Group show, Sculpture, National Endowment for the Arts, College art museums, With a View Toward the Public: Dayton's Alternative Spaces Residency Program, 1977-1983, Ohio Arts Council grant, Wright State University. Robert and Elaine Stein Galleries, College facilities, Endowments, Paul Wick, Suzanne Domine Mitolo, Edward Levine