The Rx Drug Abuse Educational Video Series is an educational series on prescription drug disorders produced by the Center for Interventions, Treatment & Addictions Research (CITAR) at the Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine. The series was produced to meet an educational objective under a contract from Public Health — Dayton and Montgomery County (PHDMC). This project was funded, in part, by the Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and administered by the Ohio Department of Health (ODH). The contents of the series are solely the responsibility of the presenters and do not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC, ODH, PHDMC or Wright State University.

The series was created and developed by Russel Falck, M.A., associate professor of community health and project PI, with Robert Carlson, Ph.D., professor of community health, project co-PI and CITAR director; Raminta Daniulaityte, Ph.D., research assistant professor of community health and project co-investigator; and Tim Lane, M.Ed., the project's injury prevention coordinator. Videotaping and editing was provided by Wright State's Computing and Telecommunications Services.


Submissions from 2011

Alternatives to Opioids for Pain Management, Ricardo M. Buenaventura M.D.

Pain Management Contracts, Ricardo M. Buenaventura M.D.

Drug Overdose in Montgomery County: The Scope of the Problem, D. Timothy Lane

Substance Use Disorders, Brenda J. B. Roman

Treating Substance Use Disorders, Brenda J. B. Roman

Talking with Someone About Prescription Drug Abuse, Monica Sutter R.N.

Multiple Drug Prescriptions: Patient Perspectives, Douglas W. Teller M.D.

Prescribing Multiple Drugs: Prescriber Perspectives, Douglas W. Teller M.D.

Prescription Drugs and Their Effects, Douglas W. Teller M.D.