Lithic Organic Residue Analysis: An Example from the Southwestern Archaic

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Organic residue analysis from the surface and edges of lithic artifacts is a useful technique to determine stone tool function. This study reports the results of organic residue analysis from 55 stone tools excavated from Hinds Cave in the lower Pecos region of southwestern Texas. Organic residue analysis is combined with stone tool edge-angle and use-wear analysis to determine correlations between tool type and tool function, and types of material used for hafting tools to handles. Although a wide variety of organic residue was observed on the tools, rodent hair and plant debris, mainly of rhaphid phytoliths and various epidermal fiber fragments, were the most prevalent. The study indicates that the stone tools were multipurpose, used for slicing or cutting both plant and animal remains. The most common hafting material was from yucca and agave fiber.


