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MS-192: Andrew S. Iddings Wright Brothers Homecoming Celebration Collection


The image shows a float, with a bald eagle on the side, being pulled by ten white horses. Riding on the float is the Parade Queen, Helen B. Fishter, who is holding a model of the Wright Flyer. Fishter was dressed to resemble Columbia, representing the United States of America. Riding on the float with her are individuals, who represented all the nations in the world, paying homage to the Wright Brother's and their invention. During the 1909 Wright Brothers Homecoming Celebration the history of locomotion in America section of the parade featured floats representing various modes of transportation starting with the birch bark canoe and ending with a model of the Wright Flyer. All of the floats for the parade were sculpted by Joseph Horchert and designed by Henry Kabierske. Kabierske, of Fischer and Sons in Philadelphia, also designed most of the decorations for the event.

Publisher Repository

Special Collections and Archives; Wright State University Libraries

Digital Publisher

Digital Services Department; Wright State University Libraries

Document Type


Media Type

Photographic Negative


Special Collections and Archives provides reprints or digital copies of our materials for a fee. For further information please visit their website or call (937) 775-2092.

Date Digital


Digitization Specification

Epson Expression 10000 XL


ms192_096; Actors; Flags--United States; Parade Queens; Streets--Ohio--Dayton; Spectators; Fishter, Helen B.; Airplanes; Kabierske, Henry; Courts and courtiers; Streets--Ohio; Parades; Horchert, Joseph A.; Parade floats; Dayton (Ohio) Wright Brothers Homecoming Celebration -- 1909; Dayton--Streets; Queensms192_096; Actors; Flags--United States; Parade Queens; Streets--Ohio--Dayton; Spectators; Fishter; Helen B.; Airplanes; Kabierske; Henry; Courts and courtiers; Streets--Ohio; Parades; Horchert; Joseph A.; Parade floats; Dayton (Ohio) Wright Brothers Homecoming Celebration -- 1909; Dayton--Streets; Queens


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