Revitalizing an Urban Community College Women's Resource Center: Kingsborough Community College--The City University of New York


Estelle Miller

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This article describes the creation, administration, and services of an urban community college women's center. Information is provided on the center's advisory board charged with broadening the base of support, advising on policy formation, long-term planning, and program development. Strategies utilized to promote the center (e.g., publications, public bulletin boards, Web-based programs, community newspaper advertisements, and press releases of major events) are described. The roles of collaboration and student surveys as sources of programming ideas are presented, along with programming initiatives implemented in order to address campus concerns with recruitment and retention. These programs include math anxiety workshops, weekly tutorials, and a reading group that utilizes stories emphasizing race, gender, and ethnicity. Information is also presented concerning the center's evaluation plan, factors that have contributed to the center's success (e.g., Advisory Board and student surveys), a summary of lessons learned, and a description of the outreach services provided by the center, which resulted in a 25% increase in participation between the 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 academic years


Featured in the LeagueTLC (Transformational Learning Connections) monthly online column, "Innovation Express: Exploring Issues, Innovations, and New Developments with Information Technology Professionals."

Laguna Hills, CA: League for Innovation in the Community College
