Submissions from 2006
Overcoming Resistance to Interferon-Induced Apoptosis of Renal Carcinoma and Melanoma Cells by DNA Demethylation, Frederic J. Reu, Soo In Bae, Leonid Cherkassky, Douglas W. Leaman, Daniel Lindner, Normand Beaulieu, A. Robert MacLeod, and Ernest C. Borden
Expression of RASSF1A, an Epigenetically Silenced Tumor Suppressor, Overcomes Resistance to Apoptosis Induction by Interferons, Frederic J. Reu, Douglas W. Leaman, Ratan R. Maitra, Soo In Bae, Leonid Cherkassky, Mark W. Fox, Donald R. Remipinski, Normand Beaulieu, A. Robert MacLeod, and Ernest C. Borden
Deer Density Reduction Without a 12-Gauge Shotgun (Wisconsin), Thomas P. Rooney
Population Demography and Herbivory of Trillium grandiflorum: Implications for Trillium Conservation, Thomas P. Rooney and Kendra C. Millam
Cascading Host-Associated Genetic Differentiation in Parasitoids of Phytophagous Insects, John O. Stireman III, John D. Nason, Stephen B. Heard, and Julie M. Seehawer
Cascading Host-Associated Genetic Differentiation in Parasitoids of Phytophagous Insects, John O. Stireman III, John D. Nason, Stephen B. Heard, and Julie M. Seehawer
Tachinidae: Evolution, Behavior, and Ecology, John O. Stireman III, James E. O'Hara, and Monty Wood
IFN-α1,8 Inhibits Tumor-Induced Angiogenesis in Murine Angiosarcomas, Kevin L. Taylor, Rhonda K. Oates, Ron Grane, Douglas W. Leaman, Ernest C. Borden, and Daniel J. Lindner
Substratum as a Driver of Variation in Periphyton Chlorophyll and Productivity in Lakes, Yvonne Vadeboncoeur
Efficiencies of Benthic and Pelagic Trophic Pathways in a Subalpine Lake, M. J. Vander Zanden, Sudeep Chandra, Sang-Kyu Park, Yvonne Vadeboncoeur, and Charles R. Goldman
Submissions from 2005
Implications of Spatial Autocorrelation and Dispersal for the Modeling of Species Distributions, Volker Bahn
Dispersal and the Relative Importance of Local Recruits Versus Immigrants in Affecting Animal Distributions: A Simulation Study, Volker Bahn, Raymond J. O'Connor, and William B. Krohn
The Effects of Dispersal on Animal Distributions: A Simulation Model, Volker Bahn, Raymond J. O'Connor, and William B. Krohn
The Genetics of Ray Pattern Variation in Caenorhabditis briggsae, Scott Everet Baird, Cynthia R. Davidson, and Justin C. Bohrer
Testing the Optimal Defense Theory and the Growth-differentiation Balance Hypothesis in Arabidopsis thaliana, Kathryn Barto and Don Cipollini
Expression of Constitutive and Inducible Chemical Defenses in Native and Invasive Populations of Alliaria petiolata, Don Cipollini, Jeanne Mbagwu, Kathryn Barto, Carl Hillstrom, and Stephanie Enright
Testing Predictions of the Evolution of Increased Competitive Ability Hypothesis in Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata): Chemical Defenses and Growth in European and North American Populations, Don Cipollini, Jeanne Mbagwu, Kathryn Barto, Carl Hillstrom, and Stephanie Enright
Impact of the Invasive Species Lonicera maackii on Individual Plants and Plant Community Structure, Monica Dorning
Evaluating Forensic DNA Evidence: What Software Can and Cannot Do, Dan E. Krane
Evaluating Forensic DNA Evidence, Dan E. Krane and William C. Thompson
2-5A Antisense Treatment of Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Douglas W. Leaman
Terrestrial Locomotion does not Constrain Venous Return in the American Alligator, Alligator mississippiensis., Suzanne L. Munns, Lynn K. Hartzler, Albert F. Bennett, and James W. Hicks
Evidence that the Caterpillar Salivary Enzyme Glucose Oxidase Provides Herbivore Offense in Solanaceous Plants, Richard O. Musser, Don Cipollini, Sue M. Hum-Musser, Spencer A. Williams, Judith K. Brown, and Gary W. Felton
Predictability and Change Over Fifty Years in Southern Wisconsin Forests, David A. Rogers, Thomas P. Rooney, and Donald M. Waller
Distribution of Ecologically-Invasive Plants Along Off-Road Vehicle Trails in the Chequamegon National Forest, Wisconsin, Thomas P. Rooney
A Citizen’s Guide to Ecology by Lawrence B. Slobodkin (Review), Thomas P. Rooney
Prairie, a North American Guide by Suzanne Winckler (Review), Thomas P. Rooney
Local Versus Landscape Predictors of Invasive Plant Colonization and Abundance in Midwestern Forests, Thomas P. Rooney, David A. Rogers, Todd J. Hawbaker, Volker C. Radeloff, and Donald M. Waller
Vertebrate GLD2 Poly(A) Polymerases in the Germline and the Brain, Labib Rouhana, Liaoteng Wang, Natascha Buter, Jae Eun Kwak, Craig A. Schiltz, Tania Gonzalez, Ann E. Kelley, Charles F. Landry, and Marvin Wickens
Pathomechanism of Ligamentum Flavum Hypertrophy: A Multidisciplinary Investigation Based on Clinical, Biomechanical, Histologic, and Biologic Assessments, Koichi Sairyo, Ashok Biyani, Vijay K. Goel, Douglas W. Leaman, Robert Booth, Jean Thomas, Daniel Gehling, Sri L. Vishnubhotla, Rebecca Long, and Nabil Ebraheim
A Clinical, Histological, Biomechanical and Biological Study Hypertrophy of Lumbar Ligamentum Flavum, Koichi Sairyo, Ashok Biyani, Douglas W. Leaman, Robert Booth, Jean Thomas, Daniel Gehling, Vijay K. Goel, Sri L. Vishnubhotla, and Nabil Ebraheim
The Tri-trophic Niche Concept and Adaptive Radiation of Phytophagous Insects, Michael S. Singer and John O. Stireman III
Phylogenetic Reconstruction of Exoristinae Using Molecular Data: a Bayesian re-analysis, John O. Stireman III
The Evolution of Generalization? Parasitoid Flies and the Perils of Inferring Host Range Evolution from Phylogenies, John O. Stireman III
Climatic Unpredictability and Parasitism Of Caterpillars: Implications of Global Warming, John O. Stireman III, Lee A. Dyer, D. H. Janzen, M. S. Singer, J. T. Lill, R. J. Marquis, R. E. Ricklefs, G. L. Gentry, W. Hallwachs, P. D. Coley, J. A. Barone, H. F. Greeney, H. Connahs, P. Barbosa, H. C. Morais, and I. R. Diniz
Top-down Forces in Managed and Unmanaged Habitats, John O. Stireman III, Lee A. Dyer, and Robert Matlock
Cascading Host Associated Genetic Differentiation across Trophic Levels: Parasitoids of Phytophagous Insects on Goldenrob, John O. Stireman III, John D. Nason, and Stephen B. Heard
Host-Associated Genetic Differentiation in Phytophagous Insects: General Phenomenon or Isolated Exceptions? Evidence from a Goldenrod Insect Community, John O. Stireman III, John D. Nason, and Stephen B. Heard
Involvement of Noxa in Cellular Apoptotic Responses to Interferon, Double-stranded RNA, and Virus Infection, Yaping Sun and Douglas W. Leaman
Effects of Multi-chain Omnivory on the Strength of Trophic Control in Lakes, Yvonne Vadeboncoeur, Kevin S. McCann, M. J. Vander Zanden, and Joseph B. Rasmussen
Is Pelagic Top-down Control in Lakes Augmented by Benthic Energy Pathways?, M. J. Vander Zanden, Timothy E. Essington, and Yvonne Vadeboncoeur
Primary Consumer Stable Nitrogen Isotopes as Indicators of Nutrient Source, M. J. Vander Zanden, Yvonne Vadeboncoeur, Matthew W. Diebel, and Erik Jeppesen
Submissions from 2004
The Role of Dispersal in Shaping Bird Distributions, Volker Bahn, William B. Krohn, and Raymond J. O'Connor
Gene Expression Enhancement by Inhibitors of Methylation: Potential Role in Augmentation of Apoptosis Induced by Interferons (IFNs) in Melanoma and Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC), Ernest C. Borden, F. J. Rue, M. W. Fox, N. Beaulieu, Douglas W. Leaman, and A. R. MacLeod
Regulation of Gene Expression by Pegylated IFN-α2b and IFN-α2b in Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, Diana L. Brassard, Marc M. DeLorenzo, Stuart Cox, Douglas W. Leaman, Yaping Sun, Wei Ding, Sean Gavor, Jeffrey Spond, Federico Goodsaid, Ronald Bordens, and Michael J. Grace
Inland Habitat Associations of Marbled Murrelets on Southwest Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Alan E. Burger and Volker Bahn
Signal Through the Noise? Phylogeny of the Tachinidae (Diptera) as Inferred from Morphological Evidence, Pierfilippo Cerretti, James E. O'Hara, D. Montgomery Wood, Hiroshi Shima, Diego J. Inclán, and John O. Stireman III
Chemical Defenses in Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and their Potential Role in Species Interactions in Forest Understories, Don Cipollini
Stretching the Limits of Plasticity: Can a Plant Defend Against both Competitors and Herbivores?, Don Cipollini
Salicylic Acid Inhibits Jasmonic Acid-induced Resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana to Spodoptera exigua, Don Cipollini, Stephanie Enright, M. B. Traw, and Joy Bergelson
Ecological Impacts of Deer Overabundance, Steeve D. Côté, Thomas P. Rooney, Jean-Pierre Tremblay, Christian Dussault, and Donald M. Waller
Ecological Causes and Consequences of Variation in Defensive Chemistry of a Neotropical Shrub, Lee A. Dyer, D. K. Letourneau, C. D. Dodson, M. A. Tobler, John O. Stireman III, and A. Hsu
Contribution of the Hepatic Piston to Ventilation in the American Alligator, Alligator mississipiensis, Lynn K. Hartzler, Suzanne L. Munns, and James W. Hicks
Evaluating Forensic DNA Evidence, Dan E. Krane
Evaluating Forensic DNA Evidence: Essential Elements of a Competent Defense Review, Dan E. Krane
Forensic DNA Evidence: Collection, Mixtures, and Degradation, Dan E. Krane
Does Steeplebush (Spiraea Tomentosa) Facilitate Pollination of Virginia Meadow Beauty (Rhexia Virginica)?, Raffica J. LaRosa, David A. Rogers, Thomas P. Rooney, and Donald M. Waller
Cardiorespiratory Coupling during Terrestrial Locomotion in Reptiles: Consequences of Intra-Abdominal Pressure and Respiratory Mechanics, Suzanne L. Munns, Lynn K. Hartzler, Albert F. Bennett, and James W. Hicks
Elevated Intra-Abdominal Pressure Limits Venous Return during Exercise in Varanus exanthematicus, Suzanne L. Munns, Lynn K. Hartzler, Albert F. Bennett, and James W. Hicks
The Interaction of the Respiratory and Cardiac Pumps during Locomotion in Reptiles, Suzanne L. Munns, Lynn K. Hartzler, Albert F. Bennett, and James W. Hicks
Microarray Analysis of Nitric Oxide Responsive Transcripts in Arabidopsis, Madasamy Parani, Sairam Rudrabhatla, Rachel Myers, Heatherbea Weirich, Bruce Smith, Douglas W. Leaman, and Stephen L. Goldman
Species Losses, Invasions and Homogenization in Wisconsin Forests Over 50 years, David A. Rogers, Thomas P. Rooney, and Donald M. Waller
Species Co-Occurrence Patterns in Temperate Forest Herb Communities: Are They Stable Through Time?, Thomas P. Rooney, David A. Rogers, and Donald M. Waller
Monitoring Nonnative Plant Invasions Over Fifty Years in Wisconsin Forests, Thomas P. Rooney, David A. Rogers, Shannon M. Wiegmann, and Donald M. Waller
Biotic Impoverishment and Homogenization in Unfragmented Forest Understory Communities, Thomas P. Rooney, Shannon M. Wiegmann, David A. Rogers, and Donald M. Waller
Cardiac Overexpression of Myotrophin Triggers Myocardial Hypertrophy and Heart Failure in Transgenic Mice, Sagartirtha Sarkar, Douglas W. Leaman, Sudhiranjan Gupta, Parames Sil, David Young, Annitta Morehead, Debabrata Mukherjee, Norman Ratliff, Yaping Sun, Mary Rayborn, Joe Hollyfield, and Subha Sen
Roles of Food Quality and Enemy-free Space in Host Use by a Generalist Insect Herbivore, Michael S. Singer, Daniela Rodrigues, John O. Stireman III, and Yves Carrière
Roles of Food Quality and Enemy-Free Space in Host Use by a Generalist Insect Herbivore, M.S. Singer, D. Rodrigues, John O. Stireman III, and Y. Carrière
Ectopic Expression of Toll-Like Receptor-3 (TLR-3) Overcomes the Double-Stranded RNA (dsRNA) Signaling Defects of P2.1 Cells, Yaping Sun and Douglas W. Leaman
Nature is Changing in More Ways Than One, Donald M. Waller and Thomas P. Rooney
Submissions from 2003
Habitat Suitability Mapping for Marbled Murrelets in Clayoquot Sound, Volker Bahn and Deanna Newsom
Model Selection for Species Distribution models incorporating Spatial Autocorrelation, Volker Bahn, Raymond J. O'Connor, and William B. Krohn
Induced Defenses, Don Cipollini
Genetic Variation and Relationships of Constitutive and Herbivore-Induced Glucosinolates, Trypsin Inhibitors, and Herbivore Resistance in Brassica rapa, Don Cipollini, Jeremiah W. Busch, Kirk A. Stowe, Ellen L. Simms, and Joy Bergelson
Cost of Induced Responses in Plants, Don Cipollini, Colin B. Purrington, and Joy Bergelson
Synergistic Effects of Three Piper Amides on Generalist and Specialist Herbivores, Lee A. Dyer, C. D. Dodson, John O. Stireman III, M. A. Tobler, A. M. Smilanich, R. M. Fincher, and D. K. Letourneau
Community-wide Trophic Cascades and Other Indirect Interactions in an Agricultural Community, Lee A. Dyer and John O. Stireman III
pH Regulation in Ectothermic Vertebrates Digestion and Exercise-Induced Changes, Lynn K. Hartzler, Suzanne L. Munns, Albert F. Bennett, and James W. Hicks
Recovery from Exhaustive Exercise in the American Alligator, Alligator mississipiensis, Lynn K. Hartzler, Suzanne L. Munns, Albert F. Bennett, and James W. Hicks
Recovery from Intense Activity in the American Alligator, Alligator mississipiensis, Lynn K. Hartzler, Suzanne L. Munns, Albert F. Bennett, and James W. Hicks
Contribution of Cardiac Shunt to Recovery from an Exhaustive Exercise Bout in the American Alligator, Alligator mississipiensis, Lynn K. Hartzler, Suzanne L. Munns, and James W. Hicks
A Gentle Introduction to (or Review of) Fundamentals of Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, Dan E. Krane and Michael L. Raymer
Analyzing Algorithms & Asymptotic Notation, Dan E. Krane and Michael L. Raymer
Example Protein Folds, Dan E. Krane and Michael L. Raymer
Fragment Assembly of DNA, Dan E. Krane and Michael L. Raymer
Physical Mapping of DNA, Dan E. Krane and Michael L. Raymer
Protein Alignment Scoring - PAM and BLOSUM, Dan E. Krane and Michael L. Raymer
Protein Structure, Function, and Folding, Dan E. Krane and Michael L. Raymer
Searching Sequence Databases, Dan E. Krane and Michael L. Raymer
Sequence Alignments and Database Searches, Dan E. Krane and Michael L. Raymer
The Structure and Functions of Proteins, Dan E. Krane and Michael L. Raymer
DNA in the Courtroom, Dan E. Krane and William C. Thompson
Novel Growth and Death Related Interferon-Stimulated Genes (ISGs) in Melanoma: Greater Potency of IFN-β Compared with IFN-α2, Douglas W. Leaman, Mamta Chawla-Sarkar, Barbara S. Jacobs, Keyur Vyas, Yaping Sun, Aylin Ozdemir, Taolin Yi, Bryan R. Williams, and Ernest C. Borden
The Effects of Exercise on Venous Return, Blood Pressure and Abdominal Pressure in Varanus exanthematicus, Suzanne L. Munns, Lynn K. Hartzler, Colleen G. Farmer, Albert F. Bennett, and James W. Hicks
The Effects of Exercise on Venous Return, Blood Pressure and Abdominal Pressure in Varanus exanthematicus, Suzanne L. Munns, Lynn K. Hartzler, Colleen G. Farmer, Albert F. Bennett, and James W. Hicks
Comparison of Species Loss Between Northern and Southern Forests Over a Fifty Year Period, David A. Rogers, Thomas P. Rooney, Shannon M. Wiegmann, and Donald M. Waller
Historical Changes in Northwoods Understory Communities: Effects of Exotic Earthworm Invasion and Overbrowsing on the Abundance of Native Lilies and Exotic Plants, Thomas P. Rooney
Population Demography and Herbivory in Trillium grandiflorum, Thomas P. Rooney
A Demographic Study of Deer Browsing Impacts on Trillium grandiflorum, Thomas P. Rooney and Kevin Gross