
Submissions from 2011

Natural History of Eryphanis greeneyi (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) and Its Enemies, with a Description of a New Species of Braconid Parasitoid and Notes on Its Tachinid Parasitoid, Harold F. Greeney, James B. Whitfield, John O. Stireman III, Carla M. Penz, and Lee A. Dyer


Avian Community Ecology and the Shifting Baseline in Sugarcreek Metropark, Jennifer Lynne Hays, Thomas P. Rooney, and Jeffrey L. Peters

The Effect of Dreissenid Invasions on Chlorophyll and the Chlorophyll : Total Phosphorus Ratio in North-temperate Lakes, Scott N. Higgins, M. J. Vander Zanden, L. N. Joppa, and Yvonne Vadeboncoeur

Variation in Phenotypic Plasticity among Native and Invasive Populations of Alliaria petiolata, Carl Hillstrom and Don Cipollini

Tachinid (Diptera: Tachinidae) Parasitoid Diversity and Temporal Abundance at a Single Site in the Northeastern United States, Diego J. Inclán and John O. Stireman III


Temporal Variation in Cyprinidae Morphology – 100 Years of Stream Alteration and Evolutionary Response, Stephen J. Jacquemin

Fishes of Indiana Streams: Current and Historic Assemblage Structure, Stephen J. Jacquemin and Mark Pyron

Impacts of Past Glaciation Events on Contemporary Fish Assemblages of the Ohio River Basin, Stephen J. Jacquemin and Mark Pyron


The effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) Fungal and Garlic Mustard Introductions on native AM Fungal Diversity, Alexander M. Koch, Pedro M. Antunes, Kathryn Barto, Don Cipollini, Daniel L. Mummey, and John N. Klironomos

Long-term Fish Assemblages of Inner Bends in a Large River, Mark Pyron, Jayson Beugly, Amy Pritchett, Stephen J. Jacquemin, T. E. Lauer, and J. R. Gammon

The Role of Trait‐based Approaches in Understanding Stream Fish Assemblages, Mark Pyron, Lance Williams, Jayson Beugly, and Stephen J. Jacquemin

Variability in Body Fat Measurements, Brittany Reinert, Roberta L. Pohlman, and Lynn K. Hartzler

Colonization and Effects of Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata), European Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica), and Bell's Honeysuckle (Lonicera X bella) on Understory Plants After Five Decades in Southern Wisconsin Forests, Thomas P. Rooney and David A. Rogers


Involvement of Noxa in Mediating Cellular ER Stress Responses to Lytic Virus Infection, Shaun Rosebeck, Kuladeep Sudini, Tiannan Chen, and Douglas W. Leaman


Caenorhabditis briggsae Recombinant Inbred Line Genotypes Reveal Inter-strain Incompatibility and the Evolution of Recombination, Joseph A. Ross, Daniel C. Koboldt, Julia E. Staisch, Helen M. Chamberlin, Bhagwati P. Gupta, Raymond D. Miller, Scott Everet Baird, and Eric S. Haag

Impacts of the Interaction between Viral Pathogens and Mutualistic Fungi on Plant Performance Under Elevated CO2, Megan A. Rúa, Jeff Barton, James Umbanhowar, Shuijin Hu, and Charles E. Mitchell

Host Genotype Alters Endophyte Effects in Viral Infected Grasses, Megan A. Rúa, Rebecca L. McCulley, and Charles E. Mitchell

Pathogens, Plant, Megan A. Rúa and Charles E. Mitchell

The Role of Viruses in Biological Invasions: Friend or Foe?, Megan A. Rúa, Emily C. Pollina, Alison G. Power, and Charles E. Mitchell


Effects of XS® Energy Drink on Aerobic Exercise Capacity of Athletes, Kevin M. Sheehan and Lynn K. Hartzler

Composition and Stratification of a Tachinid (Diptera: Tachinidae) Parasitoid Community in a European Temperate Plain Forest, John O. Stireman III, Pierfilippo Cerretti, Daniel Whitmore, Sönke Hardersen, and Damiano Gianelle


Borders of Biodiversity: Life at the Edge of the World's Large Lakes, Yvonne Vadeboncoeur, Peter B. McIntyre, and M. J. Vander Zanden

Differential Effects of Nutrient Availability on the Secondary Metabolism of Austrian pine (Pinus nigra) phloem and Resistance to Diplodia pinea, C. Wallis, A. Eyles, Rodrigo Chorbadjian, Ken Riedl, S. Schwartz, Robert Hansen, Don Cipollini, Daniel A. Herms, and Pierluigi Bonello


Temperature Cues Phenological Synchrony in Ant-Mediated Seed Dispersal, Robert J. Warren II, Volker Bahn, and Mark A. Bradford

Temperature Cues Phenological Synchrony in Ant‐Mediated Seed Dispersal, Robert J. Warren II, Volker Bahn, and Mark A. Bradford


Performance and Reproduction of An Exotic Invader Across Temperate forest Gradients, Robert J. Warren II, Volker Bahn, Timothy D. Kramer, Yaya Tang, and Mark A. Bradford

Ecological Differentiation Among Key Plant Mutualists from a Cryptic Ant Guild, Robert J. Warren II, Patrick McAfee, and Volker Bahn


Carbon Sequestration in Soils of the Wright State University Biology Preserve, Laurie Wissler and Thomas P. Rooney

Fish Reliance on Littoral–Benthic Resources and the Distribution of Primary Production in Lakes, M. J. Vander Zanden, Yvonne Vadeboncoeur, and Sudeep Chandra

Submissions from 2010

Physiological Responses of Invasive Alliaria petiolata and Native Geum vernum to Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and Warm Temperatures, Laurel J. Anderson and Don Cipollini

Physiological Responses of Invasive Alliaria petiolata and Native Geum vernum to Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and Warm Temperatures, Laurel J. Anderson and Don Cipollini

Continental-Scale Variability in Climate History Since the Last Glacial Maximum Provides A Natural Experiment for the Influence of Climate On Duck Distributions (Genus Anas), Volker Bahn, Joshua H. Miller, Patrick McAfee, and Jeffrey L. Peters

Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Protect a Native Plant from Allelopathic Effects of an Invader, Kathryn Barto, Carl Friese, and Don Cipollini

How Novel are the Chemical Weapons of Garlic Mustard in North American Forest Understories?, Kathryn Barto, Jeff R. Powell, and Don Cipollini

Factors Affecting the Availability of Thick Epiphyte Mats and Other Potential Nest Platforms for Marbled Murrelets in British Columbia, Alan E. Burger, Robert A. Ronconi, Michael P. Silvergieter, Catherine Conroy, Volker Bahn, Irene A. Manley, Alvin Cober, and David B. Lank

Factors Affecting the Availability of Potential Nest Platforms for Marbled Murrelets in British Columbia, Alan E. Burger, Robert A. Ronconi, Michael P. Silvergieter, Irene A. Manley, David B. Lank, Catherine Conroy, Volker Bahn, and Alvin Cober

Constitutive Expression of Methyl jasmonate-inducible Responses Delays Reproduction and Constrains Fitness Responses to Nutrients in Arabidopsis thaliana, Don Cipollini

Bacterial Production and Abundance in Littoral Sediment of Oligotrophic Lakes: The Role of Benthic Primary Production and Allochthonous Carbon, Shawn P. Devlin and Yvonne Vadeboncoeur


Diversity of Interactions: A Metric for Studies of Biodiversity, Lee A. Dyer, Thomas R. Walla, Harold F. Greeney, John O. Stireman III, and Rebecca F. Hazen


Isoform-Specific Regulation and Localization of the Coxsackie and Adenovirus Receptor in Human Airway Epithelia, Katherine J.D.A. Excoffon, Nicholas D. Gansemer, Matthew E. Mobily, Philip H. Karp, Kalpaj R. Parekh, and Joseph Zabner

Dissecting the Association Between a Gall Midge, Asteromyia Carbonifera (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and its Symbiotic Fungus, Botryosphaeria Dothidea (Ascomycota: Dothideomycetes), Jeremy J. Heath and John O. Stireman III

Benthic Pelagic Coupling by an Invasive Grazer: Dreissenid Mussel Impacts on Phytoplankton Biomass and the CHL:TP Relationship, S. N. Higgins, M. J. Vander Zanden, L. N. Joppa, and Yvonne Vadeboncoeur


Historical Changes in Relative Weight (Wr) and Abundance of Freshwater Drum Aplodinotus grunniens in the Wabash River., Stephen J. Jacquemin


Symbiont-Mediated Phenotypic Variation Without Co-Evolution in an Insect–Fungus Association, Eric M. Janson, E. R. Peeden, John O. Stireman III, and Patrick Abbot


A Toolkit for Rapid Gene Mapping in the Nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae, Daniel C. Koboldt, Julia E. Staisch, Bavithra Thillainathan, Karen Haines, Scott Everet Baird, Helen M. Chamberlin, Eric S. Haag, Raymond D. Miller, and Bhagwati P. Gupta


Establishing Parameters for Objective Interpretation of DNA Profile Evidence, Dan E. Krane


Evaluating Forensic DNA Evidence, Dan E. Krane


Low Copy Number (LCN) DNA Profiling, Dan E. Krane

Commentary on: A Perspective of Errors, Bias, and Interpretation in the Forensic Sciences and Direction for Continuing Advancement. J Forensic Sci 2009; 54(4): 298-809, Dan E. Krane, Simon Ford, Jason R. Gilder, Keith Inman, Allan Jamieson, Roger Koppl, Irving L. Kornfield, D. Michael Risinger, Norah Rudin, Marc Scott Taylor, and William C. Thompson

Spatial Dynamics and Structure of the North American Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinction, Joshua H. Miller and Volker Bahn


Acaricidal Activity of Eugenol Based Compounds against Scabies Mites, Cielo Pasay, Kate Mounsey, Graeme Stevenson, Rohan Davis, Larry G. Arlian, Marjorie Morgan, DiAnn Vyszenski-Moher, Kathy Andrews, and James McCarthy

Large Predators, Deer, and Trophic Cascades in Boreal and Temperate Ecosystems, William J. Ripple, Thomas P. Rooney, and Robert L. Beschta


Teachers’ Integration of Science and Social Issues Using an Avian Influenza Curriculum Module, Tina M. Roberts, Marcelle A. Siegel, and William L. Romine


Expectations to Success—The Contrasting Journeys of a Teacher and His Coach, William L. Romine, Andrew West, and Mark J. Volkmann


Understory Community Divergence Following Deer Exclusion in a Mixed Conifer-Hardwood Forest, Thomas P. Rooney


What Do We Do With Too Many Deer?, Thomas P. Rooney

Replacing Hay-Mowing with Prescribed Fire Restores Species Diversity and Conservation Value in a Tallgrass Prairie Sampled Thrice: A 59-Year Study, Thomas P. Rooney and Mark K. Leach

Changes in Avian Community Composition at Sugarcreek Metropark between 1978 and 2010, Thomas P. Rooney, Jeffrey L. Peters, and Jennifer Lynne Hays


Different Requirements for Conserved Post-Transcriptional Regulators in Planarian Regeneration and Stem Cell Maintenance, Labib Rouhana, Norito Shibata, Osamu Nishimura, and Kiyokazu Agata

Endophytic Fungi and Climate Change Drivers Interact to Alter Virus Prevalence in Grasses, Megan A. Rúa, Rebecca L. McCulley, and Charles E. Mitchell

Geographic Variation in a Facultative Mutualism: Consequences for Local Arthropod Composition and Diversity, Jennifer A. Rudgers, Amy M. Savage, and Megan A. Rúa


Cellular and Molecular Dissection of Pluripotent Adult Somatic Stem Cells in Planarians, Norito Shibata, Labib Rouhana, and Kiyokazu Agata

Evolutionary Diversification of the Gall Midge Genus Asteromyia (Cecidomyiidae) in a Multitrophic Ecological Context, John O. Stireman III, Hilary Devlin, Timothy G. Carr, and Patrick Abbot

Niche Requirements of an Exotic Invader Across Temperate Forest Gradients, Robert J. Warren II, Volker Bahn, Timothy D. Kramer, Yaya Tang, and Mark A. Bradford

Methyl jasmonate as a Tool to Investigate Induced Responses of Ash to the Emerald Ash Borer, Justin G.A. Whitehill, Don Cipollini, Jennifer L. Koch, Daniel A. Herms, and Pierluigi Bonello


Insights Into Species Divergence and the Evolution of Hermaphroditism From Fertile Interspecies Hybrids of Caenorhabditis Nematodes, Gavin C. Woodruff, Onyinyechi Eke, Scott Everet Baird, Marie-Anne Felix, and Eric S. Haag

Submissions from 2009

A Cross-continental Test of the Enemy Release Hypothesis: Leaf Herbivory on Acer platanoides (L.) is Three Times Lower in North America than in its Native Europe, Jonathan M. Adams, Wei Fang, Ragan M. Callaway, Don Cipollini, Elizabeth Newell, and Transatlantic Acer platanoides Invasion Network (TRAIN)

A New Method for Evaluating Species Distribution Models, Volker Bahn

Density-Dependent Phytotoxicity of Impatiens pallida Plants Exposed to Extracts of Alliaria petiolata, Kathryn Barto and Don Cipollini

Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) Removal Method Affects Native Establishment, Kathryn Barto and Don Cipollini

Half-lives and Field Soil Concentrations of Alliaria petiolata Secondary Metabolites, Kathryn Barto and Don Cipollini


Gray Wolf Recovery Precipitates a Species-Specific Trophic Cascade in the Upper Great Lakes Region, Krystle A. Bouchard, Thomas P. Rooney, Adrian P. Wydeven, and Jane E. Wiedenhoeft

A Powdery Mildew Fungus Levels the Playing Field for Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and a North American Native Plant, Don Cipollini and Stephanie Enright

How Novel are the Chemical Weapons of Garlic Mustard, Alliaria petiolata, in North America?, Don Cipollini, Stephanie Enright, and Kathryn Barto

Amur Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) Management Method Impacts Restoration of Understory Plants in the Presence of White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginiana), Kendra Cipollini, Elizabeth Ames, and Don Cipollini

Assessment of Habitat, Threats and Population Status for the Federally-endangered Wetland Sedge, Northeastern Bulrush, Scirpus ancistrochaetus, Kendra Cipollini, Douglas Burks, Kendra C. Millam, Sarah Girod, Zachary VanGundy, and Don Cipollini

Comments on the Review of Low Copy Number Testing, Jason R. Gilder, Roger Koppl, Irving L. Kornfield, Dan E. Krane, and L. Mueller


Transcriptional Re‐Programming of Primary Macrophages Reveals Distinct Apoptotic and Anti‐Tumoral Functions of IRF-3 and IRF‐7, Delphine Goubau, Raphaëlle Romieu-Mourez, Mayra Solis, Eduardo Hernandez, Thibault Mesplède, Rongtuan Lin, Douglas W. Leaman, and John Hiscott


TThe Immature Stages and Natural History of Antirrhea Adoptiva Porphyrosticta (Watkins, 1928) in Eastern Ecuador (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Morphinae), Harold F. Greeney, Philip J. DeVries, Carla M. Penz, Rafael B. Granizo-T, Heidi Connahs, John O. Stireman III, Thomas R. Walla, and Lee A. Dyer

Central Chemosensitivity in Mammals, Lynn K. Hartzler and Robert W. Putnam


A Preliminary Study of the Diversity and Temporal Patterns of Abundance of Tachinidae in Southwestern Ohio, Diego J. Inclán and John O. Stireman III


Evaluating Forensic DNA Evidence, Dan E. Krane


Scientific Components of DNA Evidence: Molecular Biology and Population Genetics, Dan E. Krane

Time for DNA Disclosure, Dan E. Krane, Volker Bahn, D. Balding, B. Barlow, H. Cash, B. L. Desportes, P. D'Eustachio, K. Devlin, Travis E. Doom, I. Dror, S. Ford, C. Funk, Jason Gilder, G. Hampikian, K. Inman, A. Jamieson, P. E. Kent, R. Koppl, I. Kornfield, S. Krimsky, J. Mnookin, L. Mueller, E. Murphy, D. R. Paoletti, D. A. Petrov, Michael L. Raymer, D. M. Risinger, A. Roth, N. Rudin, W. Sheilds, J. A. Siegel, M. Slatkin, Y. S. Song, T. Speed, C. Spiegelman, P. Sullivan, A. R. Swienton, Thaddeus Tarpey, William C. Thompson, E. Ungvarsky, and S. Zabell

Authors' Response: Sequential Unmasking, Dan E. Krane, Simon Ford, Jason R. Gilder, Keith Inman, Allan Jamieson, Roger Koppl, Irving L. Kornfield, D. Michael Risinger, Norah Rudin, Marc Scott Taylor, and William C. Thompson

Authors' Response to Sequential Unmasking, Dan E. Krane, Simon Ford, Jason R. Gilder, Keith Inman, Allan Jamieson, Roger Koppl, Irving L. Kornfield, D. Michael Risinger, Norah Rudin, William C. Thompson, and Marc Scott Taylor

A Meta-Analysis of Large Carnivore Impacts on Plant Communities Via Trophic Cascades, Bryan D. Murray and Thomas P. Rooney


Habitat Variation among Aquatic Gastropod Assemblages of Indiana, U.S.A., Mark Pyron, Jayson Beugly, Matthew Spielman, Jennifer Pritchett, and Stephen J. Jacquemin


Cost of Reproduction and Artificial Defoliation in Aplectrum hyemale (Orchidaceae), Hetal Rawal and Thomas P. Rooney

Paying the Extinction Debt in Southern Wisconsin Forest Understories, David A. Rogers, Thomas P. Rooney, Todd J. Hawbaker, Volker C. Radeloff, and Donald M. Waller

Separation of Allelopathic and Competitive Effects of Lonicera maackii on the Native Forest Annual Pilea pumila, Daniel M. Romanek and Don Cipollini


Identification and Analysis of Science Teachers’ Preconceptions Related to Avian Influenza, William L. Romine, Marcelle A. Siegel, and Tina M. Roberts

High White-Tailed Deer Densities Benefit Graminoids and Contribute to Biotic Homogenization of Forest Ground-Layer Vegetation, Thomas P. Rooney


How Quickly Do Forests Recover from Deer Impacts? Insights from Wisconsin Exclosure Studies, Thomas P. Rooney


Are Wolf-Mediated Trophic Cascades Boosting Biodiversity in the Great Lakes Region?, Thomas P. Rooney and Dean P. Anderson


Study of Chromatoid Body Ribonucleoprotein Granules in Planarians, Labib Rouhana and Kiyokazu Agata

Impacts of the Interaction between Viral Pathogens and Mutualistic Fungi on Plant Performance Under Elevated CO2, Megan A. Rúa, Jeff Barton, Charles E. Mitchell, James Umbanhowar, and Shuijin Hu

Impacts of the Interaction between Viral Pathogens and Mutualistic Fungi on Plant Performance Under Elevated CO2, Megan A. Rúa, Charles E. Mitchell, James Umbanhowar, and Shuijin Hu

A Fungus Among Us: Broad Patterns of Endophyte Distribution in the Grasses, Jennifer A. Rudgers, Michelle E. Afkhami, Megan A. Rúa, Andrew J. Davitt, Samantha Hammer, and Valerie M. Huguet


Species Richness and Host Associations of Lepidoptera-Attacking Tachinidae in the Northeast Ecuadorian Andes, John O. Stireman III, Harold F. Greeney, and Lee A. Dyer