
Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education


Welcome to the 6th edition of the Electronic Journal of Inclusive Education.

Providing insight into changing the attitudes of regular educators concerning inclusive practice and knowledge concerning accommodating students with special learning needs is the focus of this edition. We also have an article addressing concerns about the use of behavior modification in public school classrooms. As the conversation continues concerning including students with special needs in regular education classrooms, the need for greater awareness and acceptance of the diversity inherent in the human condition becomes clearer in light of the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center. One article highlights dispositions of caring and concern that can be taught in public school classrooms.

We also welcome a new member to our editorial board, Dr. Kimberly G. Griffith.

Dr. Karen A. Verbeke discusses and identifies strategies and approaches to accommodating students with special needs in the regular classroom. This article also highlights the need for ongoing communication and collaboration between regular and special educators to provide for the needs of all students.

Dr. James D. Dunne writes a very cogent rebuttal to the recent criticism of the use of behavior analysis/behavior modification in public school situation. This article highlights four approaches to instruction that have proven to be extremely beneficial not only for students with disabilities but also for all students in general education classrooms. Dr. Dunne provides insight into these well-researched and proven instructional techniques.

Dr. Julie K. Ivey and Dr. Kathryn Reinke document changes in pre-service teachers attitudes to inclusive practice due to the interactions and training they have received during a summer program in environmental education. This article reveals the need for pre-service preparation for inclusive practice for both regular and special educators and highlights the resistance by regular educators to inclusive practice and settings.

Dr. Everington, Dr. Stevens, and Ms. Kozar-Kocsis surveyed regular educators efforts to differentiate instruction for students with disabilities as well as for unidentified students with different learning needs. Their study reveals that experienced educators can and do differentiate instruction and work "in the spirit of inclusive education."

Dr. Griffith, Dr. Cooper and Dr. Ringlaben provide a paradigm and model for full acceptance of student with disabilities in regular education classrooms. Unique to their approach is the effort to make "students with disabilities part of a circle of relationships rather than the center of relationships". This article highlights the need to teach caring dispositions in public education.

This current edition continues the conversation and enhances the knowledge base concerning inclusive practice and access to knowledge within the public school. We hope you enjoy and learn from the reading of it.
