
Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education


Welcome to the Spring/Summer 2009 Edition of The Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education. The conversation concerning inclusion continues to reflect and international representation. However in this edition we have a number of voices unique to this culture and this perspective.

Kimberly Rombach of State University of New York College in Cortland provides a synthesis of the research concerning inclusive education. Additionally, the article introduces an Inclusion Definition Instrument (IDI) to help researchers identify specific characteristics of inclusion aid in their research.

Norma S. Blecker, Richard Stockton, and Norma J Boakes of Stockton college of New Jersey survey both general and special educators dispositions concerning the inclusive class. Though teachers believe in the concept of inclusion and benefit to students with special needs, there is less agreement as to methods to achieve inclusive practice. The voices of teachers explain their concerns.

Alyssa Barnes of the University of Georgia researches effective inclusion practice. This study uses the voices of children to illuminate the conclusions. The data reveal the inclusive practices benefit all students.

Jessica Bucholz of the University of West Georgia and Julie L. Sheffler of Florida Atlantic University describe inclusive practices that provide a warm, welcoming environment for students. The piece describes the importance of planning ahead and good classroom design that provide a structured and encouraging learning environment.

Lawrence Mundia of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education University Brunei Darussalam researches the importance of school counselors as an integral part of inclusive efforts. He describes the need for trained school counselors as facilitators of inclusive practice.

Oi Yee Monica Ratcliff of the University of Louisiana at Monroe follows three general education teachers into their classrooms as they implement inclusive practice. The research reveal three themes for the general education teacher concerning their perceptions of full inclusion.

Thomas Knestrict and Debora Kuchey of Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio describe the characteristics of families adjusting to the needs of a child with special needs. This article describes several family dynamics that provide for the structure and needs of a child with special needs.

Randy L. Seevers of the University of Houston- Clear Lake presents the outcomes of a reflective study of pre-service teachers. These teacher candidates create visual representations of the principles concerning effective inclusive practice.

I hope you enjoy and learn from this newest edition to the conversation concerning inclusive practice.

Patricia R. Renick-Wood Editor
