
Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education


As the incidence of autism spectrum disorder increases and as the emphasis on inclusion for students with autism continues in schools, it is critical that professionals, parents, and community members work to provide consistent evidence-based practices across settings. Based upon research conducted through the National Professional Development Center on Autism (2009), there are twenty-four evidence-based practices for students with autism. One important practice for inclusive classrooms is that of Peer Mediated Instruction and Intervention (PMII). With the goal to increase quality interaction between individuals with and without disabilities, an initial step of PMII is to familiarize neurotypical peers with age-appropriate information regarding specific disabilities. Bibliotherapy using children's books featuring children with disabilities has been shown to be an effective way to sensitively relay important information. Specific to autism spectrum disorder, there are many children's books featuring children with autism that can be used as an integral part of PMII and that will maximize the inclusive experience for all.
