Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Mary Fendley (Advisor), Nasser Kashou (Committee Member), Phani Kidambi (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (MSBME)


Non-contact imaging photoplethysmography is an exciting new field based on the principles of traditional photoplethysmography where viable signals can now be acquired without the use of contact equipment. Recent advances regarding non-contact imaging photoplethysmography have permitted a wide range of new possibilities focused on sensing the cardiopulmonary system. Physiological metrics such as pulse rate, respiration rate, and pulse rate variability can be obtained by current photoplethysmographic imaging methods. Although previous systems were challenged by head-motion artifacts, the mitigation of rigid head-motion artifacts has been demonstrated with a multi-imager design. This study investigated the feasibility and accuracy of pulse rate variability utilizing a multi-imager recording system. Parameters such as sampling rate, image resolution, and number of imagers utilized were examined in an attempt to minimize overall system data bandwidth. Accurate pulse rate variability metrics where found within the frequency and temporal domains, along with promising results regarding the aforementioned input parameters.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Biomedical, Industrial & Human Factors Engineering

Year Degree Awarded

