Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Jennie Gallimore (Advisor), Subhashini Ganapathy (Committee Member), Alissa Golden (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Industrial and Human Factors Engineering (MSIHE)


Introduction: This thesis research examined a novel decision support aid ("Spatial Cue + Virtual Agent") on human performance in a simulated complex visual search task. Method: Participants in the "Control" condition did not receive support from an aid. Participants in the "Spatial Cue" condition received support from an aid in the form of a bounding box. Participants in the "Spatial Cue + Virtual Agent" condition received support from an aid in the form of a bounding box and a virtual agent. The aids' reliability was held constant at one level, 70 percent. Image difficulty was based on clutter; clutter was manipulated by varying image white space. Results: The "Spatial Cue + Virtual Agent" improved participants' Probability of Detection, sensitivity, trust, and confidence. Discussion: This study indicates that there is a potential to mitigate declines in automation trust by simply increasing aids' humanness.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Biomedical, Industrial & Human Factors Engineering

Year Degree Awarded

