Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Ada Cencki (Committee Member), Suzanne Franco (Committee Chair), Noah Schroeder (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Diversity and mentoring are becoming important areas of study in leadership and educational disciplines. While some steps have been taken to conceptualize or delineate how these disparate elements function in higher education, there has been little research into how and where they intersect, namely, when mentoring dyads are comprised of individuals from diverse cultures. In this paper, the researcher shares her discoveries on how a cross-cultural academic dyad works in contemporary settings. She discusses the role of perceptions, expectations and actions-some of the essential ingredients of effective cross-cultural mentoring- which could be utilized as a guide for further study and/or practice. The qualitative case study is based on Kram's (1985) four phases of the mentoring relationship and Lechuga's (2011) four faculty roles. The author then discusses how these integrated elements fuel positive cross-cultural mentoring interactions.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Leadership Studies in Education & Organizations

Year Degree Awarded

