Publication Date
Document Type
Committee Members
Joy Gockel (Committee Member), Nathan Klingbeil (Advisor), Raghavan Srinivasan (Committee Member)
Degree Name
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME)
The continually growing market for metal components fabricated using additive manufacturing (AM) processes has called for a greater understanding of the effects of process variables on the melt pool geometry and microstructure in manufactured components for various alloy systems. Process Mapping is a general approach that traces the influence of process parameters to thermal behavior and feature development during AM processing. Previous work has focused mainly on Ti-6Al-4V (Ti64), but this work uses novel mathematical derivations and adapted process mapping methodologies to construct new geometric, thermal, and microstructural process maps for Ti64 and two nickel superalloy material systems. This work culminates in the production of process maps for both Inconel 718 (IN718) and Inconel 625 (IN625) that were developed via both experimental and analytical data, and the tools used in the established process mapping approach have been thoroughly explored. This has resulted in a non-dimensional template for solidification behavior in terms of material solidification parameters and AM process parameters. The optimized non-dimensional approach presented here will increase the efficiency of future process map development and will facilitate the comparison of process maps across alloy systems and AM processes, laying the ground work for integrated AM feature control and evaluation of current and future materials for AM application.
Page Count
Department or Program
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Year Degree Awarded
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