Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Jacqueline Bergdahl (Committee Chair), Michael Dohn (Committee Member), Lafleur Small (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Gender schema explains the processes by which gender stereotypes become so psychologically ingrained in individuals in our society, but how does gender schema impact health care practices? The purpose of this study was to investigate how ingrained gender stereotypes not only influence day to day activities but also impact health, by limiting health protective and help seeking behaviors. The Masculine Behavior Scale (MBS) was used to determine if men with strong gender schemata engage in health risking behavior more than men with a weaker gender schemata or women of any gender schemata. To investigate the mediating effect gender has on healthcare behaviors and attitudes, a voluntary non experimental correlation questionnaire was administered to voluntary participants at a mid-size Midwestern University. Key research questions included; do men agree more with the items on the Masculine Behavior Scale, does increased agreement with the Masculine Behavior Scale correlate with patient satisfaction, does Masculine Behavior Score relate to health protective behaviors and will higher education mitigate the impact of gendered expectations? The Masculine Behavior Score of participants was not found to correlate with identified gender as expected, men did not identify with the masculine behaviors identified by this scale more than female participants. Masculine Behavior Score was not found to influence health protective behaviors or patient satisfaction in a statistically significant manner. While the research questions of this study were not supported, it is possible the small sample or the population sampled may have impacted the study.

Page Count


Department or Program

Applied Behavioral Science

Year Degree Awarded

