Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Jacqueline Bergdahl (Advisor), Charlotte Harris (Committee Member), Lafleur Small (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


The objective of this thesis is to examine the lowered academic achievement of African- American males since the Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka Kansas court decision that ruled in favor of school desegregation. The research shows that school desegregation was intended to allow African Americans educational equity with their White counterparts. Since Brown v. Board, there has been increased academic achievement for African-American females and lowered achievement among males. Predictions were made that poverty and low motivation affect academic achievement for African-American males. Regression analyses yielded results showing poverty and motivation were statistically significant; however, neither of the variables were a strong predictor of the outcome of academic achievement. Whether or not a student graduated from high school or whether students took any AP courses were the highest predictors of academic achievement, showing that academic achievement can be predicted more on the opportunities provided to the students, rather than poverty or motivation. Keywords: African-American Males, Poverty, Motivation, Academic Achievement, Brown v. Board, School Desegregation

Page Count


Department or Program

Applied Behavioral Science

Year Degree Awarded

