Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Mary E. Fendley (Committee Member), Subhashini Ganapathy (Advisor), Mary C. McCarthy (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Industrial and Human Factors Engineering (MSIHE)


Small screen wearable devices are becoming ubiquitous in the medical field; especially in the fields of surgery and trauma care. Technological intervention that supports data transfer of sending summary of the patient vitals through the transfer of care would be of great benefit to trauma care department. This research focuses on information presentation for wearable augmented reality device to improve human decision making during transfer of care for emergency response, and to improve user experience and reduce cognitive workload. Google Glass ™ device acts as heads up display for users, in this case being medical responders in hospital trauma care. The display being a small form factor poses a challenge in presenting information and at the same time making sure that there is no cognitive overload to the user. This could potentially help medical responder in the trauma care center to prepare for treatment materials like medicine, diagnostic procedures, bringing in specialized doctors or consulting the advice of experienced doctors and calling in support staff as required. The results of this experiment can make significant contribution to design guidelines for information presentation on small form factors especially in time critical decision-making scenarios.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Biomedical, Industrial & Human Factors Engineering

Year Degree Awarded

