Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Mary Fendley (Committee Member), Subhashini Ganapathy (Advisor), Aerial Kreiner (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Industrial and Human Factors Engineering (MSIHE)


Transfer of care continuum is highly dynamic in nature and there are multiple complexities associated with man-man interaction and man-machine interaction. During transfer of patient care, which occurs from an emergency medical team (EMT) to an emergency department, adequate information related to the patient must be communicated very quickly and precisely. Challenges EMTs and emergency department personnel face are communicating and obtaining all the essential information to ensure the patient receives the best care. Providing the receiving emergency department with patient vitals and pre-hospital procedures that occurred en route could allow for enhanced preparation and improved communication during the transfer process thereby being beneficial to the patient's health. This research focuses on designing and evaluating the usability of information presentation for a tablet device and the use of such device to improve efficiency during the transfer of care process. This could potentially help emergency department workers better prepare for the incoming patient, reduce the amount of information needed to be quickly communicated in a short time, and provide appropriate medical care. Results indicated that on mobile devices in a transfer of care the use of basic information displays provides faster preparation response times in one and three patient-simulated scenarios.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Biomedical, Industrial & Human Factors Engineering

Year Degree Awarded

