Publication Date


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Committee Members

Thomas Brown (Committee Member), Adrian Corbett (Committee Member), Debra Mayes (Advisor)

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


We used the chicken embryo model to examine whether altered incubation temperature during chicken embryo development would alter the protein expression of heat shock protein 70 (hsp70), hsp90, and connexin 43 (cx43) in the brain. We incubated eggs in either optimal (37.6° C, Con), increased (39.6° C, +2), or decreased (35.6° C, -2) temperature conditions until they reached embryonic day 16 (E16). The -2 condition significantly increased incidence of embryonic mortality. As shown in the literature, the development of the eggs was accelerated or decelerated due to increased or decreased temperature respectively. To control for this, we incubated eggs at optimal temperature (37.6°C) to the developmental stage of the +2 (E17.5, HH43-44) and -2 (E12, HH38) conditions. Embryonic chicken brain protein was quantified for hsp70, hsp90, and cx43 using Western Blot analysis. We found that the +2 condition significantly increased cx43 and hsp70 protein expression, but had no effect on hsp90 protein expression.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Neuroscience, Cell Biology, and Physiology

Year Degree Awarded

