Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Elizabeth Beecher (Committee Member), Jerry Clark (Advisor), Jason Schmidt (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Atmospheric turbulence has afflicted accurate observations of celestial bodies since man first gazed upon the stars. In this past century, the technology of adaptive optics was invented to help compensate for the optical distortions that atmospheric turbulence causes. As part of that technology, artificial guide stars, wave front sensors, deformable mirrors, and other optical components were developed to correct these wave aberrations. The purpose of this study focuses on the modeling and configuration of an adaptive optics system that is appropriate for the John Bryan Observatory Quad Axis Telescope System (JBO-Q), which is funded by the United States Air Force. Scaling law modeling of site-specific atmospheric parameters using numerical weather data and laser propagation theory was used determination and optimization of some critical system specifications and threshold parameters for this baseline model.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Physics

Year Degree Awarded


Included in

Physics Commons
