Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Kefu Xue (Advisor)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSEgr)


A method to generate control points for a given collection of data points is developed. The shape characteristics of the patella are used as a case study. The developed computer graphic techniques are demonstrated using the given data of the 3-d patella model. Generation of curved surfaces in drafting has evolved over the years from draftsman who used tools such as French curves to today's drafting being well served by being able to apply numerical analysis on the ever increasing capabilities of computer. As an everyday observed example, nature very rarely produces two shapes that are equal to another. It is also very infrequent that straight lines or flat planes are produced as a natural occurrence. Curved three dimensional surfaces such as the patella are particularly difficult to model because as with most things found in nature each patella has unique and complex features. Applying a pseudo-inverse matrix technique to generate Bezier surface patch control points for an existing set of collected three dimensional data points is introduced to describe such features. Affine transforms will be applied to the control points to adjust the scale of the original shape. Lastly, the error will be measured in order to describe the effect the Bezier surface patch generation and affine transforms have compared next to the given collection of data points.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Electrical Engineering

Year Degree Awarded

