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Committee Members

Rory A. Roberts (Advisor), Mitch Wolff (Committee Member), Zifeng Yang (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME)


Next generation aircraft will incorporate more electrical power generation and storage for both a distributed electric propulsion system and onboard subsystems. The power generation in this type of aircraft will require orders of magnitude higher than today’s commercial aircrafts, thus producing many challenges. For this reason, a unique, high-powered electric propulsion system primarily powered by a turbo-generator system with electrical storage is being considered. A Simulink/Matlab model has bee created for the electrical power system of the next generation blended wing commercial aircraft proposed by NASA. The components of the electrical system include turbo-generators, generators, battery banks, and electrical distribution systems. This thesis presents the development of the power generation, storage, and transmission of the electrical power required for typical commercial missions. All of the component models are integrated into an aircraft model and used to simulate typical flight profiles. The scalability of the model is demonstrated by developing the required distributed power system for a 50-passenger regional transport aircraft. The benefits of an all-electric aircraft are tremendous, but there are significant challenges in regard to the power generation and distribution requirements.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Year Degree Awarded


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