Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Janeece Warfield (Committee Chair), James Dobbins (Committee Member), Michael Williams (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)


Treating Black adolescent males with disruptive behavior disorders can be challenging for psychologists and other mental health professionals The negative perception of this group within society, as well as the absence of clinical training exploring issues pertinent to Black adolescent males, among other things, may hinder a professional’s ability to effectively work with this population. This doctoral project discussed the research in several areas currently pertinent to Black adolescent males, as well as factors that have historically been oppressive to Black Americans. It then describes several DSM-IV-TR diagnoses and legal classifications associated with Disruptive Behavior Disorders. In addition, research analyzing the effectiveness of traditional therapeutic models when working with this population was explored, and justification for implementing a Rap Therapy/Hip-Hop Therapy model was discussed. Furthermore, seven issues that researchers have found to be of particular relevance to Black adolescent males with disruptive behavior diagnoses are explained. Lastly, a 12-session curriculum which addresses the seven pertinent issues, to be used by mental health professionals when conducting groups with Black adolescent males having disruptive behavior disorder diagnoses was outlined.

Department or Program

School of Professional Psychology

Year Degree Awarded

