Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Corey Miller (Advisor), Nathan Bowling (Committee Member), Gary Burns (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Personality has been extensively researched but the literature has not lived up to its potential for application. Personality variables such as self-control can identify qualified applicants, while minimizing adverse impact. I designed two SJT measure of self-control. The first SJT was hypothesized to predict college grade point average. The second SJT was hypothesized to predict counterproductive work behavior. I administered the first SJT to 676 undergraduates. I administered the second SJT to 608 employed people. Most hypotheses were fully supported. Both SJTs had incremental validity over and above self-report personality measures. The results demonstrate the potential of SJTs to measure personality while predicting important outcomes. Future research should investigate other personality sub-facets and alternative measures of personality.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Psychology

Year Degree Awarded

