Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Tarun Goswami, D.Sc. (Advisor); Ulas Sunar, Ph.D. (Committee Member); Jaime Ramirez-Vick, Ph.D. (Committee Member); Angela Dixon, Ph.D. (Committee Member); Saber Hussain, Ph.D. (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (MSBME)


The objective of this research was to design and fabricate a nose-on-chip device and bi-directional airflow system that models flow within the nasal cavity to investigate how airflow induced mechanical stresses impact nasal secretion rates and cytoskeletal remodeling. This research hypothesizes that the airflow induced shear stresses on the nasal mucosa will influence mucus production and the cytoskeleton of the cells. The RPMI 2650 cell line was used to model the nasal mucosa. The system was used to replicate the wall shear stresses (WSS) and wall shear forces (WSF) present in the anterior region of the nose. The WSS and WSF within the device were validated using calculations and CFD simulation. It was found that the WSS and WSF increase mucus secretion with higher durations of exposure and influence cytoskeletal integrity. A prediction equation was derived to predict the mucus production of RPMI 2650 cells modeling the anterior region.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Biomedical, Industrial and Human Factors Engineering

Year Degree Awarded



