Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Hamed Attariani, Ph.D. (Advisor); James Menart, Ph.D. (Committee Member); Weisong Wang, Ph.D. (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME)


β-Ga2O3 is a robust semiconductor material set with a large band gap of ~4.8 eV, low intrinsic carrier concentration, and high melting point that offers a stable platform for operating electronic devices at high temperatures and extreme environments. The first half of this thesis will cover the fabrication of a fixture and packaging to test electronic components at high temperatures. Then it will highlight the characterization of β-Ga2O3 field effect transistors from room temperature (RT) up to 500 °C. The devices, fabricated with Ni/Au and Al2O3 gate metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS), demonstrate stable operation up to 500 oC. The tested device shows no measured current degradation in the ID-VD characteristics up to 450 oC. Improvements to the drain current, ID within this temperature range are due to activation carriers from dopants/traps and the negative push in threshold voltage, VT. The device exhibits a drop in ID at 500 °C; however, device characteristics recover once the device returns to RT. Even after 20 hours of device operation at 500 °C, the device shows negligible degradation. Device characteristics such as gate leakage, ION/IOFF ratio, gm, Ron, and contact resistance show monotonic variation with temperature. The experimental results suggest that an optimized choice of metals and gate dielectrics β-Ga2O3 will provide a platform for device operation at high temperatures and extreme environments. The second half of the thesis focuses on creating an electrostatic model of a metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor with COMSOL finite element analysis software to understand the physics behind semiconductor technology.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Year Degree Awarded



