Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

David Cool (Committee Member), Andrea Hoffmann (Advisor), Osvaldo Lopez (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


This study determined the tissue-specific effect of adipose stem cells (ASC) within a melanoma environment for development of a cell-based melanoma therapy. Analysis included a subcutaneous B16-F1 melanoma model using thirty-one C57BL/6 wild-type mice. Melanoma xenografts were treated with cell-based therapies of CFDA-SE-labeled human fibroblasts HF20x (control), non-differentiated ndASC or hematopoietic-differentiated HdASC. No tumor regression was observed in presence of cell-based therapies, thus, the HdASC group demonstrated an increase in tumor growth accompanied with an up-regulated macrophage response, and increased angiogenesis. In addition, this group demonstrated a decrease in Melan-A tumor marker and interferon-γ expression suggesting that ASC-supported tumor angiogenesis and macrophage immune response are accompanied with an inflammatory water influx and increased tumor porosity with no effect on tumor cell proliferation. In addition, histology demonstrated CFDA-SE-labeled HF20x, ndASC, or HdASC inside tumors with no signs of cell death or apoptosis suggesting an immuno-suppressive effect of human ASC on the mouse immune system.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology

Year Degree Awarded

