Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Kevin Bennett (Committee Member), John Flach (Committee Chair), John Gallagher (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


BCI (Brain-Computer-Interface) devices on the market today, such as the NIA, have the capability to assign computer commands to specific channels (e.g., EMG, EOG, Alpha, and Beta) associated with different methods of control. However, the utility of this capability is dependent on the ability of users to selectively/independently control the specific channels. The NIA system was evaluated to determine if independent control of its channels is possible. Two users with varying levels of experience were used in this study. The users played pong using each of the channels to control the pong paddle, while the data on the activation levels of all the channels was recorded. Cross correlation analyses were conducted in order to ascertain the level of independence of the channels. In general, the channels seemed to exhibit independent behavior, although evidence suggested associations between the muscle and beta channels. More research is needed in order to explore more fully the levels of independence in the channels.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Psychology

Year Degree Awarded

