Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Oleg Paliy (Committee Member), Michael L. Raymer (Committee Member), Nicholas V. Reo (Advisor)

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


We describe a methodology that combines urinary metabolomics with a tissue-specific stressor administration to enhance assessment of tissue function. Kidney function in rats was mildly compromised with a sub-acute dose of D-serine and stressed with furosemide. NMR-based metabolomics analyses showed no detectable effects due to D-serine alone; but furosemide or D-serine + furosemide groups, classified separately from each other, and from control. Furosemide alone caused a ca. 2-fold increase in glucose, lactate, choline, and a 30% decrease in TCA intermediates (p≤0.05). D-serine suppressed these effects and produced a 1.7-fold increase in a p-phenolic acid-derivative of tyrosine (PAdY) relative to control (p≤0.05). The PAdY/tyrosine ratio increased 2-fold relative to rats given furosemide alone. D-serine effects were only detectable in furosemide-challenged rats, suggesting that minor disruption in kidney function, induced by low-level D-serine, is manifested by this functional metabolomics methodology. This technique may improve sensitivity for assessment of tissue function and disease

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Year Degree Awarded

