Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Suzanne Franco (Committee Co-chair), Mindy Mcnutt (Committee Member), Daniel Noel (Committee Co-chair), Timothy Rafferty (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship among communication climate, employee engagement and employees' communication channel preferences. The research established a moderate relationship among communication climate and employee engagement. Although this finding aligns with the current literature, the study failed to establish a relationship between employee engagement and employees' communication channel preferences. The research did document that the top three communication channels for employees of all levels of engagement are face to face, email and poster/flyers/brochures. While Chapter 2 reviewed past literature of communication climate, employee engagement and communication channel preferences it was noted that there is limited literature regarding their relationships. This research provided supporting data on the existence of a moderate relationship between communication climate and employee engagement. Acknowledging the relationship may prove to be useful information for leaders in developing engaged employees and sustaining successful organizations. Future research regarding the relationship will provide insight about other variables that might affect communication climate and employee engagement.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Leadership Studies in Education and Organizations

Year Degree Awarded

