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Committee Members

Carol Morgan (Committee Member), Theresa Myadze (Committee Member), Mary Rucker (Committee Chair)

Degree Name

Master of Humanities (MHum)


Extant literature indicates it is our physical, psychological interactions, and perceptions with certain colors and space and our culture and gender influence the way we verbally and nonverbally communicate. I discuss how the meanings of different colors have been depicted throughout history. Summarize my research on the physiological and psychological effects on individuals and show how certain colors are used. Describe environmental space in terms of natural, acute, chronic space and the psychological effects of different spaces. Describe how the perception and use of space affects how we feel. Explore how culture strongly influences the "windows" of the world we look through and our perceptions. Investigate how physiological gender differences and stereotypes concerning gender affect the messages and how these messages are perceived. Overall research strongly indicates that the physiological and psychological effects of certain colors, environmental space, culture, and gender influence the way we verbally and nonverbally communicate.

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Year Degree Awarded

