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Committee Members

Don Cipollini (Advisor), Thomas Rooney (Committee Member), John Stireman (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


It is unknown if the novel weapons or evolution of increased competitive ability hypotheses explain the invasiveness of L. maackii in eastern United States woodlands. I tested if L. maackii's allelopathic properties have a significant impact on the fitness of native Pilea pumila in addition to below ground competition as well as if L. maackii populations vary in allelopathic and/ or competitive ability within the invasive range and between native and invasive ranges. Addition of activate carbon to potting soil increased the ability of L. maackii to inhibit the fitness of P. pumila in addition to competition. L. maackii from Ohio had a greater effect on its competitors and responded less to competition than L. maackii from a population in China. Results indicate that L. maackii can alter soil chemistry resulting in inhibition of its neighbors and L. maackii from Ohio is a better competitor both inter- and intra-specifically.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Biological Sciences

Year Degree Awarded


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