Document Type
Doctoral Project
Publication Date
Participation in shared governance councils can provide nurses with an opportunity for input into organizational policies that influence quality health care outcomes. Nurse leaders are diligently seeking a practice model that has a foundation of engagement of staff in decision making, quality outcomes, competency, evidence-based practice, shared power and job satisfaction. With the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010, health care systems can expect an influx of some 30 million more patients (Pfeifer, 2013). In addition, mandated purchase of health care insurance will replace the fee for service model with one that ties payment to outcomes and focuses on care coordination, quality improvement, and cost control. All of these things are impacted by nursing roles as identified by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) 2010 report; The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.
The objective of the project was to determine a particular population-intervention-comparison-outcome-time question (PICO): In (P) nurses, what is the effect of (I) participation in shared governance councils (as (C) compared to nurses not participating in shared governance councils) on (O) perceptions of shared governance. Kanter’s (1977, 1993) Theory of Structural Power provided the framework and the Index of Professional Nursing Governance (IPNG) (Hess, 1994) was the tool used for data collection. Data were collected from nurses that served on shared governance councils and nurses that did not serve on councils. Data were analyzed by comparative descriptive independent T-tests.
The total sample of forty-four surveys were analyzed with a mean total shared governance score of 174.3. A higher shared governance score of 182.5 was reported by nurses who participated in shared governance councils, while those subjects who did not participate in shared governance councils reported a score of 166.00. Overall, the organization scored within the minimum level for shared governance range with 173.0 being the cut off score for a shared governance environment. There were no observable differences among the groups and no statistically significant differences in the perceptions of governance among the subjects. Nurses participating in shared governance have higher scores for overall governance.
Repository Citation
Wilson, K. L. (2014). Nurses Perceptions of Shared Governance Two Years Post Implementation of a Councilor Shared Governance Model. . Wright State University, Dayton, OH.