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Jeannette Manger


Unsafe water due to violations in water safety can result in illness and ultimately hospitalization. However, there is little data that analyzes regional rates of water violations and their correlation to hospitalization rates. This research aims to analyze the correlation between water violations and hospitalization rates between the Midwest, East and West Coasts, and between Ohio counties that use the Lake Erie water basin and those that use the Ohio River water basin. Methods include the use of data from County Health Rankings and the following statistical tests: paired and unpaired T-tests, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation test. Results showed that although there are more water violations in Ohio counties that use the Lake Erie basin than those that use the Ohio River basin, overall, water violations in Ohio decreased from 2016 to 2022. When comparing water violations between different regions, there was a significant difference between all regions except for between East and Midwest states. Data also showed that counties in West Coast states had the highest percentage of water violations in 2022 (57%). There was no statistically significant correlation between water violations and hospitalization rates in Ohio counties using either Lake Erie or the Ohio River basin, or in East and West coast counties.

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Public Health Commons
