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Jeannette Manger


Objective: To examine health insurance and health outcome disparities in Eastern Kentucky since Kentucky’s implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Methods: Using data from County Health Rankings and Roadmap, rates of uninsurance will be compared before and a decade after implementation of the ACA in Kentucky (2013 and 2023). In addition, prevalence of certain health outcomes in Eastern Kentucky will be compared from 2013 and 2023 and correlation established between uninsured rates and particular health outcomes for 2023. Results: Since 2013, the percentage of those uninsured in Eastern Kentucky has seen a significant decline. While there is no correlation between the percent uninsured and health outcomes such as obesity, smoking, diabetes prevalence, poor or fair health, and poor mental health days in 2023, each of these outcomes saw significant changes from 2013 to 2023. Rates of smoking, diabetes, and poor or fair health all saw dramatic reductions while rates of obesity and poor mental health days significantly increased in Eastern Kentucky during this time.

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