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Objective: Determine whether access to exercise opportunities correlate to obesity in Ohio 2020, physical inactivity correlates to obesity in Ohio 2020, access to exercise opportunities correlates to physical inactivity in Ohio 2020, and whether access to exercise opportunities and physical inactivity can predict obesity in Ohio 2020. Methods: The data for this study was all gathered from and analyzed using a Pearson correlation for the correlation and a step wise linear regression analysis for assessing predictability. Results: While investigating how percent of population with access to exercise opportunities correlates to percent of obese adults in Ohio 2020 (RQ1), a Pearson correlation showed a small and significant negative correlation (r= -.334, p=.001). As percentage of access to exercise opportunities increased, percentage of obese adults decreased in Ohio 2020. While investigating how the percent of the population that is physically inactive correlates to percentage of obese adults in Ohio 2020 (RQ2), a Pearson correlation showed a moderate and significant correlation (r= -.602, p=.001). As the percentage of the population that is physically inactive increased, percentage of obese adults increased in Ohio 2020. While investigating how percent of population with access to exercise opportunities correlates to the percent of the population that is physically inactive in Ohio 2020 (RQ3), a Pearson correlation showed a moderate and significant negative correlation (r= -.464, p=.001). As percentage of access to exercise opportunities increased, percentage of obese adults decreased in Ohio 2020. The final research question investigated how access to exercise opportunities and physically inactivity could predict obesity in adults in Ohio 2020 (RQ4). A step wise linear regression indicated the best fitting model was significant (F change= 48.833, p
