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Methods: Data was collected from the archives provided by the CDC Wonder database; including The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, The North America Land Data Assimilation System, and The Web-Based Injury Statistic Query and Reporting System. The variables used were quality of life (as measured by mental health days and physical health days), suicide rates, and daily sunlight. Data was obtained for all the states in the United States, excluding Alaska and Hawaii due to lack of available data from these states. Quality of life and suicide rate data was from 2016 and daily sunlight data was from January 1st, 2001 to December 31 st , 2011. Spearman’s Rho Correlations were used to analyze the data because the data did not fit normality criteria. R esults: There was a statistically significant positive correlation between poor physical health days and suicide rates, r = .303, p = .032. No other correlations were found to be significant.

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