
Submissions from 2000

Potential Molecular Determinants that Maintain Brain Tropism During HIV-1 Infection, K. J. Peterson and Dawn P. Wooley

Targeted Delivery of DNA Encoding Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 Glycoprotein D Enhances the Cellular Response to Primary Viral Challenge, James V. Rogers, Nancy J. Bigley, Henry C. Chiou, and Barbara E. Hull

Murine Response to DNA Encoding Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 Glycoprotein D Targeted to the Liver, James V. Rogers, Barbara E. Hull, P. S. Fink, H. C. Chiou, and Nancy J. Bigley

Chemokine Receptor and Cytokine Expression by a Unique Eosinophilic Cell Like Susceptible to HIV-1 infection, R. J. Taylor, C. C. Paul, M. A. Baumann, and Dawn P. Wooley

Going Virtual with QuickTime VR: New Methods and Standardized Tools for Interactive Dynamic Visualization of Anatomical Structures, Robert B. Trelease, Gary L. Nieder, Jens Dørup, and Michael Schacht Hansen

Regulation of T Cell Deletion by Heparan Sulfate Bound Interleukin 2, Lucile E. Wrenshall, John O. Miller, Harris Ford, Nepheli Wander, Richard Tamura, and Jeffrey L. Platt

The Effect of Mitochondrial Inhibitors on Membrane Currents in Isolated Neonatal Rat Carotid Body Type I Cells, Christopher N. Wyatt and Keith J. Buckler

Submissions from 1999


Distribution of Cholinergic Contacts on Renshaw Cells in the Rat Spinal Cord: A Light Microscopic Study, Francisco J. Alvarez, D. E. Dewey, P. McMillin, and Robert E.W. Fyffe

ETS Gene Function in the Formation of Spinal Reflex Circuits, Silvia Arber, J. Lin, David R. Ladle, Eric Frank, and Thomas M. Jessell

Essentials of Immunology, Nancy J. Bigley and T. D. Frye


Transforming Growth Factor Beta Induces Caspase 3-Independent Cleavage of AlphaII-Spectrin (Alpha-Fodrin) Coincident with Apoptosis, Thomas L. Brown, Supriya Patil, Carol D. Cianci, Jon S. Morrow, and Philip H. Howe

Orderly Recruitment Among Motoneurons Supplying Different Muscles, Timothy C. Cope and Alan J. Sokoloff

Orderly Recruitment Tested Across Muscle Boundaries, Timothy C. Cope and Alan J. Sokoloff

Differences in Glutamate Receptor Subtype Density in the Solitary Tract Nucleus of SHR Versus WKY Rat, Adrian M. Corbett, S. Knisley, and F. Porter

A Novel Immunization Method to Induce Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Responses (CTL) Against Plasmid-Encoded Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 Glycoprotein D, P. E. Cruz, P. L. Khalil, T. D. Dryden, H. C. Chiou, P. S. Fink, Steven J. Berberich, and Nancy J. Bigley

The Effect of the Calcium Channel α2-δ Accessory Subunit on Expression of the Low Voltage-Activated Calcium Channel α1G, Annette C. Dolphin, Christopher N. Wyatt, J. Richards, R. E. Beattie, P. Craig, J. H. Lee, L. L. Cribbs, S. G. Volsen, and E. Perez-Reyes

The Effect of α2-δ and Other Accessory Subunits on Expression and Properties of the Calcium Channel α1G, Annette C. Dolphin, Christopher N. Wyatt, J. Richards, R. E. Beattie, P. Craig, J. H. Lee, L. L. Cribbs, S. G. Volsen, and E. Perez-Reyes

Differences Between Shrinkage-Induced Activation of Na+/H+ Exchange in C6 Glioma Cells and Neutrophils, Phyllis B. Douglas, Jens A. Lehmann, A. Key, Lamara D. Shrode, Julian Gomez-Cambronero, and Robert W. Putnam

Characterization of the Cytotoxic T Cell Response Generated by Plasmid DNA Encoding HSV-1 gD, T. D. Dryden, E. M. Rogers, Barbara E. Hull, Henry C. Chiou, and Nancy J. Bigley


Lambert-Eaton Antibodies Inhibit Ca2+ Currents but Paradoxically Increase Exocytosis during Stimulus Trains in Bovine Adrenal Chromaffin Cells, Kathrin L. Engisch, Mark M. Rich, Noah Cook, and Martha C. Nowycky

Lambert-Eaton Antibodies Promote Activity-Dependent Enhancement of Exocytosis in Bovine Adrenal Chromaffin Cells, Kathrin L. Engisch, Mark M. Rich, Noah Cook, and Martha C. Nowycky

Análisis Automático del Patrón Interferencial: Principios y Aplicaciones, J. M. Fernández, J. G. Saborido, and Francisco J. Alvarez


Secretagogue Response of Goblet Cells and Columnar Cells in Human Colonic Crypts, Dan R. Halm and Susan T. Halm


TGF-Beta Induces Fibronectin Synthesis Through a c-Jun N-terminal Kinase-Dependent, Smad4-Independent Pathway, Barbara A. Hocevar, Thomas L. Brown, and Philip H. Howe


Quantal Size is Correlated With Receptor Cluster Area at Glycinergic Synapses in the Rat Brainstem, Rebecca Lim, Francisco J. Alvarez, and Bruce Walmsley

Rapid Spinal Mechanisms of Motor Coordination, T. Richard Nichols, Timothy C. Cope, and Thomas A. Abelew


Extended Capabilities of QuickTime VR Applied to the Presentation of Gross Anatomical Specimens, Gary L. Nieder, Frank Nagy, Patricia L. Peirce, and Robert L. Baltzer


Glycinergic Miniature Synaptic Currents and Receptor Cluster Sizes Differ Between Spinal Cord Interneurons, Sharon Oleskevich, Francisco J. Alvarez, and Bruce Walmsley


On-Demand Distribution of Video for Neurological Physical Exam Instruction: Attempts Using Digital Recordings and Variable Bit Rate Compression, John C. Pearson, Gary L. Nieder, Thomas Mathews, and Mark D. Anderson

Simultaneous Measurement of Intracellular pH and Membrane Potential in Locus Coeruleus Neurons During Hypercapnia, Nick A. Ritucci, Robert W. Putnam, and Jay B. Dean

Characterizing the Murine Response to Expression of DNA-Encoded Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 Glycoprotein D Targeted to the Liver, James V. Rogers, Barbara E. Hull, P. S. Fink, and Nancy J. Bigley

Marrow-Mindedness: a Perspective on Neuropoiesis, Bjorn Scheffler, Meyer Horn, Ingmar Blumcke, Eric D. Laywell, Debra A. Coomes, Valery G. Kukekov, and Dennis A. Steindler

Decline in Spontaneous Activity of Group Aαβ Sensory Afferents After Sciatic Nerve Axotomy in Rat, Kevin L. Seburn, Pamela A. Catlin, Joel F. Dixon, Ming H. Lee, Melissa S. Matteson, and Timothy C. Cope

Reflex Activation Patterns in Relation to Multidirectional Ankle Torque in Decerebrate Cats, Sondra G. Siegel, T. Richard Nichols, and Timothy C. Cope


Recruitment Order Among Motoneurons From Different Motor Nuclei, Alan J. Sokoloff, Sondra G. Siegel, and Timothy C. Cope

Influence of Inflammation on Portal Venous Tolerance, Lucile E. Wrenshall and Geoffrey Gersuk


Regulation of T Cell Homeostasis by Heparan Sulfate-Bound IL-2, Lucile E. Wrenshall and Jeffrey L. Platt


Modulation of Macrophage and B Cell Function by Glycosaminoglycans, Lucile E. Wrenshall, R. Brian Stevens, Frank B. Cerra, and Jeffrey L. Platt

Submissions from 1998

Distribution of 5-Hydroxytryptamine-Immunoreactive Boutons on Alpha-Motoneurons in the Lumbar Spinal Cord of Adult Cats, Francisco J. Alvarez, John C. Pearson, Deborah Harrington, Dianne E. Dewey, L. Torbeck, and Robert E. W. Fyffe

The Relationship Between Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Inactivation Firing Frequency in the Subthalamic Nucleus Projection Neuron, J. F. Atherton, A. J. Gillies, Adrian M. Corbett, and G. W. Arbuthnott

MADD is Highly Homologous to a Rab3 Guanine-Nucleotide Exchange Protein (Rab3-GEP), Thomas L. Brown and Philip H. Howe


Caspase Inhibitor BD-fmk Distinguishes Transforming Growth Factor Beta-Induced Apoptosis from Growth Inhibition, Thomas L. Brown, Supriya Patil, Robert K. Basnett, and Philip H. Howe

Calbindin D28k Expression in Immunohistochemically Identified Renshaw Cells, Patrick A. Carr, Francisco J. Alvarez, Elizabeth E. Leman, and Robert E. W. Fyffe

Effect of Sciatic Nerve Transection or TTX Application on Enzyme Activity in Rat Spinal Cord, Patrick A. Carr, Valerie K. Haftel, Francisco J. Alvarez, Timothy C. Cope, and Robert E.W. Fyffe

Effect of Anoxia on Intracellular pH in Neurons from Chemosensitive and Non-Chemosensitive Regions of Medullary Brainstem Slices, Laura Chambers-Kersh, Nick A. Ritucci, Jay B. Dean, and Robert W. Putnam


Frequency-Dependent Synaptic Depression Modifies Postsynaptic Firing Probability in Cats, B. D. Clark and Timothy C. Cope


High Affinity Antibodies to Sodium Channel β1 and β2 Subunits Demonstrate Variability in Subunit Composition in the Central Nervous System, Adrian M. Corbett

Cytokines Produced Early in Picornavirus Infection Reflect Resistance or Susceptibility to Disease, R. E. Curiel, K. M. Mason, T. D. Dryden, M. J. Maurer, and Nancy J. Bigley

Membrane Potential (Vm) and Intracellular pH (pHi) Responses to Hypercapnic Acidosis (HA) in Chemosensitive Areas of the CNS, Jay B. Dean, T. Southard, Nick A. Ritucci, and Robert W. Putnam

Intracellular pH Regulation in Multiple Drug Resistant Strains of C6 Glioma Cells, Phyllis B. Douglas, J. S. Waibel, and Robert W. Putnam


Compensatory and Excess Retrieval: Two Types of Endocytosis Following Single Step Depolarizations in Bovine Adrenal Chromaffin Cells, Kathrin L. Engisch and Martha C. Nowycky

Mycophenolate Mofetil in Pancreas Transplantation, Rainer W.G. Gruessner, David E.R. Sutherland, Mary Beth Drangstveit, Lucile E. Wrenshall, Abhinav Humar, and Angelika C. Gruessner


Identifying Swelling-Activated Channels from Ion Selectivity Patterns, Dan R. Halm

Venous Thromboembolic Complications after Kidney and Kidney-Pancreas Transplantation: a Multivariate Analysis, Abhinav Humar, Eric M. Johnson, K. J. Gillingham, David E.R. Sutherland, William D. Payne, David L. Dunn, Lucile E. Wrenshall, John S. Najarian, Rainer W.G. Gruessner, and Arthur J. Matas


Characterization of a Ca2+-Activated K+ Current in Insulin-Secreting Murine βTC-3 Cells, J. Ashot Kozak, Stanley Misler, and Diomedes E. Logothetis

Development of a Novel In Vitro Co-Culture System for Studying Host Response to Native Bacterial Antigens, K. M. Mason, Nancy J. Bigley, and P. S. Fink


Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B Primes Cytokine Secretion and Lytic Activity in Response to Native Bacterial Antigens, K. M. Mason, T. D. Dryden, Nancy J. Bigley, and P. S. Fink

Long-Term Quality of Life after Kidney and Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation, Arthur J. Matas, Lois McHugh, William D. Payne, Lucile E. Wrenshall, David L. Dunn, Rainer W.G. Gruessner, David E.R. Sutherland, and John S. Najarian

Molecular Studies on T-Type Voltage Dependent Calcium Channels, A. Meir, Christopher N. Wyatt, Karen M. Page, Nicholas S. Berrow, Nicola L. Brice, and Annette C. Dolphin

Effects of Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A on the Expression of Gephyrin in Cat Abducens Motoneurons, Bernardo Moreno-López, Rosa R. de la Cruz, Angel M. Pastor, Jose María Delgado-García, and Francisco J. Alvarez

Leveled Head, Gary L. Nieder

The Virtual Knee, Gary L. Nieder

Using QuickTime VR in Computer-Assisted Instruction of Gross Anatomy: Yorick the VR Skull, Gary L. Nieder and Jane N. Scott

Taurine Efflux and Intracellular pH During Astrocyte Volume Regulation, James E. Olson, Robert W. Putnam, J. A. Evers, and N. Munoz

Shrinkage-Induced Activation of Na+/H+ Exchange in Subconfluent and Confluent Cultures of C6 Glioma Cells, Robert W. Putnam, Phyllis B. Douglas, and Lamara D. Shrode


Intracellular pH Regulation in Neurons from Chemosensitive and Nonchemosensitive Areas of the Medulla, Nick A. Ritucci, Laura Chambers-Kersh, Jay B. Dean, and Robert W. Putnam


Evolution of Gross Anatomy into Human Structure: A New Design for Old Content, Jane N. Scott, Frank Nagy, and Gary L. Nieder

Yorick: The VR Skull, Jane N. Scott, Gary L. Nieder, and Mark D. Anderson

Development and Implementation of an Interactive QuickTime VR Cranial Osteology Program to Replace the Lecture, Jane N. Scott, Gary L. Nieder, G. Breyley, M. Ady, and Mark D. Anderson


Short-Term Afferent Axotomy Increases Both Strength and Depression at Ia–Motoneuron Synapses in Rat, Kevin L. Seburn and Timothy C. Cope

Diversity of Structure and Function at Mammalian Central Synapses, Bruce Walmsley, Francisco J. Alvarez, and Robert E. W. Fyffe

Retroviral Recombination Is Nonrandom and Sequence Dependent, Dawn P. Wooley, Lisa A. Bircher, and Randall A. Smith

Mutation and Recombination in a Spleen Necrosis Virus Based System, Dawn P. Wooley, J. C. Rigano, and L. A. Bircher


The Effect of Overexpression of Auxiliary Ca2+ Channel Subunits on Native Ca2+ Channel Currents in Undifferentiated Mammalian NG108-15 Cells, Christopher N. Wyatt, Karen M. Page, Nicholas S. Berrow, Nicola L. Brice, and Annette C. Dolphin

Submissions from 1997

Downregulation of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 1a in Motoneurons After Axotomy, Francisco J. Alvarez, Dianne E. Dewey, Patrick A. Carr, Timothy C. Cope, and Robert E.W. Fyffe

Cell-Type Specific Organization of Glycine Receptor Clusters in the Mammalian Spinal Cord, Francisco J. Alvarez, Dianne E. Dewey, Deborah A. Harrington, and Robert E. W. Fyffe


Stability of Motor-Unit Force Thresholds in the Decerebrate Cat, Timothy C. Cope, Alan J. Sokoloff, S. M. Dacko, Rebecca Huot, and Eleanor Feingold


Short-Term Changes in the Ca2+-Exocytosis Relationship during Repetitive Pulse Protocols in Bovine Adrenal Chromaffin Cells, Kathrin L. Engisch, Natalya I. Chernevskaya, and Martha C. Nowycky

Effect of Initial Slow Graft Function on Renal Allograft Rejection and Survival, Abhinav Humar, Eric M. Johnson, William D. Payne, Lucile E. Wrenshall, David E.R. Sutherland, John S. Najarian, K. J. Gillingham, and Arthur J. Matas

Monoclonal Antiphosphatidylserine Antibodies React Directly with Feline and Murine Central Nervous System, M. Kent, Francisco J. Alvarez, E. Vogt, Robert E.W. Fyffe, A. K. Ng, and N. Rote


A Calcium-Dependent Chloride Current in Insulin-Secreting βTC-3 Cells, J. Ashot Kozak and Diomedes E. Logothetis

Activation of Na/H Exchange (NHE) in C6 Glioma Cells by Cell Shrinkage After an NH4Cl Pulse, M. K. Lee, Phyllis B. Douglas, and Robert W. Putnam

Increasing Physician Involvement in Cholesterol-Lowering Practices: The Role of Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions, K. V. Mann, E. A. Lindsay, Robert W. Putnam, and D. A. Davis

Changes in Cell Adhesion Molecules Early in Picornavirus Infection, M. J. Maurer, J. W. Peterson, J. D. Manzon, and Nancy J. Bigley

Maternal Exposure to Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) Alters Indolamine Levels and Turnover in Adult Male and Female Rat Brain Regions, Francisco Molina-Holgado, Francisco J. Alvarez, Isabel Gonzalez, Maria T. Antonio, and Maria L. Leret

Control of Apoptosis in the Uterus During Decidualization, Bruce C. Moulton, K. C. Akcali, T. F. Ogle, Thomas L. Brown, J. Motz, and S. A. Khan


Beyond Vesalius, Gary L. Nieder and Frank Nagy


Effects of 4-Aminopyridine on Muscle and Motor Unit Force in Canine Motor Neuron Disease, Martin J. Pinter, Robert F. Waldeck, Timothy C. Cope, and Linda C. Cork

Effect of Hypercapnia on Intracellular pH in Neurons from Chemosensitive and Insensitive Areas of Medullary Brainstem Slices, Robert W. Putnam, Nick A. Ritucci, and Jay B. Dean

Computer-Assisted Instructional Programs, Tailor Made for a Course in Microanatomy, Larry J. Ream, J. deHart, and R. Kennedy

Intracellular pH Response to Hypercapnia in Neurons from Chemosensitive Areas of the Medulla, Nick A. Ritucci, Jay B. Dean, and Robert W. Putnam


Low-Frequency Depression of the Monosynaptic Reflex is Not Altered By Tetrodotoxin-Induced Nerve Conduction Blockade, Kevin L. Seburn and Timothy C. Cope

Shrinkage-Induced Activation of Na+/H+ Exchange: Role of Cell Density and Myosin Light Chain Phosphorylation, Lamara D. Shrode, Janet D. Klein, Phyllis B. Douglas, W. Charles O'Neill, and Robert W. Putnam

Directions of Torques Produced About the Ankle Joint by Cat Medial Gastrocnemius Motor Units, Alan J. Sokoloff, Timothy C. Cope, T. Richard Nichols, and Arthur W. English


Direct Demonstration of Retroviral Recombination in a Rhesus Monkey, Dawn P. Wooley, Randall A. Smith, Susan Czajak, and Ronald C. Desrosiers


Voltage-Dependent Binding and Calcium Channel Current Inhibition By an Anti-α1D Subunit Antibody in Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurones and Guinea-Pig Myocytes, Christopher N. Wyatt, V. Campbell, J. Brodbeck, Nicola L. Brice, Karen M. Page, Nicholas S. Berrow, K. Brickley, C. M. N. Terracciano, R. U. Naqvi, K. T. MacLeod, and Annette C. Dolphin


Interferon Action and Apoptosis Are Defective in Mice Devoid of 29,59-Oligoadenylate-Dependent RNase L, Aimin Zhou, Jayashree Paranjape, Thomas L. Brown, Huiqin Nie, Sharon Naik, Beihua Dong, Ansi Chang, Bruce Trapp, Robert Fairchild, Clemencia Colmenares, and Robert H. Silverman

Submissions from 1996

Fluorescence Analysis of Carrier Rat and Human Erythrocytes Loaded With FITC-Dextran, Francisco J. Alvarez, A. Herráez, and M. C. Tejedor

Distribution of Immunoreactivity for the β2 and β3 Subunits of the GABAA Receptor in the Mammalian Spinal Cord, Francisco J. Alvarez, Bonnie Taylor-Blake, Robert E. W. Fyffe, Angel L. de Blas, and Alan R. Light


Apolipoprotein J/Clusterin Expression Defines Distinct Stages of Blastocyst Implantation in the Mouse Uterus, Thomas L. Brown, Bruce C. Moulton, David P. Witte, Debi K. Swertfeger, and Judith A. K. Harmony