
Submissions from 1987


Cross-Correlation Assessment of Synaptic Strength of Single Ia Fiber Connections with Triceps Surae Motoneurones in Cats, Timothy C. Cope, E. E. Fetz, and M. Matsumura


Activation of Single Neuronal Sodium Channels By Veratridine and Polypeptide Neurotoxin in Planar Lipid Bilayers, Adrian M. Corbett, William C. Zinkand, and Bruce K. Krueger

Protein Secretion by the Oviduct and Uterus During Early Pregnancy in the Mouse, Gary L. Nieder and G. R. Macon

Uterine and Oviducal Protein Secretion During Early Pregnancy in the Mouse, Gary L. Nieder and G. R. Macon

Synthesis and Secretion of Stage-Specific Proteins By Peri-Implantation Mouse Embryos, Gary L. Nieder, Harry M. Weitlauf, and Makiko Suda-Hartman

The Morphology and Distribution of Serotonin-Like Immunoreactive Fibers in the Cat Dorsal Column Nuclei, John C. Pearson and Melvyn D. Goldfinger

Effects of Fluoride on Gastric Mucous Cells in the Rat, Larry J. Ream


Gastric Mucus Secretion in Rats Administered Sodium Fluoride, Larry J. Ream

Phosphorylation Fails to Activate Chloride Channels from Cystic Fibrosis Airway Cells, Robert A. Schoumacher, Richard L. Shoemaker, Dan R. Halm, E. Ann Tallant, Robert W. Wallace, and Raymond A. Frizzell

Animal Models of Cholinergic Dysfunction Related to Aging and Senile Dementia, Gary L. Wenk, D. S. Olton, D. Hughey, and Kathrin L. Engisch

Submissions from 1986

Virus-Induced, Testosterone-Dependent Deficit in the Lymphokine Cascade Response in ICR Swiss Mice, Roy A. Blay, K. K. Brown, and Nancy J. Bigley

Discharge Properties of Motoneurons Supplying Distal Forelimb Muscles in the Cat, B. R. Botterman and Timothy C. Cope


Soleus Motor Units in Chronic Spinal Transected Cats: Physiological and Morphological Alterations, Timothy C. Cope, Sue C. Bodine, Mario Fournier, and V. Reggie Edgerton

Saxitoxin and Calcium Interactions With Purified Sodium Channels Reconstituted in Planar Lipid Bilayers, Adrian M. Corbett, William C. Zinkand, and Bruce K. Krueger


Human Pharmacokinetics, Excretion, and Metabolism of the Anthracycline Antibiotic Menogaril (7-OMEN, NSC 269148) and Their Correlation with Clinical Toxicities, Merrill J. Egorin, David A. Van Echo, Margaret Y. Whitacre, Alan Forrest, Lawrence M. Sigman, Kathrin L. Engisch, and Joseph Aisner

Postpartum Developmental Morphology of the Siberian Hamster (Phodopus sungorus) Stomach: An SEM Study, Simin Ercan, Larry J. Ream, Frank Nagy, and Jane N. Scott


Poisson Process Stimulation of an Excitable Membrane Cable Model, Melvyn D. Goldfinger


Active K Transport Across Rabbit Distal Colon: Relation to Na Absorption and Cl Secretion, Dan R. Halm and Raymond A. Frizzell

Aspects of pHi Regulation in Frog Skeletal Muscle, Robert W. Putnam and Albert Roos


Effect of Calcium and Other Divalent Cations on Intracellular pH Regulation of Frog Skeletal Muscle, Robert W. Putnam and Albert Roos


Inhibition of Na/H Exchange By External Divalent Cations in Frog Skeletal Muscle, Robert W. Putnam and Albert Roos

Na-Independent Phi Recovery in Frog Skeletal Muscle, Robert W. Putnam and Albert Roos


Properties of the Intracellular pH-Regulating Systems of Frog Skeletal Muscle, Robert W. Putnam, Albert Roos, and Timothy J. Wilding


Simultaneous HPLC and Evoked Potential Analysis of Cat Cuneate Nucleus, C. Wayne Simpson, Garth E. Resch, and Melvyn D. Goldfinger

[3H] Ketanserin (Serotonin Type 2) Binding Increases in Rat Cortex Following Basal Forebrain Lesions with Ibotenic Acid, Gary L. Wenk and Kathrin L. Engisch

[3H]Ketanserin Binding Increases in Monkey Cortex Following Basal Forebrain Lesions With Ibotenic Acid, Gary L. Wenk, Kathrin L. Engisch, Lisa D. McCall, Susan J. Mitchell, Thomas G. Aigner, Robert L. Struble, Donald L. Price, and David S. Olton

Submissions from 1985


A Murine Model of Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus Resulting from the Cumulative Effects of the Nondiabetogenic Strain of Encephalomyocarditis Virus and a Single Low Dose of Streptozocin, Roy A. Blay, Nancy J. Bigley, and David J. Giron

Carrageenan Modulation of Testosterone-Dependent Diabetogenicity of Encephalomyocarditis (EMC) Viruses, Roy A. Blay, Nancy J. Bigley, and David J. Giron


Interaction of Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase With Isolated Microsomal Subfractions of Skeletal Muscle, Anthony H. Caswell and Adrian M. Corbett

Determinants of Triad Junction Reformation: Identification and Isolation of an Endogenous Promotor for Junction Reformation in Skeletal Muscle, Adrian M. Corbett, Anthony H. Caswell, Neil R. Brandt, and Jean P. Brunschwig


Interaction of Glyceraldehyde Phosphate Dehydrogenase and Aldolase With Microsomal Subfractions of Skeletal-Muscle, Adrian M. Corbett, Anthony H. Caswell, R. M. Kawamoto, F. Lugo-Gutierrez, and Jean P. Brunschwig

Catecholamine, Adenosine Triphosphate, and P-Creatine Levels in Decapitated Whole Mouse Brain, Clinton N. Corder, Richard E. Castillo, and Gary L. Nieder


Metabolism and Disposition of Menogaril (NSC 269148) in the Rabbit, Pierre Dodion, Merrill J. Egorin, Kathrin L. Engisch, and Nicholas R. Bachur

Human Pharmacokinetics and Correlation With Clinical Toxicities of the Anthracycline Antibiotic Menogaril (7-Omen), Merrill J. Egorin, David A. Van Echo, Margaret Y. Whitacre, Kathrin L. Engisch, Eve A. Olman, Lawrence M. Sigman, Alan Forrest, and Joseph Aisner

Detection by HPLC-EC of Primary Amines Recovered in Aqueous Push-Pull Perfusates from Cat Cuneate Nucleus, Melvyn D. Goldfinger


Exacerbation of the Pathogenesis of the Diabetogenic Variant of Encephalomyocarditis Virus in Mice by Interferon, Cheryl L. Gould, Karyle G. McMannama, Nancy J. Bigley, and David J. Giron


Virus-Induced Murine Diabetes: Enhancement by Immunosuppression, Cheryl L. Gould, Karyle G. McMannama, Nancy J. Bigley, and David J. Giron

Aldosterone does not Stimulate the Na:K Pump in Isolated Turtle Colon, Dan R. Halm and David C. Dawson


Electrophysiology of Flounder Intestinal Mucosa. I. Conductance Properties ofthe Cellular and Paracellular Pathways, Dan R. Halm, Edward J. Krasny Jr., and Raymond A. Frizzell


Electrophysiology of Flounder Intestinal Mucosa. II. Relation of the Electrical Potential Profile to Coupled NaCl Absorption, Dan R. Halm, Edward J. Krasny Jr., and Raymond A. Frizzell


Subclassification of Neurons in the Ventrobasal Complex of the Dog; Quantitative Golgi Study Using Principal Components Analysis, J. E. Harpring, John C. Pearson, J. R. Norris, and B. L. Mann

Effects of Metabolic Substrates and Ionic Environment on In-Vitro Activation of Delayed Implanting Mouse Blastocysts, Gary L. Nieder and Harry M. Weitlauf

Inhibition of Cell Division and DNA Synthesis in Mouse Embryos by a Low Molecular Weight Component of Uterine Epithelium, Gary L. Nieder and Harry M. Weitlauf


Subclassification of Neurons in the Subthalamic Nucleus of the Lesser Bushbaby (Galago senegalensis): A Quantitative Golgi Study Using Principal Components Analysis, John C. Pearson, J. R. Norris, and C. H. Phelps

Effect of Small Doses of Aspirin and Acetaminophen on Total Menstrual Loss and Pain of Cramps and Headache, Paula B. Pendergrass, Jane N. Scott, Larry J. Ream, and M. A. Agna


Effect of Insulin on Intracellular pH in Frog Skeletal Muscle Fibers, Robert W. Putnam

External Divalent Cations Inhibit Na/H Exchange in Frog Skeletal Muscle, Robert W. Putnam and Albert Roos

Intracellular pH (pHi) Regulation in Frog Muscle, Robert W. Putnam and Albert Roos

Placentas from Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and Control Strain Wistar-Kyoto Rats, Jane N. Scott, Jane C. Goecke, and Larry J. Ream

DNA and Protein Content of Hearts from Fetuses of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, Jane N. Scott and Larry J. Ream


Methods for Quantifying the Effects of Vitamin A and Retinoids on Bone Remodelling in the Rat and Mouse, J. S. Turton, J. Gwynne, R. M. Hicks, and Larry J. Ream

Submissions from 1984


Effects of Hind Limb Nerve Section on Lumbosacral Dorsal Horn Neurones in the Cat, A. G. Brown, Robert E. Fyffe, R. Noble, and M. J. Rowe

Arborizations of Single Corticofugal Axons in the Feline Cuneate Nucleus Stained by Iontophoretic Injection of Horseradish Peroxidase, Surindar Cheema, Robert E.W. Fyffe, Alan Light, and Aldo Rustioni

Isolation and Identification of an Endogenous Promotor for the Reformation of the Triad Junction in Skeletal Muscle, Adrian M. Corbett


Identification and Isolation of an Endogenous Promotor for the Formation of the Triad Junction in Skeletal Muscle, Adrian M. Corbett and Anthony H. Caswell

Enzymatic Catalysis of Anthracyclines to Non-Fluorescent Metabolites, Pierre Dodion, A. L. Bernstein, B. M. Fox, T. A. Davis, Kathrin L. Engisch, and Nicholas R. Bachur

The Disposition of the New Anthracycline Antibiotic, Menogarol, in Mice, Pierre Dodion, Barbara K. Chang, Merrill J. Egorin, Eve A. Olman, Kathrin L. Engisch, and Nicholas R. Bachur


The Metabolism and Disposition of Menogarol (OM; NSC 269148) in Mice and Hamsters, Pierre Dodion, Barbara K. Chang, Merrill J. Egorin, Eve A. Olman, Kathrin L. Engisch, and Nicholas R. Bachur

Relationships Between Chloride and Potassium Secretion Across Large Intestine, R. A. Frizzell, Dan R. Halm, and E. J. Krasny


Potassium Transport by Flounder Intestinal Mucosa, Raymond A. Frizzell, Dan R. Halm, Mark W. Musch, Christopher P. Stewart, and Michael Field

Superposition of Impulse Activity in a Rapidly Adapting Afferent Unit Model, Melvyn D. Goldfinger

Recovery by Push-Pull Perfusion of Neurochemicals Released Within the Cuneate Nucleus of the Cat by Somatosensory Stimulation, Melvyn D. Goldfinger, C. Wayne Simpson, and Garth E. Resch

Replication of Diabetogenic and Nondiabetogenic Variants of Encephalomyocarditis (EMC) Virus in ICR Swiss Mice, Cheryl L. Gould, Mary L. Trombley, Nancy J. Bigley, Karyle G. McMannama, and David J. Giron


Control of Potassium Transport by Turtle Colon: Role of Membrane Potential, Dan R. Halm and David C. Dawson


Potassium Transport by Turtle Colon: Active Secretion and Active Absorption, Dan R. Halm and David C. Dawson


Analysis of Individual Ia-Afferent EPSPs in a Homonymous Motoneuron Pool with Respect to Muscle Topography, Sylvia M. Lucas, Timothy C. Cope, and Marc D. Binder

Effects of Metabolic Substrates and Ionic Environment on In-Vitro Activation of Delayed Implanting Mouse Blastocysts, Gary L. Nieder and Harry M. Weitlauf

Regulation of Glycolysis in the Mouse Blastocyst During Delayed Implantation, Gary L. Nieder and Harry M. Weitlauf

Research-and-Teaching Elective in a Primary Care Oriented School, E. Pantoja, J. Zambernard, Frank Nagy, Larry J. Ream, and Ronald J. Markert


The Cytoarchitecture and Some Efferent Projections of the Centromedian-Parafascicular Complex in the Lesser Bushbaby (Galago senegalensis), John C. Pearson, J. R. Norris, and C. H. Phelps

Do Aspirin and Acetaminophen Affect Total Menstrual Loss?, Paula B. Pendergrass, Larry J. Ream, Jane N. Scott, and M. A. Agna

A Rapid, Noninvasive Method for Evaluation of Total Menstrual Loss, Paula B. Pendergrass, Jane N. Scott, and Larry J. Ream

The Effect of an H1 Blocker, Chlorpheniramine Maleate, on Total Menstrual Loss, Paula B. Pendergrass, Jane N. Scott, Larry J. Ream, and M. A. Agna


The Use of an Antihistamine to Reduce Total Menstrual Loss, Paula B. Pendergrass, Jane N. Scott, Larry J. Ream, and M. A. Agna

Umbilical Vessels of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, Jane N. Scott, Joan M. Kolodzik, Paula B. Pendergrass, Larry J. Ream, and C. Murray Bartley


Blood Pressures in Pregnant Ovariectomized Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, Jane N. Scott and Larry J. Ream

New Screening Method for Occult Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Immunologic and Guaiac Slide Tests, H. P. Stelling, H. Maimon, R. A. Smith, N. J. Bigley, and M. D. Mukherjee


Metabolism in Preimplantation Mouse Embryos, Harry M. Weitlauf and Gary L. Nieder

Submissions from 1983


The Intracellular pH of Frog Skeletal Muscle: Its Regulation in Isotonic Solutions, Ronald F. Abercrombie, Robert W. Putnam, and Albert Roos


Receptive Field Organization and Response Properties of Spinal Neurones With Axons Ascending the Dorsal Columns in the Cat, A. G. Brown, P. B. Brown, Robert E. Fyffe, and L. M. Pubols


Intracellular Labeling with HRP of Identified Neurons, Primary Afferents and Cortical Fibers to the Cuneate Nucleus of the Cat, Surindar Cheema, Robert E.W. Fyffe, Alan Light, and Aldo Rustioni

Potassium Transport Across the Intestine of the Winter Flounder: Active Secretion and Absorption, Dan R. Halm, E. J. Krasny, and R. A. Frizzell

Pyruvate and Lactate Levels in Oviducts of Cycling, Pregnant, and Pseudopregnant Mice, Gary L. Nieder and Clinton N. Corder

Control of Glucose Metabolism During Delayed Implantation, Gary L. Nieder and Harry M. Weitlauf


A Golgi Study of the Opossum Ventral Basal Complex, John C. Pearson, J. R. Norris, M. R. Coccia, and B. L. Mann


A Rapid Method for Determining Normal Weights of Medium-to-Large Mongrel Dogs, Paula B. Pendergrass, C. Murray Bartley, Andrew F. Nagy, Larry J. Ream, and Robert Stuhlman

A Rapid Method for Determining Normal Weights of Medium-to-Large Mongrel Dogs, Paula B. Pendergrass, C. Murray Bartley, Frank Nagy, Larry J. Ream, and Robert Stuhlman

Structure and Mechanism of Ovulation in the Golden Hamster: A Light and Scanning Electron Microscope Study, Paula B. Pendergrass and Larry J. Ream


Histochemical, Enzymatic, and Contractile Properties of Skeletal Muscles of Three Anuran Amphibians, Robert W. Putnam and Albert F. Bennett

Na-H Exchange in Frog Skeletal Muscle: Its Role in Recovery of Intracellular pH (pHi) from Acid Loading, Robert W. Putnam and Albert Roos

Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Rat Femur After Fluoride Ingestion, Larry J. Ream

Fluoride Ingestion During Multiple Pregnancies and Lactations: Microscopic Observations on Bone of the Rat, Larry J. Ream, Donna L. Hull, Jane N. Scott, and Paula B. Pendergrass

Microscopic Observations of Bone Following Multiple Pregnancies and Lactations in the Fluoride Treated Rat, Larry J. Ream, Donna L. Hull, Jane N. Scott, and Paula B. Pendergrass

Fluoride Ingestion During Pregnancy and Lactation: Morphological Effects on Maternal Rat Bone, Larry J. Ream, Paula B. Pendergrass, and Jane N. Scott


Fluoride Ingestion in Rats: Effects on Neonatal Bone, Larry J. Ream, Paula B. Pendergrass, and Jane N. Scott

Bone Morphology of Weanling Rats from Dams Subjected to Fluoride, Larry J. Ream, Jane N. Scott, and Paula B. Pendergrass

Pregnancy in the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat, Jane N. Scott, Jane C. Goecke, and Larry J. Ream

Submissions from 1982


Distributions of EPSP Latency at Different Group Ia-Fiber-Alpha-Motoneuron Connections, Timothy C. Cope and Lorne M. Mendell


Parallel Fluctuations of EPSP Amplitude and Rise Time with Latency at Single Ia-Fiber-Motoneuron Connections in the Cat, Timothy C. Cope and Lorne M. Mendell


Distribution, Density and Size of Muscle Receptors in Cat Tail Dorsolateral Muscles, Melvyn D. Goldfinger and Y. Fukami