Submissions from 1996
Ca2+ Channel Currents in Type I Carotid Body Cells from Normoxic and Chronically Hypoxic Rats, E. Carpenter, Christopher N. Wyatt, C. J. Hatton, D. Bee, and Chris Peers
A Recombinant Inwardly Rectifying Potassium Channel Coupled to GTP-Binding Proteins, Kim W. Chan, M. Noelle Langan, Jin Liang Sui, J. Ashot Kozak, Amanda Pabon, John A. A. Ladias, and Diomedes E. Logothetis
Size Principle of Motor Unit Recruitment: Extent of Its Applicability, Timothy C. Cope, Alan J. Sokoloff, and B. D. Clark
Purification of RI, RII and RIII Sodium Channel Subtypes from Adult Rat Brain With Immunoaffinity Columns, Adrian M. Corbett
Contrasting the Localization of RI and RIII Sodium Channel Subtypes in Adult Rat Brain, Adrian M. Corbett and Miranda D. Jarnot
Herpes Simplex Virus DNA as a Potential DNA Vaccine, P. E. Cruz, P. S. Fink, B. J. Johnson, and Nancy J. Bigley
Recruitment of Triceps Surae Motor Units in the Decerebrate Cat. I. Independence of Type S Units in Soleus and Medial Gastrocnemius Muscles, S. M. Dacko, Alan J. Sokoloff, and Timothy C. Cope
Optimal Positioning for Cervical Immobilization, Robert A. De Lorenzo, James E. Olson, Mike Boska, Renate Johnston, Glenn C. Hamilton, James Augustine, and Rhonda Barton
Calcium Dependence of Large Dense-Cored Vesicle Exocytosis Evoked by Calcium Influx in Bovine Adrenal Chromaffin Cells, Kathrin L. Engisch and Martha C. Nowycky
Whole-Cell Voltage-Clamp Investigation of the Role of PKC in Muscarinic Inhibition of IAHP in Rat CA1 Hippocampal Neurons, Kathrin L. Engisch, John J. Wagner, and Bradley E. Alger
Two Ion Currents Activated by Acetylcholine in the ARC Muscle of Aplysia, J. Ashot Kozak, K. R. Weiss, and V. Brezina
Comparison of Ca2+ Loading and Retention in Isolated Skeletal Muscle Triads and Terminal Cisternae, James W. Kramer and Adrian M. Corbett
Determination of Releasable Calcium in Isolated Rabbit Triads Terminal Cisternae, James W. Kramer and Adrian M. Corbett
Gβγ Gating of a Human Pancreatic Kir3.4 Channel, Diomedes E. Logothetis, M. Noelle Langan, Jin Liang Sui, J. Ashot Kozak, Amanda Pabon, and Kim W. Chan
Computer-Based Model for Learning Immunology, C. L. Marshall, D. A. Veasley, J. A. Raker, and Nancy J. Bigley
Superantigen Pretreatment Alters Host Immune Response to Oral Microflora, K. M. Mason, Nancy J. Bigley, and P. S. Fink
Bringing Gross Anatomy into the 1990s, Frank Nagy and Gary L. Nieder
Gross Human Anatomy - Reconfiguration of the Course, Frank Nagy and Gary L. Nieder
A Computer-Assisted Instructional Program for Sectional Anatomy Based on the National Library of Medicine’s Visible Human Project Database, Gary L. Nieder and Frank Nagy
Beyond Vesalius, Gary L. Nieder and Frank Nagy
Beyond Vesalius: An Interactive Program for Teaching Sectional Anatomy, Gary L. Nieder and Frank Nagy
QuickTime VR: A Practical Use of Virtual Reality in Gross Anatomy Instruction, Gary L. Nieder, Jane N. Scott, and G. Breyley
Ca2+ Channel Currents in Type I Carotid Body Cells of Normoxic and Chronically Hypoxic Neonatal Rats, Chris Peers, E. Carpenter, C. J. Hatton, Christopher N. Wyatt, and D. Bee
Intracellular pH Regulation in Detubulated Frog Skeletal Muscle Fibers, Robert W. Putnam
Membrane Domain Localization of pH-Regulating Transporters in Frog Skeletal Muscle Membrane Vesicles, Robert W. Putnam, Phyllis B. Douglas, and Nick A. Ritucci
Active Potassium Transport Across Guinea-Pig Distal Colon: Action of Secretagogues, Gerhard Rechkemmer, Raymond A. Frizzell, and Dan R. Halm
A Fluorescence Technique to Measure Intracellular pH of Single Neurons in Brainstem Slices, Nick A. Ritucci, Joseph S. Erlichman, Jay B. Dean, and Robert W. Putnam
The Measurement of Intracellular pH of Single Neurons in Brainstem Slices Under Normal and Hypercapnic Conditions, Nick A. Ritucci, Joseph S. Erlichman, Jay B. Dean, and Robert W. Putnam
Matrix Metalloproteinase Expression During Mouse Peri-Implantation Development, Mark E. Sharkey, Richard R. Adler, Gary L. Nieder, and Carol A. Brenner
Hotspots for Retroviral Recombination, R. A. Smith, L. A. Bircher, and Dawn P. Wooley
Recruitment of Triceps Surae Motor Units in the Decerebrate Cat. II. Heterogeneity Among Soleus Motor Units, Alan J. Sokoloff and Timothy C. Cope
Pregnancy After Donor Nephrectomy 1, 2, Lucile E. Wrenshall, Lois McHugh, Patricia Felton, David L. Dunn, and Arthur J. Matas
An Antibody to an L-Type Calcium Channel Attenuates Voltage-Dependent Barium Currents in Cultured Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion Cells, Christopher N. Wyatt, K. Brickley, and Annette C. Dolphin
Submissions from 1995
Verapamil-Tobramycin Synergy in Pseudomonas cepacia but Not Pseudomonas aeruginosa In Vitro, Robert C. Cohn, Lois Rudzienski, and Robert W. Putnam
Are There Important Exceptions to the Size Principle of Alpha Motoneuron Recruitment?, Timothy C. Cope and B. D. Clark
The Size Principle: Still Working After All These Years, Timothy C. Cope and Martin J. Pinter
Difference in Il-10 and IFN-Gamma Production in Picornavirus-Infected Splenocytes, R. E. Curiel, P. E. Cruz, and Nancy J. Bigley
Selective Stimulation of Epithelial Cells in Colonic Crypts: Relation to Active Chloride Secretion, Dan R. Halm, Susan T. Halm, Donald R. DiBona, Raymond A. Frizzell, and Rodney D. Johnson
Immunolocalization of RII Sodium Channel in Rat Brain With High Affinity Antibodies, Miranda D. Jarnot, Francisco J. Alvarez, Robert E. W. Fyffe, and Adrian M. Corbett
Characterization of Anti-Peptide Antibodies to Rat Brain RII Sodium Channel, Miranda D. Jarnot and Adrian M. Corbett
High Titer Antibody to Mammalian Neuronal Sodium Channels Produces Sustained Channel Block, Miranda D. Jarnot and Adrian M. Corbett
Responses of Cat's Dorsal Hippocampal Neurones to Moving Visual Stimuli, Anahit L. Kazarian, Armenui A. Hekimian, Bella A. Harutiunian-Kozak, Gayane G. Grigorian, J. Ashot Kozak, and Tigran M. Markarian
The Kinetics and Effect of Calcium Loading on Depolarization-Induced Calcium Release in Isolated Triads, James W. Kramer and Adrian M. Corbett
The Voltage Dependence of Depolarization-Induced Calcium Release in Isolated Skeletal Muscle Triads, James W. Kramer and Adrian M. Corbett
Localization of NADPH Diaphorase in the Mouse Uterus During the First Half of Pregnancy and During an Artificially Induced Decidual Cell Reaction, Colin S. Moorhead, Michelle Lawhun, and Gary L. Nieder
Computation of Long-Distance Propagation of Impulses Elicited by Poisson-Process Stimulation, K. Moradmand and Melvyn D. Goldfinger
Poisson-Process Electrical Stimulation: Circuit and Axonal Responses, K. Moradmand and Melvyn D. Goldfinger
Ca2+ Channel Currents in Type I Carotid Body Cells of Normoxic and Chronically Hypoxic Rats, Chris Peers, Christopher N. Wyatt, and D. Bee
Effect of Mg2+ and ATP on Depolarization-Induced Ca2+ Release in Isolated Triads, Nick A. Ritucci and Adrian M. Corbett
Shrinkage-Induced Activation of Na+/H+ Exchange in Primary Rat Astrocytes: Role of Myosin Light-Chain Kinase, Lamara D. Shrode, Janet D. Klein, W. Charles O'Neill, and Robert W. Putnam
Sodium Channel Distribution in Skeletal Muscle, S. E. Starr, Miranda D. Jarnot, Adrian M. Corbett, and J. H. Caldwell
Heparan Sulfate Initiates Signals in Murine Macrophages Leading to Divergent Biologic Outcomes, Lucile E. Wrenshall, Frank B. Cerra, R. K. Singh, and Jeffrey L. Platt
Ca2+-Activated K+ Channels in Isolated Type I Cells of the Neonatal Rat Carotid Body, Christopher N. Wyatt and Chris Peers
O2-Sensitive K+ Currents in Carotid Body Chemoreceptor Cells from Normoxic and Chronically Hypoxic Rats and Their Roles in Hypoxic Chemotransduction, Christopher N. Wyatt, C. Wright, D. Bee, and Chris Peers
Submissions from 1994
Effects of Natural Sequence Variation on Recognition by Monoclonal Antibodies Neutralize Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Infectivity, Weon Sang Choi, Catherine Collignon, Clotilde Thiriart, Dawn P. Wooley, E. J. Scott, Karen A. Kent, and Ronald C. Desrosiers
Reinnervated Muscles Fail to Produce Stretch Reflexes, Timothy C. Cope, S. J. Bonasera, and T. Richard Nichols
Sodium Channel Subtypes in the Rat Display Functional Differences in the Presence of Veratridine, Adrian M. Corbett and Melanie A. Vander Klok
Interferon Responses Predicting Susceptibility or Resistance to Picornavirus Disease, R. E. Curiel and Nancy J. Bigley
Morphological Characterization of a Triad Fraction Highly Enriched in Ryanodine- and DHP-Binding Activity, D. G. Ferguson, S. A. Lewis Carl, and Adrian M. Corbett
Spatial Summation Processes in Visually Driven Neurons of Cat's Pretectal Region, Gayane G. Grigorian, Bella A. Harutiunian-Kozak, Anahit L. Kazarian, Armenui A. Hekimian, Tigran M. Markarian, and J. Ashot Kozak
Aldosterone Stimulates K secretion Prior to Onset of Na Absorption in Guinea Pig Distal Colon, Dan R. Halm and Susan T. Halm
Production of Anti-Peptide Antibodies in Rabbits and Chickens: A Comparative Study, Miranda D. Jarnot, Melanie A. Vander Klok, and Adrian M. Corbett
Purification of Triads Through Alterations of Skeletal Muscle Homogenization and Differential Centrifugation, James W. Kramer, Nick A. Ritucci, and Adrian M. Corbett
Histochemical Localization of NADPH Diaphorase in the Mouse Uterus During the First Half of Pregnancy and During an Artificially Induced Decidual Reaction, Colin S. Moorhead, Michelle Lawhun, and Gary L. Nieder
Gelatinase and Caseinase Expression by Cultured Mouse Uterine Epithelial and Stromal Cells, Gary L. Nieder, C. C. Wegner, J. A. Julian, and D. D. Carson
Spinal Epidural Abscess Caused By Brucella: Case Report, J. F. Paz, Francisco J. Alvarez, J. M. Roda, R. Frutos, and A. Isla
Actions of Nicotinic Agonists on Isolated Type I Cells of the Neonatal Rat Carotid Body, Chris Peers, Christopher N. Wyatt, and Keith J. Buckler
The Effect of Magnesium On Depolarization-Induced Calcium Release in Isolated Skeletal Muscle Triads, Nick A. Ritucci and Adrian M. Corbett
Presence of Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide in Intraepithelial Nerve Fibers and Motor End-Plates of the Cat Esophagus: A Light and Electron Microscopic Study, José Rodrigo, J. A. Pedrosa, Francisco J. Alvarez, M. L. Bentura, O. Uttenthal, R. Martinez-Murillo, and Julia M. Polak
Evidence for Amino Acid Concentration Gradients Between CSF and Extracellular Fluid, V. R. Roettger and Melvyn D. Goldfinger
Intracellular pH Regulation in Primary Rat Astrocytes and C6 Glioma Cells, Lamara D. Shrode and Robert W. Putnam
Cytokine Profiles in Gut Samples from Balb/c Mice Immune to Eimeria-Falciformis, M. I. Stiff, H. Z. Zhang, and Nancy J. Bigley
Inhibition of K+ and Ca2+ Currents in Freshly Isolated Rat Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells by Diphenylene Iodonium, E. K. Weir, Christopher N. Wyatt, Helen L. Reeve, S. L. Archer, and Chris Peers
Diphenyleneiodonium Inhibits Both Potassium and Calcium Currents in Isolated Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells, E. K. Weir, Christopher N. Wyatt, Helen L. Reeve, J. Huang, S. L. Archer, and Chris Peers
Envelope Sequence Variation, Neutralizing Antibodies, and Primate Lentivirus Persistence, Dawn P. Wooley and Ronald C. Desrosiers
High Rates of Frameshift Mutations within Homo-oligomeric Runs During a Single Cycle of Retroviral Replication, Dawn P. Wooley and H. M. Temin
Modulation of Cytolytic T Cell Responses by Heparan Sulfate, Lucile E. Wrenshall, Ann Carlson, Frank B. Cerra, and Jeffrey L. Platt
Ca2+-Activated K+-Channels from Isolated Type I Carotid Body Cells of the Neonatal Rat, Christopher N. Wyatt and Chris Peers
K+ Currents in Isolated Type I Carotid Body Cells of Neonatal Rats Born and Reared in Hypoxia and Normoxia, Christopher N. Wyatt, Chris Peers, C. Wright, and D. Bee
Diphenylene Iodonium Blocks K+ and Ca2+ Currents in Type I Cells Isolated from the Neonatal Rat Carotid Body, Christopher N. Wyatt, E. K. Weir, and Chris Peers
Inhibition of Ionic Currents in Isolated Type I Cells of the Neonatal Rat Carotid Body By Diphenylene Iodonium, Christopher N. Wyatt, E. K. Weir, and Chris Peers
Submissions from 1993
Ultrastructural Morphology, Synaptic Relationships, and CGRP Immunoreactivity of Physiologically Identified C-Fiber Terminals in the Monkey Spinal Cord, Francisco J. Alvarez, Anahid M. Kavookjian, and Alan R. Light
Neutralization Escape by Simian Immunodeficiency Virus, Weon Sang Choi, Catherine Collignon, C. Bruck, Dawn P. Wooley, Karen A. Kent, J. Stott, and Ronald C. Desrosiers
Cutaneous Stimulation Fails to Alter Motor Unit Recruitment in the Decerebrate Cat, B. D. Clark, S. M. Dacko, and Timothy C. Cope
Motor-Unit Recruitment in Self-Reinnervated Muscle, Timothy C. Cope and B. D. Clark
Does the Gender Difference in Interferon Production Seen in Picornavirus-Infected Spleen Cell Cultures from ICR Swiss Mice Have Any In Vivo Significance?, R. E. Curiel, M. H. Miller, R. Ishikawa, D. C. Thomas, and Nancy J. Bigley
Modulation of Motoneuron Activity: Distribution of Glycine Receptors, Robert E.W. Fyffe, Francisco J. Alvarez, John C. Pearson, Deborah Harrington, and Dianne E. Dewey
Stimulation of Cl Permeability in Colonic Crypts of Lieberkühn Measured with a Fluorescent Indicator, Dan R. Halm, Kevin L. Kirk, and Kingsley C. Sathiakumar
Role of Heparan Sulfate in Immune System-Blood Vessel Interactions, Nathan S. Ihrcke, Lucile E. Wrenshall, Bonnie J. Lindman, and Jeffrey L. Platt
Antibodies to Rat Brain Sodium Channel Subtype III Purified from the Eggs of Immunized Hens, Miranda D. Jarnot, Francisco J. Alvarez, Deborah A. Harrington, Robert E.W. Fyffe, and Adrian M. Corbett
BMg, Magnesium Buffer Coefficient: A New Method for Determining Magnesium Buffering in Ventricular Myocytes, Kimberly L. Koss, Robert W. Putnam, and Robert D. Grubbs
Mg2+ Buffering in Cultured Chick Ventricular Myocytes: Quantitation and Modulation by Ca2+, Kimberly L. Koss, Robert W. Putnam, and Robert D. Grubbs
Calibration of Transverse Tubule Membrane Potential Using the Potential-Sensitive Dye DiSC3(5), James W. Kramer and Adrian M. Corbett
Spatial Arrangement and Metabolic Capacity of Fiber Types in Self-Reinnervated Cat Muscle, P. A. Nemeth, Timothy C. Cope, S. Kushner, and P. M. Nemeth
Inhibition of Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in the Human Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y by Desipramine and Imipramine, Chris Peers, Brinderjeet Rana, Stephen O. McMorn, Helen L. Reeve, Christopher N. Wyatt, and Peter F.T. Vaughan
Inhibition of Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors By Imipramine and Desipramine, Brinderjeet Rana, Stephen O. McMorn, Helen L. Reeve, Christopher N. Wyatt, and Peter F.T. Vaughan
Mechanism and Regulation of Swelling-Activated Inositol Efflux in Brain Glial Cells, Kevin Strange, Rebecca Morrison, Lamara D. Shrode, and Robert W. Putnam
Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Mutants Resistant to Serum Neutralization Arise During Persistent Infection of Rhesus Monkeys, Dawn P. Wooley, Catherine Collignon, and Ronald C. Desrosiers
Rates of Mutation within Long Homopolymer Runs During a Single Cycle of Retroviral Replication, Dawn P. Wooley and H. M. Temin
Regulation by Heparan Sulfate and Interleukin 1α of the Ontogenic Expression of T-Cell Receptor, CD4, and CD8 in Developing Thymus, Lucile E. Wrenshall, Frank B. Cerra, Pablo Rubinstein, and Jeffrey L. Platt