Submissions from 2017
The Learning Loss Effect in Genetics: What Ideas Do Students Retain or Lose After Instruction?, Amber Todd, William L. Romine, and Michele Miller
Insights into The Ecology, Genetics and Distribution of Lucanus Elaphus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Lucanidae), North America's Giant Stag Beetle, Michael D. Ulyshen, Louis G. Zachos, John O. Stireman III, Thomas N. Sheehan, and Ryan C. Garrick
Attached Algae: The Cryptic Base of Inverted Trophic Pyramids in Freshwaters, Yvonne Vadeboncoeur
Assessing Pathogenicity And Innate Immune Modulatory Activity Of Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus Upon Matrix Protein Mutation, Wade G. Weaver, Bartolomeo Gorgoglione, Qi Ke, Vikram N. Vakharia, and Douglas W. Leaman
Analysis of the Respiratory Component of Heart Rate Variability in the Cururu Toad Rhinella Schneideri, Lucas A. Zena, Cleo A. C. Leite, Leonardo S. Longhini, Daniel P. M. Dias, Glauber S. F. da Silva, Lynn K. Hartzler, Luciane H. Gargaglioni, and Kenia C. Bicego
Submissions from 2016
Benthic Algae Compensate for Phytoplankton Losses in Large Aquatic Ecosystems, Soren Brothers, Yvonne Vadeboncoeur, and Paul Sibley
A Phylogenetic Framework for the Tachinid Fly Tribe Blondeliini (Diptera: Tachinidae: Exoristinae), Z. L. Burington and John O. Stireman III
MycoDB, a Global Database of Plant Response to Mycorrhizal Fungi, V. Bala Chaudhary, Megan A. Rúa, Anita Antoninka, James D. Bever, Jeffery Cannon, Ashley Craig, Jessica Duchicela, Alicia Frame, Catherine Gehring, Michelle Ha, Miranda Hart, Jacob Hopkins, Baoming Ji, Nancy C. Johnson, Wittaya Kaonongbua, Justine Karst, Roger T. Koide, Louis J. Lamit, James Meadow, Brook Milligan, John C. Moore, Thomas H. Pendergast IV, Bridget J. Piculell, Blake Ramsby, Suzanne Simard, Shubha Shrestha, James Umbanhowar, Wolfgang Viechtbauer, Lawrence Walters, Gail W. T. Wilson, Peter C. Zee, and Jason D. Hoeksema
A Review of Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) as an Allelopathic Plant, Don Cipollini and Kendra Cipollini
An Aza-Anthrapyrazole Negatively Regulates Th1 Activity and Suppresses Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis, Matthew P. Clark, Douglas W. Leaman, Lori A. Hazelhurst, Eun S. Hwang, and Anthony Quinn
Evidence for Use of Alliaria petiolata in North America by the European Cabbage White Butterfly, Pieris rapae, Sam L. Davis and Don Cipollini
Range, genetic diversity, and future of the threatened butterfly, Pieris virginiensis, Sam L. Davis and Don Cipollini
Littoral-benthic Primary Production Estimates: Sensitivity to Simplifications with Respect to Periphyton Productivity and Basin Morphometry, Shawn P. Devlin, M. J. Vander Zanden, and Yvonne Vadeboncoeur
Elevated Specific Conductance Enhances Productivity and Biomass of Periphytic Cyanobacteria from Lake Tahoe and Lake Tanganyika, Samuel A. Drerup and Yvonne Vadeboncoeur
Determinants of Host Use in Tachinid Parasitoids of Stink Bugs, Matthew W. Duncan
Redefining the generic limits of Winthemia (Diptera : Tachinidae), Diego J. Inclán
Evidence of Morphological Variation in Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus of Grand Lake St. Mary’s Watershed, Stephen J. Jacquemin and Anthony Bell Jr.
Quantifying Heterodonty in the Late Devonian Sharks Cladoselache and Ctenacanthus From the Ohio Shale, USA, Stephen J. Jacquemin, Charles N. Ciampaglio, Jun A. Ebersole, and David J. Cicimurri
Quantifying heterodonty in the Late Devonian (Upper Famennian) sharks Cladoselache and Ctenacanthus from the Ohio Shale, USA, Stephen J. Jacquemin, David J. Cicimurri, Jun A. Ebersole, Madelyn Jones, Zach Whetstone, and Charles Ciampaglio
Late Pleistocene fishes of the Tennessee River Basin: an analysis of a late Pleistocene freshwater fish fauna from Bell Cave (site ACb-2) in Colbert County, Alabama, USA, Stephen J. Jacquemin, Jun A. Ebersole, William C. Dickenson, and Charles Ciampaglio
A Century of Morphological Variation in Cyprinidae Fishes, Stephen J. Jacquemin and Mark Pyron
Swimming Performance Trends in North American Fish., Stephen J. Jacquemin and Kurt Schoenherr
Bridging the Gap: Surveying Interdisciplinarity in the Environmental Literature Classroom, Christine Junker and Stephen J. Jacquemin
Chapter 10 - Minimizing and Leveraging Bias in Forensic Science, Roger Koppl and Dan E. Krane
Minimizing and Leveraging Bias in Forensic Science, Roger Koppl and Dan E. Krane
Becoming Pure: Identifying Generational Classes of Admixed Individuals within Lesser and Greater Scaup Populations, Philip Lavretsky, Jeffrey L. Peters, Kevin Winker, Volker Bahn, Irina Kulikova, Yuri N. Zhuravlev, Robert E. Wilson, Chris Barger, Kirsty Gurney, and Kevin G. McCracken
XIAP-associated Factor 1 (XAF1) Regulates TNF Receptor 1 Complex Stability, Boren Lin, Da Xu, and Douglas W. Leaman
Effects of defoliation and site quality on growth and defenses of Pinus pinaster and P. radiata, María J. Lombardero, Matthew P. Ayres, Pierluigi Bonello, Don Cipollini, and Daniel A. Herms
Reducing tourism's threats to biodiversity: effects of a voluntary sustainability standard and training program on 106 Latin American hotels, lodges and guesthouses, Jeffrey C. Milder, Deanna Newsom, Claudine Sierra, and Volker Bahn
Does Knowledge and Situational Interest Support Personal Interest: A Health Education Study, Michele Miller, William L. Romine, Amber Todd, and Bill Folk
Progressive Cl- channel defects reveal disrupted skeletal muscle maturation in R6/2 Huntington's mice, Daniel R. Miranda, Monica Wong, Shannon H. Romer, Cynthia McKee, Gabriela Garza-Vasquez, Alyssa C. Medina, Volker Bahn, Andrew D. Steele, Robert J. Talmadge, and Andrew A. Voss
Biogeography of Afrotropical Tachinidae (Diptera), James E. O'Hara, Pierfilippo Cerretti, and John O. Stireman III
Tachinidae of the Red River Gorge area of eastern Kentucky, James E. O'Hara and John O. Stireman III
Glucosinolate Diversity within a Phylogenetic Framework of the tribe Cardamineae (Brassicaceae) unraveled with HPLC-MS/MS and NMR-based Analytical Distinction of 70 desulfoglucosinolates, Carl Erik Olsen, Xiao-Chen Huang, Cecilie I.C. Hansen, Don Cipollini, Marian Ørgaard, Annemarie Matthes, Marcus A. Koch, and Niels Agerbirk
Higher Activities of Defense-Associated Enzymes may Contribute to Greater Resistance of Manchurian Ash to Emerald Ash Borer Than A closely Related and Susceptible Congener, Chad Michael Rigsby, Daniel A. Herms, Pierluigi Bonello, and Don Cipollini
What Motivates High School Students to Take Precautions against the Spread of Influenza? A Data Science Approach to Latent Modeling of Compliance with Preventative Practice, William L. Romine, Tanvi Banerjee, William R. Folk, and Lloyd H. Barrow
Validation of the Learning Progression-based Assessment of Modern Genetics in a College Context, William L. Romine and Amber Todd
How Do Undergraduate Students Conceptualize Acid–Base Chemistry? Measurement of a Concept Progression, William L. Romine, Amber Todd, and Travis B. Clark
Assessing, Operationalizing, Profiling Evolution Acceptance in College Students, William L. Romine, Emily M. Walter, and Amber Todd
Epigenetics and Shared Molecular Processes in the Regeneration of Complex Structures, Labib Rouhana and Junichi Tasaki
Exploring the Relative Importance of Biotic and Abiotic Sources of Selection for Pine-fungal Interactions, Megan A. Rúa
Home-Field Advantage? Evidence of Local Adaptation among Plants, Soil, and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi through Meta-Analysis, Megan A. Rúa, Anita Antoninka, Pedro M. Antunes, V. Bala Chaudhary, Catherine Gehring, Louis J. Lamit, Bridget J. Piculell, James D. Bever, Cathy Zabinski, James F. Meadow, Marc J. Lajeunesse, Brook G. Milligan, Justine Karst, and Jason D. Hoeksema
Associations between Ectomycorrhizal Fungi and Bacterial Needle Endophytes in Pinus radiata: Implications for Biotic Selection of Microbial Communities, Megan A. Rúa, Emily C. Wilson, Sarah Steele, Arielle R. Munters, Jason D. Hoeksema, and Anna C. Frank
Commentary: The Spinal Cord Has An Intrinsic System For The Control Of pH, Joseph M. Santin, Tobias Wang, Saihari S. Dukkipati, and Lynn K. Hartzler
Inheritance of a Nuclear PIWI from Pluripotent Stem Cells by Somatic Descendants Ensures Differentiation by Silencing Transposons in Planarian, Norito Shibata, Makoto Kashima, Taisuke Ishiko, Osamu Nishimura, Labib Rouhana, Kazuyo Misaki, Shigenobu Yonemura, Kuniaki Saito, Haruhiko Siomi, Mikiko C. Siomi, and Kiyokazu Agata
Germline Defects Caused by Smed-boule RNA-Interference Reveal That Egg Capsule Deposition Occurs Independently of Fertilization, Ovulation, Mating, or the Presence of Gametes in Planarian Flatworms, Jessica Kathryne Steiner, Junichi Tasaki, and Labib Rouhana
Community Ecology of The ‘Other’ Parasitoids, John O. Stireman III
Phylogeny and Diversification of World Tachinidae (Diptera), John O. Stireman III, John Kevin Moulton, Pierfilippo Cerretti, James E. O'Hara, Isaac S. Winkler, and Jeremy D. Blaschke
Tachinid collecting in temperate South America. Expeditions of the Phylogeny of World Tachinide Project. Part III. Chile, John O. Stireman III, James E. O'Hara, Pierfilippo Cerretti, and Diego J. Inclán
Analysis of Stem Cell Motility In Vivo Based on Immunodetection of Planarian Neoblasts and Tracing of BrdU-Labeled Cells After Partial Irradiation, Junichi Tasaki, Chihiro Uchiyama-Tasaki, and Labib Rouhana
The History of Attack and Success of Emerald Ash Borer (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) on White Fringetree in Southwestern Ohio, Danielle Thiemann, Vanessa Lopez, Ann M. Ray, and Don Cipollini
Development and Validation of the Learning Progression-based Assessment of Molecular Genetics (LPA-MG), Amber Todd and William L. Romine
Empirical Validation of a Modern Genetics Progression Web for College Biology Students, Amber Todd and William L. Romine
Progress and Gaps in Understanding Mechanisms of Ash Tree Resistance to Emerald Ash Borer, a Model for Wood-boring Insects that Kill Angiosperms, Caterina Villari, Daniel A. Herms, Justin G.A. Whitehill, Don Cipollini, and Pierluigi Bonello
Submissions from 2015
Soil Biota Affect mycorrhizal Infection and Growth of Impatiens capensis and Alter the Effects of Lonicera maackii rhizosphere Extracts, Jonathan Ali, Deah Lieurance, and Don Cipollini
The Potential for a Blood Test for Scabies, Larry G. Arlian, Hermann Feldmeier, and Majorie S. Morgan
Evaluating a Potential Commercial Tool for Healthcare Application for People with Dementia, Tanvi Banerjee, Pramod Anantharam, William L. Romine, and Larry Wayne Lawhorne
A Large Sample Comparison of Grade Based Student Learning Outcomes in Online vs. Face-to-Face Courses, Joseph Cavanaugh and Stephen J. Jacquemin
Two Tribes Hidden in one Genus: The Case of Agaedioxenis Villeneuve (Diptera: Tachinidae: Exoristinae), Pierfilippo Cerretti, James E. O'Hara, Isaac S. Winkler, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, and John O. Stireman III
Causes, Extent, and Consequences of an Apparent Host Range Expansion of Emerald Ash Borer in North America, Don Cipollini
Emerald Ash Borer’s Latest Victim, White Fringetree, Don Cipollini
Surprise! Emerald Ash Borers have an Appetite for White Fringetree Too!, Don Cipollini
White Fringe Tree and EAB Update, Don Cipollini
White Fringetree as a Novel Larval Host for Emerald Ash Borer, Don Cipollini
Incidence of Infestation and Larval Success of Emerald Ash Borer ( Agrilus planipennis ) on White Fringetree ( Chionanthus virginicus ), Chinese Fringetree ( Chionanthus retusus ), and Devilwood ( Osmanthus americanus ), Don Cipollini and Chad Michael Rigsby
A Computational Model of Temperature-Dependent Intracellular pH Regulation, Susana Contreras, Maria Quintero, Robert W. Putnam, Joseph Michael Santin, and Juan Cordovez
How Does Garlic Mustard Lure and Kill the West Virginia White Butterfly?, Samantha L. Davis, Tina Frisch, Nanna Bjarnholt, and Don Cipollini
The Heritability of Shell Morphometrics in the Freshwater Pulmonate Gastropod Physa, Robert T. Dillon Jr. and Stephen J. Jacquemin
Context Management Toolbox: A Linear Sequential Unmasking (LSU) Approach for Minimizing Cognitive Bias in Forensic Decision Making, Itiel E. Dror, William C. Thompson, Christian A. Meissner, Irving L. Kornfield, Dan E. Krane, Michael Saks, and Michael Risinger
The Global Distribution of Diet Breadth in Insect Herbivores, M. L. Forister, Vojtech Novotny, Anna K. Panorska, Leontine Baje, Yves Basset, Philp T. Butterill, Lukas Cizek, Phyllis D. Coley, Francesca Dem, Ivone R. Diniz, Pavel Drozd, Mark Fox, Andrea E. Glassmire, Rebecca Hazen, Jan Hrcek, Joshua P. Jahner, Ondrej Kaman, Tomoasz J. Kozubowski, Thomas A. Kursar, Owen T. Lewis, J. T. Lill, Robert J. Marquis, Scott E. Miller, Helena C. Morais, Masashi Murakami, Herbert Nickel, Nicholas A. Pardikes, Robert E. Ricklefs, Michael S. Singer, Angela M. Smilanich, John O. Stireman III, Santiago Vilamarin-Cortez, Stepan Vodka, Martin Volf, D. L. Wagner, Thomas Walla, and George D. Weiblen
The Quest for Ash Resistance to EAB: Towards a Mechanistic Understanding, Daniel A. Herms, Don Cipollini, K. S. Knight, J. L. Koch, T. M. Poland, Chad Michael Rigsby, Justin G.A. Whitehill, and Pierluigi Bonello
Design and construction of an Economical Fish Tank for Swimming Performance Tests, Stephen J. Jacquemin and Kyle R. Adkins
Macroecology of North American Suckers (Catostomidae): Tests of Bergmann's and Rapoport's Rules, Stephen J. Jacquemin and Jason C. Doll
Effects of Flow Regime on Growth Rate in Freshwater Drum, Aplodinotus grunniens, Stephen J. Jacquemin, Jason C. Doll, Mark Pyron, Michael Allen, and Dustin A. S. Owen
Comparing Species Complexes Within the Genra Isurus and Carcharodon, Stephen J. Jacquemin, Keith R. Fuller, and Charles N. Ciampaglio
Preliminary Findings From a Morphological Comparison of Species Within the Genra Isurus and Carcharodon, Stephen J. Jacquemin, Keith R. Fuller, and Charles N. Ciampaglio
Origins of Filter Feeding in Lamniform Sharks, Stephen J. Jacquemin, Michaela Mitchell, and Charles N. Ciampaglio
Morphological Analysis of Heterochrony of the Blastoid Genera Metablastus and Tricoelocrinus, Stephen J. Jacquemin, He Moeller, and A. J. Fabian
Do Observer Effects Matter? A Comment on Langenburg, Bochet, and Ford, R Koppl, D Charlton, I Kornfield, Dan E. Krane, M Risinger, and C Robertson
Do Observer Effects Matter? A Comment on Langenburg, Bochet, and Ford, Roger Koppl, D. Charlton, I. Kornfield, M. Risinger, C. Robertson, M. Saks, and Dan E. Krane
Adenovirus Entry From the Apical Surface of Polarized Epithelia Is Facilitated by the Host Innate Immune Response, Poornima L.N. Kotha, Priyanka Sharma, Abimbola O. Kolawole, Ran Yan, Mahmoud Alghamri, Trisha L. Brockman, Julian Gomez-Cambronero, and Julian Cambronero
Morphometry and Average Temperature Affect Lake Stratification Responses to Climate Change, Benjamin Kraemer, Orlane Anneville, Sudeep Chandra, Margaret Dix, Esko Kuusisto, David M. Livingstone, Alon Rimmer, S. Geoffrey Schladow, Eugene Silow, Lewis M. Sitoki, Rashid Tamatamah, Yvonne Vadeboncoeur, and Peter B. McIntyre
Century-Long Warming Trends in the Upper Water Column of Lake Tanganyika, Benjamin Kraemer, Simon Hook, Timo Huttula, Pekka Kotilainen, Catherine M. O'Reilly, Anu Peltonen, Pierre-Denis Plisnier, Jouko Sarvala, Rashid Tamatamah, Yvonne Vadeboncoeur, Bernhard Wehrli, and Peter B. McIntyre
Time for DNA Database Disclosure, Dan E. Krane
Habitat Eradication and Cropland Intensification May Reduce Parasitoid Diversity and Natural Pest Control Services in Annual Crop Fields, D. K. Letourneau, Sara G. Bothwell Allen, Robert R. Kula, Michael J. Sharkey, and John O. Stireman III
Comparative Herbivory Rates and Secondary Metabolite Profiles in the Leaves of Native and Non-Native Lonicera Species, Deah Lieurance, S. Chakraborti, Susan R. Whitehead, Jeff R. Powell, Pierluigi Bonello, M. Deane Bowers, and Don Cipollini
The Implications of HIV Treatment on the HIV-Malaria Coinfection Dynamics: A Modeling Perspective, F. Nyabadza, B. T. Bekele, Megan A. Rúa, D. M. Malonza, N. Chiduku, and M. Kgosimore
Suppression of F1 Male-Specific Lethality in Caenorhabditis Hybrids by cbr-him-8, Vaishnavi Ragavapuram, Emily Elaine King, and Scott Everet Baird
Physiological Responses of Emerald Ash Borer Larvae to Feeding on Different Ash Species Reveal Putative Resistance Mechanisms and Insect Counter-Adaptations, Chad Michael Rigsby, D. N. Showalter, Daniel A. Herms, J. L. Koch, Pierluigi Bonello, and Don Cipollini
Effects of Winged Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus), Management Strategy, and White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on Spider Assemblages, Elizabeth Roberson and Don Cipollini
The Effect of Research on Changes in Interest in Science and Technology in College, William L. Romine and Troy D. Sadler
Development and Application of a Novel Rasch-Based Methodology for Evaluating Multi-Tiered Assessment Instruments: Validation and Utilization of an Undergraduate Diagnostic Test of the Water Cycle, William L. Romine, Dane L. Schaffer, and Lloyd H. Barrow
How Does a Siamese Cat Get its Color?, William L. Romine and Amber Todd
Practical Assessment of the NGSS and Ohio Standards in Time-Constrained Classroom Settings, William L. Romine and Amber Todd
Tossing the Coin for Halflife, William L. Romine and Amber Todd
A Simple Model for the Viscosity of Rhyolites as a Function of Temperature, Pressure and Water Content, William L. Romine and Alan G. Whittington
Integrating Ungulate Herbivory into Forest Landscape Restoration, Thomas P. Rooney, Rita Buttenschøn, Palle Madsen, Carsten Riis Olesen, Alejandro A. Royo, and Susan L. Stout
An RNA-Centric View of Planarian Regeneration and Germline Development, Labib Rouhana
Fantastic Fungi! Exploring the Ecological and Evolutionary Forces which Shape Host-microbe Interactions, Megan A. Rúa
Home-field Advantage. Does the Geographic Origin of Plants, Mycorrhizal Fungi and Soil Determine Plant Responses to Mycorrhizal Symbioses?, Megan A. Rúa, Anita Antoninka, Pedro M. Antunes, Veer B. Chaudhary, Catherine Gehring, Louis J. Lamit, Bridget J. Piculell, James D. Bever, Cathy Zabinski, James Meadow, Marc J. Lajeunesse, B. G. Milligan, M. Gardes, J. Karst, and Jason D. Hoeksema