Submissions from 1982
Surface Features of the Umbilical Cord and Vessels in the SH and WKY Rat, J. M. Marcinkoski, Larry J. Ream, Paula B. Pendergrass, C. Murray Bartley, and Jane N. Scott
Plasticity of the Group Ia Fiber Pathway to Motoneurons, Lorne M. Mendell, Timothy C. Cope, and Steven G. Nelson
Effects of Opiate Antagonists on Early Pregnancy and Pseudopregnancy in Mice, Gary L. Nieder and Clinton N. Corder
Quantitative Histochemical Measurement of Pyruvate and Lactate in Mouse Oviduct During the Estrous Cycle, Gary L. Nieder and Clinton N. Corder
The Role of Territorial Stress in Conditioned Overeating in Dogs, Paula B. Pendergrass, Larry J. Ream, C. Murray Bartley, Frank Nagy, and Robert Stuhlman
Absorptive Structures of the Mouse Yolk Sac Placenta and Associated Fetal Placental Surfaces: A Scanning Electron Microscope Study, Paula B. Pendergrass, Larry J. Ream, and Jane N. Scott
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Graafian Follicle Development in the Golden Hamster, Paula B. Pendergrass, Larry J. Ream, and Jane N. Scott
Thermal Dependence of Isometric Contractile Properties of Lizard Muscle, Robert W. Putnam and Albert F. Bennett
Low Metabolic Rate in a Nocturnal Desert Lizard, Anarbylus switaki Murphy (Sauria: Gekkonidae), Robert W. Putnam and Robert W. Murphy
Ultrastructural Observations on the Effects of Fluoride Ingestion on the Parathyroid Gland of the Rat, Larry J. Ream
Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Femoral Epiphyseal Plate and Metaphysis of the Rat After Short Term Fluoride Treatment, Larry J. Ream and Paula B. Pendergrass
The Effects of Fluoride on the Periosteal and Endosteal Surfaces of the Rat Femur: A Scanning Electron Microscope Study, Larry J. Ream and Paula B. Pendergrass
Fluoride: Effects on Rat Bone After Pregnancy and Lactation, Larry J. Ream, Paula B. Pendergrass, and Jane N. Scott
Techniques for the Elemental Analysis of Femoral Bones from Rats Treated With Fluoride, Larry J. Ream, Jane N. Scott, Paula B. Pendergrass, and R. Price
Lizards Infected with Malaria: Physiological and Behavioral Consequences, Jos. J. Schall, Albert F. Bennett, and Robert W. Putnam
Developmental Changes in the Mouse Amnion: An SEM Study, Jane N. Scott, Paula B. Pendergrass, and Larry J. Ream
Developmental Changes in the Mouse Amnion: A SEM Study, Jane N. Scott, Larry J. Ream, and Paula B. Pendergrass
Retained Placentas in a Colony of Mice, Jane N. Scott, Larry J. Ream, and R. Smith
Retained Placentas in NMRI Mice, Jane N. Scott, Larry J. Ream, and R. Smith
Submissions from 1981
Thermal Environment and Tolerance of Embryonic Western Gulls, Albert F. Bennett, William R. Dawson, and Robert W. Putnam
Antigenic Modification, Rosette-Forming Cells, and Salmonella typhimurium Resistance in Outbred and Inbred Mice, Nancy J. Bigley, David P. Kreps, Randall A. Smith, and Ahmed Esa
Antigenic Modification: Its Relation to Protective Host Resistance in Murine Salmonellosis, Nancy J. Bigley, Randall A. Smith, Peggy Warren, W. Thomas Minahan, and David P. Kreps
Direct Observations on the Contacts Made Between Ia Afferent Fibres and Alpha-Motoneurones in the Cat’s Lumbosacral Spinal Cord, A. G. Brown and Robert E. Fyffe
Form and Function of Dorsal Horn Neurones With Axons Ascending the Dorsal Columns in Cat, A. G. Brown and Robert E. Fyffe
Spinal Cord Collaterals From Axons of Type II Slowly Adapting Units in the Cat, A. G. Brown, Robert E. Fyffe, P. K. Rose, and P. J. Snow
Human Kidney Protein Phosphatase Reactivation of Kinase Inactivated Sodium Potassium Adenosine Triphosphatase, Clinton N. Corder, T. L. Blake, and Gary L. Nieder
Interaction of Activity in Frog Skin Touch Afferent Units, Melvyn D. Goldfinger and Y. Fukami
Chiriquitoxin, a New Tool for Mapping Ionic Channels, C. Y. Kao, P. N. Yeoh, Melvyn D. Goldfinger, F. A. Fuhrman, and H. S. Mosher
Thermal Dependence of Contractile Properties of Lizard Muscles, R. L. Marsh, Robert W. Putnam, and Albert F. Bennett
Fluctuations in Group Ia EPSPs: Consequences for Mechanisms of Transmitter Release and Measured Parameters of Averaged EPSPs, Lorne M. Mendell and Timothy C. Cope
Functional Changes Caudal to Spinal Cord Transection, Lorne M. Mendell, Steven G. Nelson, and Timothy C. Cope
Lactate and Pyruvate Levels in Oviducts of Cycling and Mated Mice, Gary L. Nieder and Clinton N. Corder
Lactate and Pyruvate Levels in Oviducts of Normally Cycling and Mated Mice, Gary L. Nieder and Clinton N. Corder
Thermal Dependence of Behavioural Performance of Anuran Amphibians, Robert W. Putnam and Albert F. Bennett
Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies of Femoral Bones of Rats Treated With High Doses of Fluoride, Larry J. Ream
The Effects of Short-Term Fluoride Ingestion on Bone Formation and Resorption in the Rat Femur, Larry J. Ream
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Periosteal Bone Formation in Fluoride Treated Rats, Larry J. Ream, Paula B. Pendergrass, and Jane N. Scott
Fluoride Stimulation of the Rat Parathyroid Gland: An Ultrastructural Study, Larry J. Ream and Robert Principato
Glycogen Accumulation in the Parathyroid Gland of the Rat After Fluoride Ingestion, Larry J. Ream and Robert Principato
Ultrastructural Observations on the Mechanism of Secretion in the Rat Parathyroid After Fluoride Ingestion, Larry J. Ream and Robert Principato
Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Yolk Sac and Amnion of the Developing Mouse, Jane N. Scott, Paula B. Pendergrass, and Larry J. Ream
Submissions from 1980
Projections From Pacinian Corpuscles and Rapidly Adapting Mechanoreceptors of Glabrous Skin to the Cat’s Spinal Cord, A. G. Brown, Robert E. Fyffe, and R. Noble
Fluctuations in the Properties of EPSPs Produced at the Group Ia Fiber-Alpha Motoneuron Connection in the Cat Spinal Cord, Timothy C. Cope
Factors Outside Neuraxis Mediate "Acute" Increase in EPSP Amplitude Caudal to Spinal Cord Transection, Timothy C. Cope, Steven G. Nelson, and Lorne M. Mendell
Selectivity in Synaptic Changes Caudal to Acute Spinal Cord Transection, Timothy C. Cope, Steven G. Nelson, and Lorne M. Mendell
Muscle and Motor Unit Properties of Exercised and Nonexercised Chronic Spinal Cats, V. Reggie Edgerton, L. A. Smith, E. Eldred, Timothy C. Cope, and Lorne M. Mendell
Fiber Type Characterization and Distribution in Lizard Locomotory Muscles, Todd T. Gleeson, Robert W. Putnam, and Albert F. Bennett
Histochemical, Enzymatic, and Contractile Properties of Skeletal Muscle Fibers in the Lizard Dipsosaurus dorsalis, Todd T. Gleeson, Robert W. Putnam, and Albert F. Bennett
Contributions by Individual Guard Hairs and Their Interactions in Response of Forelimb Guard Hair Afferent Unit, Melvyn D. Goldfinger and Vahe E. Amassian
Response of Forelimb Guard Hair Afferent Units to Air-Jet Stimulation of Entire Receptive Field, Melvyn D. Goldfinger and Vahe E. Amassian
Comparative Physiology of Anuran Muscle, Robert W. Putnam and Albert F. Bennett
Fiber Types in Lizard Locomotory Muscles, Robert W. Putnam, Todd T. Gleeson, and Albert F. Bennett
Histochemical Determination of the Fiber Composition of Locomotory Muscles in a Lizard, Dipsosaurus dorsalis, Robert W. Putnam, Todd T. Gleeson, and Albert F. Bennett
The Effects of Fluoride on the Parathyroid Gland of the Rat, Larry J. Ream and Robert Principato
Ultrastructural Observations of the Influence of Fluoride Ingestion on the Parathyroid Gland of the Rat, Larry J. Ream and Robert Principato
Submissions from 1979
The Morphology of Group Ib Afferent Fibre Collaterals in the Spinal Cord of the Cat, A. G. Brown and Robert E. Fyffe
The Morphology of Collaterals From Axons Innervating Pacinian Corpuscles [Proceedings], A. G. Brown, Robert E. Fyffe, J. E. Heavner, and R. Noble
Fluctuations in Time of Onset of la-Motoneuron EPSPs in the Cat, Timothy C. Cope, Andrzej Niechaj, Steven G. Nelson, and Lorne M. Mendell
The Morphology of Group II Muscle Afferent Fibre Collaterals [Proceedings], Robert E. Fyffe
Reassessment of Aerobic Metabolism in Amphibians During Activity, Stanley S. Hillman, Vaughan H. Shoemaker, Robert W. Putnam, and Philip C. Withers
Immediate Increase in Ia-Motoneuron Synaptic Transmission Caudal to Spinal Cord Transection, Steven G. Nelson, Timothy C. Cope, Andrzej Niechaj, and Lorne M. Mendell
The Effect of Vanadate Ion on Human Kidney Potassium Dependent Phosphatase, Gary L. Nieder and Clinton N. Corder
The Effect of Vanadate on Human Kidney Potassium Dependent Phosphatase, Gary L. Nieder, Clinton N. Corder, and Patricia A. Culp
The Basis for Differences in Lactic Acid Content after Activity in Different Species of Anuran Amphibians, Robert W. Putnam
The Role of Lactic Acid Accumulation in Muscle Fatigue of Two Species of Anurans, Xenopus Laevis and Rana Pipiens, Robert W. Putnam
Bone Responses to High Dietary Fluoride, Larry J. Ream
Fluoride and Bone Growth, Larry J. Ream
Submissions from 1978
Synaptic Contacts Made by Identified Ia Afferent Fibres Upon Motoneurones [Proceedings], A. G. Brown and Robert E. Fyffe
The Morphology of Group Ia Afferent Fibre Collaterals in the Spinal Cord of the Cat, A. G. Brown and Robert E. Fyffe
The Morphology of Group Ib Muscle Afferent Fibre Collaterals [Proceedings], A. G. Brown and Robert E. Fyffe
Serologic Findings in Rheumatoid Arthritis as an Immunological Approach to Aging, Marianne Frieri and Nancy J. Bigley
Respiratory Metabolism in a Small Lizard: Anarbylus switaki, Robert W. Putnam
Hematological Parameters of Five Species of Marine Fishes, Robert W. Putnam and Robert W. Freel
Submissions from 1977
Contractile Properties and Fiber Type Compositions of Cat Elbow Flexors and Extensors: Implications for Motor Control, Timothy C. Cope
Contractile Properties and Fiber Type Composition of Flexors and Extensors of the Elbow Joint in Cat: Implications for Motor Control, Timothy C. Cope, V. Reggie Edgerton, Judith L. Smith, and B. R. Botterman
Water, Nitrogen and Ion Balance in the African Treefrog Chiromantis petersi Boulenger (Anura: Rhacophoridae), With Comments on the Structure of the Integument, Robert C. Drewes, Stanley S. Hillman, Robert W. Putnam, and Otto M. Sokol
Relationship Between Fatigue and Changes of Lactate and Glycogen in Muscles of Anuran Amphibians, Robert W. Putnam
Activity Responses of Anurans to Dehydration, Robert W. Putnam and Stanley S. Hillman
EMG of Slow and Fast Ankle Extensors of Cat During Posture, Locomotion, and Jumping, Judith L. Smith, V. Reggie Edgerton, Bill Betts, and Timothy C. Cope
Submissions from 1976
Telemetered EMG of Fast and Slow Muscles in Cats, Bill Betts, Judith L. Smith, V. Reggie Edgerton, and Timothy C. Cope
Neuronal Localization of the Enhanced Adenylate Cyclase Responsiveness to Catecholamines in the Rat Cerebral Cortex Following Reserpine Injections, G. C. Palmer, H. R. Wagner, and Robert W. Putnam
Bone Responses of Rachitic Rats to High Fluoride, Larry J. Ream
Submissions from 1975
Effects of Fluoride on Rachitic Rats, Larry J. Ream, B. P. Lukert, and D. H. Poorman
Submissions from 1973
Cell-Mediated Immune-Responses of Cancer-Patients to Candida Antigen, Robert Maigetter, Ediz Ezdinli, Randall A. Smith, and Nancy J. Bigley
Lawrence Transfer Factor and Hodgkin's Disease, Randall A. Smith, Ediz Ezdinli, Nancy J. Bigley, and Tin Han
Submissions from 1972
Cytophilic Macroglobulin Reactive with Bacterial Protein in Mice Immunized with Ribonucleic Acid-Protein Fractions of Virulent Salmonella typhimurium, Jeffrey M. Margolis and Nancy J. Bigley
Conversion of Lymphoid-Cells from Patients with Active Hodgkins-Disease to PPD Reactivity with Dialyzable Transfer Factor, R. G. Ritzi, Nancy J. Bigley, Randall A. Smith, and Ediz Ezdinli
Detection of Delayed Hypersensitivity in Mice Injected with Ribonucleic Acid-Protein Fractions of Salmonella typhimurium, Randall A. Smith and Nancy J. Bigley
Ribonucleic Acid-Protein Fractions of Virulent Salmonella typhimurium as Protective Immunogens, Randall A. Smith and Nancy J. Bigley
Submissions from 1971
Immunofluorescent Detection of Antibodies to Nerve Tissue in Guinea Pigs with Experimental Allergic Neuritis, N. M. Burdash, Nancy J. Bigley, and R. L. St. Pierre
Submissions from 1970
Immunochemical Differences in Deoxyribonucleoproteins from Normal and Malignant Canine Tissues, D. J. Carlo, Nancy J. Bigley, and Quentin Van Winkle
Submissions from 1969
Partial Nephrectomy—A Technique, J. Archibald, Robert W. Putnam, and G. Sumner-Smith
Isolation and Partial Characterization of an Immunogenic Moiety Obtained from Salmonella typhimurium, Martin R. Venneman and Nancy J. Bigley
Autoantibodies in Canine Neoplasms. II. Tumor Tissue Specificity and Lack of Cross-Reactivity with Embryonic Antigens, L. E. Yurko and Nancy J. Bigley
Autoantibodies in Canine Neoplasms. I. Reactivity of Autologous 7 S γ-Globulins with Tumor Cells, L. E. Yurko, Nancy J. Bigley, and G. P. Wilson
Tumor-Group Specificity of Autoantibodies Produced in Neoplastic Canines, L. E. Yurko, Nancy J. Bigley, and G. P. Wilson
Submissions from 1968
Immunochemical Analysis of Membranes of Normal and Malignant Human and Canine Tissues, H. G. Kramer, Matthew C. Dodd, and Nancy J. Bigley
Induction of Cellular Immunity in Experimental Salmonellosis, Martin R. Venneman, Nancy J. Bigley, C. L. Klun, A. Zachary, and Matthew C. Dodd
Submissions from 1967
Serologic Analysis of Nuclear Antigens from Normal and Malignant Human Tissues, A. Gaffar, Nancy J. Bigley, J. P. Minton, and Matthew C. Dodd
Gastrin Antibodies: Induction, Demonstration, and Specificity, D. R. Schneider, G. L. Endahl, Matthew C. Dodd, J. E. Jesseph, Nancy J. Bigley, and R. M. Zollinger