Submissions from 2025
Line Graphs of Directed Graphs I, Vaidy Sivaraman and Daniel Slilaty
Fast Algorithms of Computing Admissible Intervals for Discrete Distributions With Single Parameter, Weizhen Wang, Chongxiu Yu, and Zhongzhan Zhang
Submissions from 2024
An Optimal Exact Interval for Risk Difference in 2×2 Contingency Tables With Structural Zeros, Xingyun Cao, Weizhen Wang, and Tianfa Xie
Exact Interval Estimation for Three Parameters Subject to False Positive Misclassification, Shuiyun Lu, Weizhen Wang, and Tianfa Xie
Signed Ramsey Numbers, Mohammed A. Mutar, Vaidy Sivaraman, and Daniel Slilaty
Improved Sampling Model for the Nyquist Folding Receiver, Peter Swartz, Saiyu Ren, and Shuxia Sun
An Optimal Exact Interval for the Risk Ratio in the 2×2 Table With Structural Zero, Weizhen Wang, Xingyun Cao, and Tianfa Xie
Submissions from 2023
Representations of Signed Graphs, Yuqing Chen, Anthony B. Evans, Xiaoyu Liu, Daniel Slilaty, and Xiangqian Zhou
List Strong Edge-Colorings of Sparse Graphs, Kecai Deng, Ningge Huang, Haiyang Zhang, and Xiangqian Zhou
Strong List-Chromatic Index of Planar Graphs with Ore-Degree at Most Seven, Mingfang Huang, Guorong Liu, and Xiangqian Zhou
Graphs Without a 2C3-Minor and Bicircular Matroids Without a U3,6-Minor, Daniel Slilaty
Odd Solutions to Systems of Inequalities Coming From Regular Chain Groups, Daniel Slilaty
On Colorings and Orientations of Signed Graphs, Daniel Slilaty
On Construction of Optimal Exact Confidence Intervals, Weizhen Wang
Exact Confidence Intervals for the Difference of Two Proportions Based on Partially Observed Binary Data, Chongxiu Yu, Weizhen Wang, and Zhongzhan Zhang
Submissions from 2022
Characterization of a Family of Rotationally Symmetric Spherical Quadrangulations, Lowell Abrams and Daniel Slilaty
Hamilton Cycles in Bidirected Complete Graphs, Arthur Busch, Mohammed A. Mutar, and Daniel Slilaty
Simultaneous Recovery of Robin Boundary and Coefficient for the Laplace Equation by Shape Derivative, Weifu Fang
Numerical Solutions to the Robin Inverse Problem With Nonnegativity Constraints, Weifu Fang and Fu-Rong Lin
Matrix Representations of Frame and Lifted-Graphic Matroids Correspond To Gain Functions, Daryl Funk, Irene Pivotto, and Daniel Slilaty
Optimal Confidence Intervals for the Relative Risk and Odds Ratio, Weizhen Wang, Shuiyun Lu, and Tianfa Xie
Gallai-Ramsey Numbers for Rainbow P5 and Monochromatic Fans or Wheels, Meiqin Wei, Changxiang He, Yaping Mao, and Xiangqian Zhou
Optimal Single-Arm Two-Stage Designs With Consideration of Dependency on Efficacy and Safety, Huan Yin, Weizhen Wang, and Zhongzhan Zhang
Submissions from 2021
Advanced Statistical Methods and Designs for Clinical Trials for COVID-19, Guogen Shan and Weizhen Wang
Coloring Permutation-Gain Graphs, Daniel Slilaty
A Unified Approach for Constructing Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests Using h-function, Weizhen Wang
On Optimal Subset Designs for Phase II Clinical Trials With Both Total Response and Disease Control, Guijun Yang, Jingbo Yang, Xue Yang, and Weizhen Wang
Submissions from 2020
Legendre G-Array Pairs and the Theoretical Unification of Several G-Array Families, Krishnasamy T. Arasu, D A. Bulutoglub, and J R. Hollon
Describing Quasi-Graphic Matroids, Nathan Bowler, Daryl Funk, and Dan Slilaty
The strong edge-coloring for graphs with small edge weight, Lily Chen, Mingfang Huang, Gexin Yu, and Xiangqian Zhou
Triangle-roundedness in matroids, João Paulo Costalonga and Xiangqian Zhou
The Family of Bicircular Matroids Closed Under Duality, Vaidy Sivaraman and Daniel Slilaty
On construction of smallest one-sided confidence intervals for the response rate in adaptive two- or multi-stage designs, Weizhen Wang, Huan Yin, and Zhongzhan Zhang
Submissions from 2019
Entropy of Orthogonal Matrices and Minimum Distance Orthostochastic Matrices From the Uniform Van Der Waerden Matrices, Krishnasamy T. Arasu
New Nonexistence Results on Circulant Weighing Matrices, Krishnasamy T. Arasu, Daniel M. Gordon, and Yiran Zhang
Correction to: Nondestructive Quantitative Inspection of Drug Products Using Benchtop NMR Relaxometry—the Case of NovoMix® 30 (AAPS PharmSciTech, (2019), 20, 5, (189), 10.1208/s12249-019-1405-0), Katharine T. Briggs, Marc B. Taraban, Weizhen Wang, and Y. Bruce Yu
Nondestructive Quantitative Inspection of Drug Products Using Benchtop NMR Relaxometry—the Case of NovoMix® 30, Katharine T. Briggs, Marc B. Taraban, Weizhen Wang, and Y. Bruce Yu
Strong edge-coloring for planar graphs with large girth, Lily Chen, Kecai Deng, Gexin Yu, and Xiangqian Zhou
DP-4-colorability of two classes of planar graphs, Lily Chen, Runrun Liu, G. Yu, Ren Zhao, and Xiangqian Zhou
Recent progress on strong edge-coloring of graphs, Kecai Deng, Gexin Yu, and Xiangqian Zhou
Fast Algorithms for Boundary Integral Equations on Elliptic Domains and Related Inverse Problems, Weifu Fang, Fu-Rong Lin, and Yan-Bo Ma
Refractors in Anisotropic Media Associated With Norms, Cristian E. Gutiérrez, Qingbo Huang, and Henok Mawi
Regularity Theory for LN-Viscosity Solutions to Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equations With Asymptotical Approximate Convexity, Qingbo Huang
The maximum number of columns in supersaturated designs with sMax = 2, Luis B. Morales, Dursun A. Bulutoglu, and Krishnasamy T. Arasu
The Graphs That Have Antivoltages Using Groups of Small Order, Vaidy Sivaraman and Dan Slilaty
Exact tests using binary data in adaptive two or multi-stage designs, Huan Yin, Weizhen Wang, and Zhongzhan Zhang
On construction of single-arm two-stage designs with consideration of both response and toxicity, Huan Yin, Weizhen Wang, and Zhongzhan Zhang
Growth of oxidation-resistive silicene-like thin flakes and Si nanostructures on graphene, Naili Yue, Joshua Myers, Liqin Su, Wentao Wang, Fude Liu, Raphael Tsu, Yan Zhuang, and Yong Zhang
Submissions from 2018
Optimization Problems With Orthogonal Matrix Constraints, Krishnasamy T. Arasu and Manil T. Mohan
Imaging of edge inactive layer in micro-patterned graphene monolayer, K. Brockdorf, Z. Ji, N. Engel, J. Myers, S. Mou, H. Huang, and Yan Zhuang
On Critical Circuits in k-Connected Matroids, João Paulo Costalonga, Kecai Deng, and Xiangqian Zhou
Clones in matroids representable over a prime field, Adam Gray, Talmage J. Reid, and Xiangqian Zhou
Microwave imaging of etching-induced surface impedance modulation of graphene monolayer, Zhonghang Ji, Joshua Myers, Kathleen Brockdorf, Nick Engel, Shin Mou, Hong Huang, and Yan Zhuang
A “Paradox” in Confidence Interval Construction Using Sufficient Statistics, Weizhen Wang
On Binary Matroids Without a P10 -Minor, Xiangqian Zhou
Submissions from 2017
Binary Sequence/Array Pairs via Diference Set Pairs: A Recursive Approach, Krishnasamy T. Arasu, Anika Goyal, and Abhishek Puri
Long-Term Impact of Implementation of a Stroke Protocol on Door-to-Needle Time in the Administration of Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator., Machteld E. Hillen, Wenzhuan He, Zaid A. Al-Qudah, Weizhen Wang, Andrea Hidalgo, and Jessy Walia
The strong chromatic index of (3,Δ)-bipartite graphs, Mingfang Huang, Gexin Yu, and Xiangqian Zhou
Propagation of non-reciprocal magnetostatic surface wave in a 20-nm-thick single crystalline yttrium iron garnet film, H. M. Jeon, K. Brockdorf, B. M. Howe, J. Myers, S. Mou, and Yan Zhuang
Compact leaky wave antenna using ferroelectric materials, H. M. Jeon, Z. Ji, and Yan Zhuang
Flexibility of Projective-Planar Embeddings, John Maharry, Neil Robertson, Vaidy Sivaraman, and Dan Slilaty
Bounding and Stabilizing Realizations of Biased Graphs With a Fixed Group, Nancy Ann Neudauer and Dan Slilaty
On a Formal Measure of Doppler Tolerance, Pawan Setlur, Jeffrey R. Hollon, Krishnasamy T. Arasu, and Muralidhar Rangaswamy
Submissions from 2016
Neighboring-Metallic-Layer-Induced Nonreciprocal Wave Propagation in a Thin Metallic Ferromagnetic Film, Kathleen Brockdorf, Kumar Vishal, and Yan Zhuang
Microbiological Investigations of ReNu Plastic Bottles and the 2004 to 2006 ReNu With MoistureLoc-Related Worldwide Fusarium Keratitis Event, John D. Bullock, Ronald E. Warwar, B. Laurel Elder, and Harry J. Khamis
Bicircular Matroids Representable over GF(4) or GF(5), Deborah Chun, Tyler Moss, Dan Slilaty, and Xiangqian Zhou
Existence of Solutions for a Class of p-Laplacian Type Equation with Critical Growth and Potential Vanishing at Infinity, Yinbin Deng, Yi Li, and Wei Shuai
Modeling of Electrical Capacitance Tomography With the Use of Complete Electrode Model, Weifu Fang
Isolated Sciatic Neuropathy as an Initial Manifestation of a High Grade B-cell Lymphoma: A Case Report and Literature Review, Wenzhuan He, Weizhen Wang, Cristy Gustas, Jozef Malysz, and Divpreet Kaur
Coexistence of Activator and Inhibitor for Brusselator Diffusion System in Chemical or Biochemical Reactions, Yungeng Jia, Yi Li, and Jianhua Wu
Strain-Induced Energy Band Gap Opening in Two-Dimensional Bilayered Silicon Film, Z. Ji, R. Zhou, L. C. Lew Yan Voon, and Yan Zhuang
Projective-planar graphs with no K3,4-minor. II., John Maharry and Dan Slilaty
Scanning microwave microscope imaging of micro-patterned monolayer graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition, J. Myers, S. Mou, K. H. Chen, and Yan Zhuang
Clones in 3-Connected Frame Matroids, Jakayla Robbins, Dan Slilaty, and Xiangqian Zhou
Stratified Psychiatry via Convexity-Based Clustering with Applications towards Moderator Analysis, Thaddeus Tarpey, Eva Petkova, and Liangyu Zhu
A New Proof for a Result of Kingan and Lemos’, Jesse T. Williams and Xiangqian Zhou
Submissions from 2015
Cellular Automorphisms and Self-Duality, Lowell Abrams and Dan Slilaty
The Minimal Zn-Symmetric Graphs that are Not Zn-Spherical, Lowell Abrams and Dan Slilaty
Character Sum Factorizations Yield Sequences With Ideal Two-Level Autocorrelation, Krishnasamy T. Arasu, J. F. Dillon, and K. J. Player
Unavoidable Minors of Large 4-Connected Bicircular Matroids, Deborah Chun, Tyler Moss, Dan Slilaty, and Xiangqian Zhou
Treatment Decisions Based on Scalar and Functional Baseline Covariates, Adam Ciarleglio, Eva Petkova, R. Todd Ogden, and Thaddeus Tarpey
Nodal Solutions for a Quasilinear Schrödinger Equation with Critical Nonlinearity and Non-Square Diffusion, Yinbin Deng, Yi Li, and Xiujuan Yan
Wright State University Math and Statistics Department History, Joanne Dombrowski and David Miller
Pseudomorphic Yttrium Iron Garnet Thin Films with Low Damping and Inhomogeneous Linewidth Broadening, Brandon M. Howe, Satoru Emori, Hyung Min Jeon, Trevor M. Oxholm, John G. Jones, Krishnamurthy Mahalingam, Yan Zhuang, Nian X. Sun, and Gail J. Brown
Harmonic Analysis of a Class of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces Arising from Groups, Palle E.T. Jorgensen, Steen Pedersen, and Feng Tian
Optimal Estimators of Principal Points for Minimizing Expected Mean Squared Distance, Shun Matsuura, Hiroshi Kurata, and Thaddeus Tarpey
Monge-Ampère Type Function Splittings, David Miller
On the Spectra of Momentum Operators, Steen Pedersen, Jason D. Phillips, Feng Tian, and Cody E. Watson
The Networks of Human Gut Microbe–Metabolite Associations are Different between Health and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Vijay Shankar, Daniel Homer, Laura Rigsbee, Harry J. Khamis, Sonia Michail, Michael L. Raymer, Nicholas V. Reo, and Oleg Paliy
Characterization of Line-Consistent Signed Graphs, Dan Slilaty and Thomas Zaslavsky
Reactive solute transport in physically and chemically heterogeneous porous media with multimodal reactive mineral facies: The Lagrangian approach, Mohamad Reza Soltanian, Robert W. Ritzi, Zhenxue Dai, and Chao Cheng Huang
Relating reactive solute transport to hierarchical and multiscale sedimentary architecture in a Lagrangian-based transport model: 1. Time-dependent effective retardation factor, Mohamad Reza Soltanian, Robert W. Ritzi, Chao Cheng Huang, and Zhenxue Dai
Relating reactive solute transport to hierarchical and multiscale sedimentary architecture in a Lagrangian-based transport model: 2. Particle displacement variance, Mohamad Reza Soltanian, Robert W. Ritzi, Chao Cheng Huang, and Zhenxue Dai
Reply to "A Paradoxical Result in Estimating Regression Coefficients", Thaddeus Tarpey, R. Todd Ogden, Eva Petkova, and Ronald Christensen
Exact Optimal Confidence Intervals for Hypergeometric Parameters, Weizhen Wang
Exact Confidence Intervals for the Relative Risk and the Odds Ratio, Weizhen Wang and Guogen Shan
Testing Against Second-Order Stochastic Dominance of Multiple Distributions, Jianling Zhang, Zhongzhan Zhang, and Weizhen Wang
Submissions from 2014
The Near Field Refractor, Cristian E. Gutiérrez and Qingbo Huang
Nonreciprocal magnetostatic wave propagation in micro-patterned NiFe thin films, Gregory C. Hartman, Robert Fitch, and Yan Zhuang
Multi-Peak Solutions to Two Types of Free Boundary Problems, Yi Li and Shuangjie Peng