Submissions from 1994
One-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model for Semiconductors by Viscosity Method, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito
Reconstruction of Semiconductor Doping Profile From LBIC Image, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito
Evolving Plane Curves by Curvature in Relative Geometries II, Michael E. Gage and Yi Li
Outreach at a University Statistical Consulting Center, Harry J. Khamis and Barbara Mann
Predicting Adult Stature Without Using Skeletal Age: The Khamis-Roche Method, Harry J. Khamis and Alex F. Roche
Remarks on Automorphisms of Subfactors, Phan Loi
On the derived towers of certain inclusions of type IIIλ factors of index 4, Phan H. Loi
On the derived towers of certain inclusions of type IIIλ factors of index 4, Phan H. Loi
Principal Points of Symmetric, Strongly Unimodal Distributions, Thaddeus Tarpey
Self Consistent Patterns: Approximating Multivariate Distributions by Representative Points, Thaddeus Tarpey
Submissions from 1993
Analysis of Contact Resistivity for Multilevel Transistors, Weifu Fang
Approximation Methods for Control of Structural Acoustic Models With Piezoceramic Actuators, Weifu Fang, H. Thomas Banks, R. J. Silcox, and Ralph C. Smith
Modeling and Analysis for Laser Beam Induced Current Images in Semiconductors, Weifu Fang, Stavros Busenberg, and Kazufumi Ito
Representing a Large Collection of Curves: A Case for Principal Points, Bernard Flury and Thaddeus Tarpey
Evolving Plane Curves by Curvature in Relative Geometries, Michael E. Gage and Yi Li
The approximation of boundary control problems for fluid flows with an application to control by heating and cooling, Max D. Gunzburger, L. Steven Hou, and Thomas P. Svobodny
Controllability and Stabilizability of Coupled Strings with Control Applied at the Coupled Points, Lop-Fat Ho
Optimization Problems for the Navier-Stokes Equations with Regular Boundary Controls, L. Steven Hou and Thomas P. Svobodny
Harmonic-Analysis of Fractal Measures Induced by Representations of a Certain C*-Algebra, Palle Jorgensen and Steen Pedersen
Symmetry Results for Reaction-Diffusion Equations, Hans G. Kaper, Man Kam Kwong, and Yi Li
A Comparative Study of the Delta-Corrected Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, Harry J. Khamis
Improvement in the Roche-Wainer-Thissen Stature Prediction Model: A Comparative Study, Harry J. Khamis
Manual Computations - A Tool for Reinforcing Concepts and Techniques - Reply, Harry J. Khamis
The Relationship Between Plasma-Lipids and Lipoproteins with Fat Distribution in Adult Men, Harry J. Khamis
On the Positive Solutions of the Matukuma Equation, Yi Li
Radial Symmetry of Positive Solutions of Nonlinear Elliptic Equations in Rn, Yi Li and Wei-Ming Ni
The Full Group of a Countable Measurable Equivalence Relation, Richard Mercer
Growth Comparison of Breast-Fed and Formula-Fed Infants, Alex F. Roche, Shumin Guo, Roger M. Siervogel, Harry J. Khamis, and R. K. Chandra
A Comparison of Estimators for Principal Points of Univariate Distributions, Thaddeus Tarpey
The Damped Mathieu Equation, Larry Turyn
Submissions from 1992
Inverse Problems for Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor Contact Resistivity, Weifu Fang and Ellis Cumberbatch
Identifiability of Semiconductor Defects From LBIC Images, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito
Using the Binomial Model with Unequal P to Help Detect Cheating in Multiple Choice Exams, Bryan Gregor and Harry J. Khamis
Boundary Velocity Control of Incompressible-Flow with an Application to Viscous Drag Reduction, Max D. Gunzberger, Lisheng Hou, and Tom Svobodny
Diuretic Induced Long Term Hemodynamic Changes in Hypertension. A Retrospective Study in a MRFIT Clinical Center, Paul Kezdi, Paula C. Kezdi, and Harry J. Khamis
Deciding on the Correct Statistical Technique, Harry J. Khamis
The Delta-Corrected Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test With Estimated Parameters, Harry J. Khamis
Uniqueness of Radial Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations, Man Kam Kwong and Yi Li
Asymptotic Behavior of Positive Solutions of Equation ∆u + K(x) u^p = 0 in R^n, Yi Li
On the Asymptotic Behavior and Radial Symmetry of Positive Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations in Rn. I. Asymptotic Behavior, Yi Li and Wei-Ming Ni
On the Asymptotic Behavior and Radial Symmetry of Positive Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations in R n II. Radial Symmetry, Yi Li and Wei-Ming Ni
Control of the wave equation at a rational point, Thomas P. Svobodny
Submissions from 1991
The Mann Test for Divisible Difference Sets, K. T. Arasu, Dieter Jungnickel, and Alexander Pott
A Problem in Statistical Analysis: Simultaneous Inference, Kathleen G. Beal and Harry J. Khamis
Active Noise Control: Piezoceramic Actuators in Fluid/Structure Interaction Models, Weifu Fang, H. Thomas Banks, and Ralph C. Smith
Identification of Semiconductor Contact Resistivity, Weifu Fang and Stavros Busenberg
A Mathematical Model for Outgassing and Contamination, Weifu Fang, Meir Shillor, E. Stahel, E. Epstein, C. Ly, J. McNiel, and E. Zaron
Analysis and Finite-Element Approximation of Optimal-Control Problems for the Stationary Navier-Stokes Equations with Distributed and Neumann Controls, Max D. Gunzburger, L. Hou, and Tom Svobodny
Analysis and Finite Element Approximation of Optimal Control Problems for the Stationary Navier-Stokes Equations with Dirichlet Controls, M. D. Gunzburger, L. S. Hou, and Tom Svobodny
Finite element approximations of an optimal control problem associated with the scalar Ginzburg-Landau equation, M. D. Gunzburger, L. Hou, and Thomas P. Svobodny
Buffon's Needle Problem on Radial Lines, Harry J. Khamis
Manual Computations - A Tool for Reinforcing Concepts and Techniques, Harry J. Khamis
Statistical Methods in Obstetric Ultrasound, Harry J. Khamis and Roger W. Warner
Boundary C1, α Regularity for Variational Inequalities, Fang-Hua Lin and Yi Li
Submissions from 1990
Statistical Analysis of a Problem Data Set: Correlated Observations, Kathleen G. Beal and Harry J. Khamis
Analysis of a Diffusion-Convection System Modeling a Contamination Problem, Weifu Fang, Meir Shillor, and Stavros Busenberg
On the Positive Solutions of the Free-Boundary Problem for Emden-Fowler Type Equations, Hans G. Kaper, Man Kam Kwong, and Yi Li
An Application of Bayes' Rule to Diagnostic Test Evaluation, Harry J. Khamis
The Bayesian Buffon Needle Problem on Concentric Circles, Harry J. Khamis
The Delta-Corrected Kolmogorov Smirnov Test For Goodness of Fit, Harry J. Khamis
On the Equivalence of the Operator Equations XA + BX = C and X - p(-B)Xp(A)(-1) = W in a Hilbert-Space, p A Polynomial, Tapas Mazumdar and David Miller
Bimodules Over Cartan Subalgebras, Richard Mercer
Combined Structural and Control Optimization: A Steepest Descents Approach, David F. Miller
Berry-Esseen-Type Bounds for Signed Linear Rank Statistics with a Broad Range of Scores, Munsup Seoh
Submissions from 1989
On the Existence and Symmetry Properties of Finite Total Mass Solutions of the Matukuma Equation, the Eddington Equation and Their Generalizations, Yi Li and Wei-Ming Ni
Spatial Critical Points of Solutions of a One-Dimensional Nonlinear Parabolic Problem, Larry Turyn
Submissions from 1988
Spectral Measures, Orthogonal Polynomials, and Absolute Continuity, Joanne Dombrowski
Contingency Table Estimation of Genetic Parameters and Disease Risks, Harry J. Khamis
Statistics Refresher II: Choice of Sample Size, Harry J. Khamis
The Monofactorial Model for Recurrence Risks with Generalized Penetrance, Harry J. Khamis
Remarks on a Semilinear Elliptic Equation on Rn, Yi Li
On Conformal Scalar Curvature Equations in Rn, Yi Li and Wei-Ming Ni
Impulse Response Matching for z-Domain Identification With Application To Model Order Reduction, D. F. Miller
The Iterative Solution of the Matrix Equation Xa + Bx + C = 0, D. F. Miller
Predictors of Improvement in Maximum Security Forensic Hospital Patients, Paul Rodenhauser and Harry J. Khamis
Relationships Between Legal and Clinical Factors Among Forensic Hospital Patients, Paul Rodenhauser and Harry J. Khamis
Submissions from 1987
Number Theoretic Consequences on the Parameters of a Symmetric Design, K. T. Arasu
Cyclic Operators, Commutators, and Absolutely Continuous Measures, Joanne Dombrowski
A Measure of Partial Association Between Disease and Genotype for the 2-Parent Problem, Harry J. Khamis
A Statistics Refresher: Tests of Hypothesis and Diagnostic Test Evaluation, Harry J. Khamis
On Buffon's Needle Problem Using Concentric Circles, Harry J. Khamis
Factors Related to Drug-Treatment Refusal in a Forensic Hospital, Harry J. Khamis, Paul Rodenhauser, and Charles E. Schwenkner
Gradient-Based Combined Structural and Control Optimization, David F. Miller and Jaedong Shim
A Multifactorial Behavioral Study of Coexisting Drosophilid Species in Nature, Marvin B. Seiger and Harry J. Khamis
Submissions from 1986
L(p) Estimates for Maximal Functions and Hilbert-Transforms Along Flat Convex Curves in R(2), Hasse Carlsson, Michael Christ, Antonio Cordoba, Javier Duoandikoetxea, Jose L. Rudio de Francia, Jim Vance, Stephen Wainger, and David Weinberg
Orthogonal Polynomials, Measures and Recurrence Relations, Joanne Dombrowski and Paul Nevai
Spectral Assignability of Systems with Scalar Control and Application to a Degenerate Hyperbolic System, Lop Fat Ho
Spectral Assignability of Systems with Scalar Control and Application to a Degenerate Hyperbolic System, Lop Fat Ho
Log-Linear Model Analysis of the Disease Genotype Association Problem: Two-Loci Case, Harry J. Khamis
A Discussion of the 1986 Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Professional Profile Survey: Part II, Harry J. Khamis and Roger W. Warner
A Time-Domain Approach to z-Domain Model Identification, David F. Miller
Combined Structural and Control Optimization for Flexible Systems Using Gradient Based Searches, D. F. Miller and Jaedong Shim
Alexithymia and Handedness: A Pilot Study, Paul Rodenhauser, Harry J. Khamis, and Alice Faryna
Summary of Descriptive Statistics for the 1986 Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Professional Profile Survey: Part I, Roger W. Warner and Harry J. Khamis
Submissions from 1985
Tridiagonal Matrix Representations of Cyclic Self-Adjoint Operators II, Joanne Dombrowski
A Comparison Between Recurrence Risks and Conditional Recurrence Risks Based on the Semi-Symmetrical Intraclass Contingency Table, Harry J. Khamis
Multivariable Linear Digital Control via State-Space Output Matching, David F. Miller
Integration of Structures and Controls – Some Computational Issues, David F. Miller, Vipperla B. Venkayya, and Victoria A. Tischler
Cramer Type Large Deviations for Generalized Rank Statistics, Munsup Seoh, Stegan S. Ralescu, and Madan L. Puri