
Submissions from 2000


A Nonlinear Parabolic Equation Modelling Surfactant Diffusion, Xinfu Chen, Chaocheng Huang, and Jennifer Zhao

Existence and Uniqueness of Steady-State Solutions to an Electrochemistry System, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito

Weak Solutions for Diffusion-Convection Equations, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito

Towards a Laser Beam Induced Current Test Structure for Nondestructive Determination of Junction Depth in HgCdTe Photodiodes, Weifu Fang, David A. Redfern, Charles A. Musca, John M. Dell, and Lorenzo Farone

A variational principle for the kramers equation with unbounded external forces, Chaocheng Huang


Commuting Self-Adjoint Extensions of Symmetric Operators Defined from the Partial Derivatives, Palle Jorgensen and Steen Pedersen

Buffons Nålproblem och Några Generaliseringar, Harry J. Khamis

The Two-Stage Delta-Corrected Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, Harry J. Khamis


Infinitely Many Solutions at a Resonance, Philip Korman and Yi Li


The Expected Wet Period of Finite Dam with Exponential Inputs, Eui Yong Lee and Kimberly Kinateder


Separation Property of Solutions for a Semilinear Elliptic Equation, Yi Liu, Yi Li, and Yinbin Deng

A Note on the Prediction Sum of Squares Statistic for Restricted Least Squares, Thaddeus Tarpey

Parallel Principal Axes, Thaddeus Tarpey

Spline Bottles, Thaddeus Tarpey and John Holcomb

Submissions from 1999


Positive Solutions to Semilinear Problems with Coefficient that Changes Sign, Nguyen Phuong Cac, Juan A. Gatica, and Yi Li

Multiple Solutions and Bifurcation of Nonhomogeneous Semilinear Elliptic Equations in Rn, Yinbin Deng, Yi Li, and Xuejin Zhao

Solutions of a Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem With a Large Parameter, Weifu Fang and Harry Gingold


Solutions to a Nonlinear Drift-Diffusion Model of Semiconductors, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito

Self Consistency (Update), Bernard Flury and Thaddeus Tarpey


Hopf Bifurcation in Models for Pertussis Epidemiology, Herbert W. Hethcote, Yi Li, and Zhujun Jing


A Free Boundary Problem With Nonlinear Jump and Kinetics on the Free Boundaries, Chaocheng Huang


Random Fluctuations of Convex Domains and Lattice Points, Alex Iosevich and Kimberly Kinateder


Variational Principles for Average Exit Time Moments for Diffusions in Euclidean Space, Kimberly Kinateder and Patrick McDonald


Generalized Averages for Solutions of Two-Point Dirichlet Problems, Philip Korman and Yi Li


On the Exactness of an S-Shaped Bifurcation Curve, Philip Korman and Yi Li


Stability of a Semilinear Cauchy Problem, Yi Liu, Yi Li, and Yinbin Deng

A note on commuting squares arising from automorphisms on subfactors, Phan H. Loi

A note on commuting squares arising from automorphisms on subfactors, Phan H. Loi


Anticommuting Derivations, Steen Pedersen

DNA Probe for Beta-Hemolytic Group B Streptococcus: Diagnostic Accuracy in Threatened Preterm Labor, K. M. Ryan, S. G. Lencki, B. L. Elder, W. I. Northern, Harry J. Khamis, and J. A. Bofill

Effect of Caffeine Consumption on Tissue Oxygen Levels During Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment, M. Stephens, M. Frey, S. Mohler, Harry J. Khamis, R. Penne, J. Bishop, and A. Bowden


Self-Consistency Algorithms, Thaddeus Tarpey

Self-Consistency and Principal Component Analysis, Thaddeus Tarpey

Spline Bottles, Thaddeus Tarpey


Axiomatic Approach for Quantification of Image Resolution, Ge Wang and Yi Li

Submissions from 1998

25 Years of Applied Statistics, A. J. Achcar, M. C. Agrawal, K. N. Anand, M. M. Ali, S. C. Bagui, R. D. Baker, S. Balamurali, U. Balasooriya, A. K. Bansal, J. Barry, D. G. Bonett, G. Box, K. Carling, Steven B. Caudill, S. Chakraborti, C. Chatfield, S. Chatterjee, J. A. Cornell, D. Cox, Norman Draper, A. Ehrenger, D. J. Finney, Philip Hans Franses, W. K. Fung, Joe Gani, A. Ghatak, J. C. Gibbings, F. Godtliebsen, A. P. Gore, Z. Govindarajulu, C.W. J. Granger, V. M. Guerrero, David J. Hand, A. G. Hawkes, K. Hinkelmann, S. Huda, S. Irmay, J.N. R. Jeffers, M. A. Kaboudan, Raghu Kacker, K. P. Kalirajan, R. S. Kenett, Harry J. Khamis, Andre I. Khuri, S. Kocherlakota, S. Kotz, V.S. Sampath Kumar, Toby Lewis, D. Lindley, Kanti Mardia, M. McAleer, Geoff McLachlan, G. Moore, D. N. Naik, F. R. Oliver, S. H. Park, S. C. Pearce, D. F. Percy, Phil Prescott, C. Quesenberry, G. Radaelli, C. Raju, E. D. Schoen, G. Seber, M. Shoukri, M. Silver, M. Singh, V. Soundararajan, K. K. Suresh, J. Stonehouse, S. Tomizawa, R. Vijayaraghavan, David L. Wang, G. S. Watson, E. J. Wagman, B. A. Wenmoth, D. W. Wichern, H. P. Wynn, A. Zellner, and N. F. Zhang


A Reduction Theorem for Circulant Weighing Matrices, K. T. Arasu


Computational Matrix Representation Modules for Linear Operators With Explicit Constructions for a Class of Lie Operators, Jyun Horng Fu and David F. Miller


A Generalization of a Theorem by Calabi to the Parabolic Monge-Ampère Equation, Cristian E. Gutiérrez and Qingbo Huang


Evolution of Mixed-State Regions in Type-II Superconductors, Chaocheng Huang and Tom Svobodny


Orthogonal Harmonic Analysis of Fractal Measures, Palle Jorgensen and Steen Pedersen


Exit Time Moments, Boundary Value Problems, and the Geometry of Domains in Euclidean Space, Kimberly Kinateder, Patrick McDonald, and David Miller

Exact Multiplicity of Positive Solutions of Some Elliptic Problems, Yi Li


A Structural Result of Irreducible Inclusions of Type III Lambda Factors, Lambda Is an Element of (0,1), Phan Loi

Commuting squares and the classification of finite depth inclusions of AFD type IIIλ factors, λ∈ (0, 1), Phan H. Loi


Commuting squares and the classification of finite depth inclusions of AFD type IIIλ factors, λ∈ (0, 1), Phan H. Loi


An Arithmetic Free Parallel Mixed-radix Conversion Algorithm, David F. Miller and William S. McCormick

Magnetocaloric effect in ferromagnetic and superconducting materials, Thomas P. Svobodny and Z. Kalva

Self-Consistent Patterns for Symmetric Multivariate Distributions, Thaddeus Tarpey

Submissions from 1997


On the Product of Two Generalized Derivations, Mohamed Barraa and Steen Pedersen


Travelling Fronts in Cylinders and Their Stability, Jerrold W. Bebernes, Comgming Li, and Yi Li


Eigenfunction and Harmonic Function Estimates in Domains with Horns and Cusps, Michael Cranston and Yi Li

Existence of Multiple Positive Solutions for a Semilinear Elliptic Equation, Yinbin Deng and Yi Li

On the Inhomogeneous System of Isentropic Gas Dynamics by Viscosity Method, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito

Steady-State Solutions to a One-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model for Semiconductors, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito

Weak Solutions to a One-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model of Two Carrier Types for Semiconductors, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito


Averaged Motion of Charged Particles in a Curved Strip, Avner Friedman and Chaocheng Huang

Assumptions in Statistical Analyses of Sonography Research Data, Harry J. Khamis


Statistics and the Issue of Animal Numbers in Research, Harry J. Khamis

The Delta-Corrected Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test for the Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution, Harry J. Khamis

Chordal Graph Models of Contingency Tables, Harry J. Khamis and Terry A. McKee


Hypersurfaces in R-D and the Variance of Exit Times for Brownian Motion, Kimberly Kinateder and Patrick McDonald

On Homoclinic and Heteroclinic Orbits for Hamiltonian Systems, Philip Korman, Alan C. Lazer, and Yi Li

Periodic and strongly free automorphisms on inclusions of type IIIλ factors, Phan H. Loi

Periodic and strongly free automorphisms on inclusions of type IIIλ factors, Phan H. Loi

Characterization Results on Self--Consistency for Elliptical Distributions, Thaddeus Tarpey


Estimating Principal Points of Univariate Distributions, Thaddeus Tarpey

Submissions from 1996

Prostaglandin E2 Gel for Cervical Ripening in Patients with an Indication for Delivery, Roberto J. A. Darroca, Louis Buttino Jr., John R. Miller, and Harry J. Khamis


Existence and Bifurcation of the Positive Solutions for a Semilinear Equation with Critical Exponent, Yinbin Deng and Yi Li

Explicit Solutions for LBIC Signals in Semiconductors by Asymptotic Method, Weifu Fang and Ellis Cumberbatch

Energy Estimates for a One-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model of Semiconductors, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito

On the Stationary Semiconductor Equations Arising in Modeling of LBIC Technique, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito

Growth of Older Infants Fed Low-Fat Formula, George J. Fuchs, Roger A. Clemens, Sharon W. Hutchinson, Marianne DeWier, Alex F. Roche, Shumei Guo, William Cameron Chumlea, Harry J. Khamis, Steven A. Witherly, Russell J. Merritt, Robert M. Suskind, and Roger M. Siervogel

Application of the Multigraph Representation of Hierarchical Loglinear Models, Harry J. Khamis

Multigraph Representations of Hierarchical Loglinear Models, Harry J. Khamis and Terry A. McKee


Exact Multiplicity Results for Boundary Value Problems with Nonlinearities Generalizing Cubic, Philip Korman, Yi Li, and Tiancheng Ouyang


Stability Analysis of a Model for the Defect Structure of YBa2Cu3Ox, Gregory Kozlowski and Tom Svobodny

On automorphisms of subfactors, Phan H. Loi


Bounds on Squares of Two-Sets, Daniel Slilaty and Jeffrey Vanderkam

Control of flow separation in magnetohydrodynamics, Thomas P. Svobodny

Principal Points, Thaddeus Tarpey


Self-Consistency: A Fundamental Concept in Statistics, Thaddeus Tarpey and Bernard Flury


A Center-Unstable Manifold Theorem for Parametrically Excited Surface Waves, Larry Turyn

Relationships Between the Body Mass Index and Body Composition, Rita I. Wellens, Alex F. Roche, Harry J. Khamis, Andrew S. Jackson, Michael L. Pollock, and Roger M. Siervogel

Submissions from 1995


A Variant of the Notion of a Space of Homogeneous Type, Anthony Carbery, James Vance, Stephen Wainger, and James Wright


Singularity of Super-Brownian Local Time at a Point Catalyst, Donald A. Dawson, Klaus Fleischmann, Yi Li, and Carl Mueller


The Support of Measure-Valued Branching Processes in a Random Environment, Donald A. Dawson, Yi Li, and Carl Mueller

Asymptotic Behavior of the Drift-Diffusion Semiconductor Equations, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito

Global Solutions to the Time-Dependent Drift-Diffusion Semiconductor Equations, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito

On the Time-Dependent Drift-Diffusion Model for Semiconductors, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito

The Body-Mass Index as a Proxy for Fatness and Fat-Free Mass in Adults, Harry J. Khamis

Growth Outcome of "Normal" Short Children Who Are Retarded in Skeletal Maturation, Harry J. Khamis and Alex F. Roche


Stability of Growing Front of YBa(2)Cu(3)O(x) Superconductor in the Presence of Pt and CeO(2) Additions, Gregory Kozlowski and Tom Svobodny

Existence and Nonexistence of Positive Singular Solutions for Semilinear Elliptic Problems with Applications in Astrophysics, Yi Li and Jairo Santanilla


Resolution of a 2π Ambiguity Problem in Multiple Frequency Spectral Estimation, William S. McCormick, David F. Miller, and James B.Y. Tsui


Free-Boundary Problems for Potential and Stokes Flows via Nonsmooth Analysis, Srdjan Stojanovic and Tom Svobodny

Analysis and Computation of a Mean-Field Dynamo Model, Tom Svobodny

Principal Points and Self-Consistent Points of Symmetrical Multivariate Distributions, Thaddeus Tarpey


Principal Points and Self-Consistent Points of Elliptical Distributions, Thaddeus Tarpey, Luning Li, and Bernard Flury

Submissions from 1994


Erratum: The Mann Test for Divisible Difference Sets, K. T. Arasu, Dieter Jungnickel, and Alexander Pott