
Submissions from 2007


On the Exact Multiplicity of Solutions for Boundary-Value Problems via Computing the Direction of Bifurcations, Joaquin Riviera and Yi Li


Projective-Planar Signed Graphs and Tangled Signed Graphs, Dan Slilaty


Decompositions of Signed-Graphic Matroids, Dan Slilaty and Hongxun Qin

Modeling and computation of pulsed laser materials processing, Thomas P. Svobodny

A Modelling Controversy: Finite Mixture or Homogeneous, Thaddeus Tarpey


A Parametric K-Means Algorithm, Thaddeus Tarpey


Step-Up Simultaneous Tests for Identifying Active Effects in Orthogonal Saturated Designs, Samuel S. Wu and Weizhen Wang

Submissions from 2006


Algebraic Characterizations of Graph Imbeddability in Surfaces and Pseudosurfaces, Lowell Abrams and Dan Slilaty


Self-Dual Codes over F3 and Negacirculant Conference Matrices, K. T. Arasu, Yu Qing Chen, T. Aaron Gulliver, and Weilai Song

Branches of Solutions to Semilinear Biharmonic Equations on Rn, Yinbin Deng and Yi Li

The Stability of the Positive Radical Steady States for a Nonhomogeneous Semilinear Cauchy Problem, Yinbin Deng, Yi Li, and Fen Yang

Reconstruction of Permittivity Profile From Boundary Capacitance Data, Weifu Fang

A Homogenization Model for Laser Beam Induced Current Imaging and Detection of Non-Uniformities in Semiconductor Arrays, Weifu Fang, Kazufumi Ito, and David A. Redfern

Principal Points, Bernard Flury and Thaddeus Tarpey

On the Oscillations of the Solution Curve for A Class of Semilinear Equations, Anahit Galstian, Philip Korman, and Yi Li

Local Stability of Traveling Wave Solutions of Nonlinear Reaction Diffusion Equations, Xiaojie Hou and Yi Li


On the Mean Oscillation of the Hessian of Solutions to the Monge-Ampère Equation, Qingbo Huang

On the Mean Oscillation of the Hessian of Solutions to the Monge-Ampère Equation on a Priori c1,α and W 2,P Estimates for a Parabolic Monge-Ampère Equation in the Gauss Curvature Flows, Qingbo Huang and L. U. Guozhen

Existence, Uniqueness and Decay Properties of Strong Solutions to an Evolutionary System of MHD Type in R3, Yi Li and Chunshan Zhao


Electrical Properties of Unintentionally Doped Semi-Insulating and Conducting 6H-SiC, William C. Mitchel, W. D. Mitchell, Z. Q. Fang, S. R. Smith, Helen Smith, Igor Khlebnikov, Y. I. Khlebnikov, C. Basceri, and C. Balkas


Bias Matroids With Unique Graphical Representations, Dan Slilaty

Latent Regression Analysis, Thaddeus Tarpey


Allometric Extension for Multivariate Regression Models, Thaddeus Tarpey and Christopher T. Ivey

Estimation in Regression Models with Externally Estimated Parameters, Thaddeus Tarpey and R. Todd Ogden


On Adaptive Testing in Orthogonal Saturated Designs, Daniel T. Voss and Weizhen Wang

Recent Development in Bioluminescence Tomography, Ge Wang, Wenxiang Cong, Yi Li, Weimin Han, Durai Kumar, Xin Qian, Haiou Shen, Ming Jiang, Tie Zhou, Jiantao Cheng, Jie Tian, Yujie Lv, Hui Li, and Jie Luo

Bifurcations in a Host-Parasite Model with Nonlinear Incidence, Wendi Wang, Yi Li, and Herbert W. Hethcote

Submissions from 2005

Matrix Properties of Data From Electrical Capacitance Tomography, Weifu Fang and Ellis Cumberbatch

A Linear Integral Equation Approach to the Robin Inverse Problem, Weifu Fang and Furong Lin


Investigation of Laser Beam Induced Current Techniques for Heterojunction Photodiode Characterization, Weifu Fang, David A. Redfern, Kazufumi Ito, G. Bahir, Charles A. Musca, John M. Dell, and Lorenzo Faraone

The Effects of Antipsychotic Medication on Factor and Cluster Structure of Neurologic Examination Abnormalities in Schizophrenia, Gerald Goldstein, Richard D. Sanders, Steven D. Forman, Thaddeus Tarpey, John A. Gurklis, Daniel P. Van Kammen, and Matcheri S. Keshavan

Species Coexistence and Periodicity in Host-Host-Pathogen Models, Herbert W. Hethcote, Wendi Wang, and Yi Li

Comparison of Male And Female Breast Cancer Incidence Trends, Tumor Characteristics, And Survival, Teresa D. Hill, Harry J. Khamis, Jerzy E. Tyczynski, and Hans J. Berkel


Measures of Association, Harry J. Khamis

Multigraph Modelling, Harry J. Khamis


Computing the Location and the Direction of Bifurcation, Philip Korman, Yi Li, and Tiancheng Ouyang


Computational Optical Biopsy, Yi Li, Ming Jiang, and Ge Wang

A Note on Exponential Decay Properties of Ground States for Quasilinear Elliptic Equations, Yi Li and Chunshan Zhao

Global Existence of Solutions to a Cross-Diffusion System in Higher Dimensional Domains, Yi Li and Chunshan Zhao

On the Structure of Solutions to a Class of Quasilinear Elliptic Neumann Problems, Yi Li and Chunshan Zhao


5-FU Uptake in Peritoneal Metastases After Pretreatment with Radioimmunotherapy or Vasoconstriction: An Autoradiographic Study in the Rat, Haile Mahteme, Anders Sundin, Bengt Larsson, Harry J. Khamis, Kiril Arow, and Wilhelm Graf


Bias of the Cox Model Hazard Ratio, Inger Persson and Harry J. Khamis

Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Neurological Evaluation Scale in Unmedicated Schizophrenia, Richard D. Sanders, Daniel N. Allen, Steven D. Forman, Thaddeus Tarpey, Matcheri S. Keshavan, and Gerald Goldstein


On Cographic Matroids and Signed-Graphic Matroids, Dan Slilaty

The ablation plume shock wave in a thermal gradient, Thomas P. Svobodny and Rand H. Biggers


Erratum: “Uniqueness Theorems in Bioluminescence Tomography” [Med. Phys. 31, 2289–2299 (2004)], Ge Wang, Yi Li, and Ming Jiang


On the Structure of Solutions to a Class of Quasilinear Elliptic Neumann Problems. Part II, Chunshan Zhao and Yi Li

Submissions from 2004

Exact Multiplicity for Periodic Solutions of a First-Order Differential Equation, Hongbin Chen and Yi Li

A Nonlinear Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Electrical Capacitance Tomography, Weifu Fang

LBIC Imaging of Semiconductor Arrays: The Cross-Sectional Model, Weifu Fang, Kazufumi Ito, and David A. Redfern

A Fast Collocation Method for an Inverse Boundary Value Problem, Weifu Fang and Mingying Lu

Low Temperature Saturation of P-N Junction Laser Beam Induced Current Signals, Weifu Fang, David A. Redfern, Kazufumi Ito, Charles A. Musca, John M. Dell, and Lorenzo Faraone

An Implementation of Fast Wavelet Galerkin Methods for Integral Equations of the Second Kind, Weifu Fang, Yi Wang, and Yuesheng Xu

Simple Solution to a Common Statistical Problem: Interpreting Multiple Tests, Toufigh Gordi and Harry J. Khamis


The Dual Spectral Set Conjecture, Steen Pedersen


Linear Conditional Expectation for Discretized Distributions, Thaddeus Tarpey and Richard D. Sanders


Uniqueness Theorems in Bioluminescence Tomography, Ge Wang, Yi Li, and Ming Jiang

Submissions from 2003


An Algebraic Characterization of Projective-Planar Graphs, Lowell Abrams and Dan Slilaty

Estimates in the Generalized Campanato-John-Nirenberg Spaces for Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equations, Luis A. Caffarelli and Qingbo Huang


Exact Multiplicity for Periodic Solutions of Duffing type, Hongbin Chen, Yi Li, and Xiaojie Hou


On the Stability of the Positive Radial Steady States for a Semilinear Cauchy Problem, Yinbin Deng, Yi Li, and Yi Liu


Multiple Solutions for an Inhomogeneous Semilinear Elliptic Equation in Rn, Yinbin Deng, Yi Li, and Xuejin Zhao

Identification of Contact Regions in Semiconductor Transistors by Level Set Methods, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito


Global Solutions to the Lake Equations with Isolated Vortex Regions, Chaocheng Huang


Perturbation of Global Solution Curves for Semilinear Problems, Philip Korman, Yi Li, and Tiancheng Ouyang

Nitric Oxide and Inflammatory Response in Simulated Extracorporeal Circulation, M. Lahtinen, V. Melki, B. Adamik, Harry J. Khamis, and J. W. Borowiec


The Global Dynamics of Isothermal Chemical Systems with Critical Nonlinearity, Yi Li and Yuanwei Qi

Uptake of 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) in Peritoneal Metastases in Relation to the Route of Drug Administration and Tumour Debulking Surgery: An Autoradiographic Study in the Rat, H. Mahteme, B. Larsson, A. Sundin, Harry J. Khamis, and W. Graf

Standard Errors for Parameter Estimation in Kinetic Modeling with an Input Function, R. Todd Ogden, Thaddeus Tarpey, J. John Mann, and Ramin V. Parsey

Reacting dynamics of the laser ablation plume, Thomas P. Svobodny and Rand Biggers


Estimating the Average Slope, Thaddeus Tarpey

Identification of Placebo Responders Among Drug-Treated Subjects, Thaddeus Tarpey

Clustering Functional Data, Thaddeus Tarpey and Kimberly Kinateder

Profiling Placebo Responders by Self-Consistent Partitioning of Functional Data, Thaddeus Tarpey, Eva Petkova, and R. Todd Ogden

Functional Data Analysis Issues for Identifying Placebo Response in Drug Treated Subjects, Thaddeus Tarpey, Eva Petkova, and Todd Ogden

Identification of Placebo Responders Among Drug Treated Subjects, Thaddeus Tarpey, Eva Petkova, Todd Ogden, and Ying Chen


On Adaptive Estimation in Orthogonal Saturated Designs, Weizhen Wang and Daniel T. Voss

Submissions from 2002


On the Existence of Multiple Positive Solutions for a Semilinear Problem In Exterior Domains, Yinbin Deng and Yi Li

Nonhomogeneous Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Diffusion-Convection Equations, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito


Parameter Identification for Semiconductor Diodes by LBIC Imaging, Weifu Fang, Kazufumi Ito, and David A. Redfern

Multi-Level Iteration Methods for Solving Integral Equations of the Second Kind, Weifu Fang, Fuming Ma, and Yuesheng Xu


Domain Functionals and Exit Times for Brownian Motion, Chaocheng Huang and David Miller


On the Regularity of Solutions to Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equations via the Liouville Property, Qingbo Huang


Teaching Biostatistics in Sweden, Harry J. Khamis

Multivariate Cubic Spline Smoothing in Multiple Prediction, Harry J. Khamis and Michael Kepler


Absolutely Continuous Jacobi Operators, Steen Pedersen

Laparoscopic Antireflux Surgery in Routine Hospital Care, R. Sandbu, Harry J. Khamis, S. Gustavsson, and U. Haglund

Long-Term Results of Antireflux Surgery Indicate the Need for a Randomized Clinical Trial, R. Sandbu, Harry J. Khamis, S. Gustavsson, and U. Haglund


Matroid Duality from Topological Duality in Surfaces of Nonnegative Euler Characteristic, Dan Slilaty

The pulsed-laser ablation plume dynamics: Characterization and modeling, Thomas P. Svobodny and Rand R. Biggers

Allometric Extension for Multivariate Regression, Thaddeus Tarpey


Curriculum Guidelines for Bachelor of Arts Degrees in Statistical Science, Thaddeus Tarpey, Carmen Acuna, George Cobb, and Richard DeVeaux

Submissions from 2001


Cyclic Relative Difference Sets with Classical Parameters, K. T. Arasu, J. F. Dillon, Ka Hin Leung, and Siu Lun Leung

Differential Equations With Varying Nonlinearity and Singular Perturbations, Weifu Fang, U. Elias, and Harry Gingold

An Electrochemistry Model With Nonlinear Diffusion: Steady-State Solutions, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito

Existence of Stationary Solutions to an Energy Drift-Diffusion Model for Semiconductor Devices, Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito

W2, P Estimates for the Parabolic Monge-Ampère Equation, Cristian E. Gutiérrez and Qingbo Huang

Singular integral system approach to regularity of 3D vortex patches, Chaocheng Huang


Variations of Constrained Domain Functionals Associated With Boundary-Value Problems, Chaocheng Huang and D. Miller


Control of Error Rates in Adaptive Analysis of Orthogonal Saturated Designs, Weizhen Wang and Daniel T. Voss